
My Rogue Luna

kickass heroine

The thing about school is if you are not popular you are bullied. Especially when you are the loner of the school, and even worse, the loner ‘new girl’. The schools I had been to before were easy to avoid the bullying, but this one is going to be different, and a lot harder. The reason for this, this school was for those who are the same as me, Werewolves.

The only problem with going to an all-wolf school is, I would be around packs who believe in status and pack loyalty. They also believe that rogues are evil and should not live, this is my problem.

My name is Freya Adams, and I am a Rogue Wolf.

I will try my best to update as often as possible.


Copyright © 2021 S E.L SMITH

All Rights Reserved

This story is signed and published on Dreame, and Dreame alone.

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Chapter 1
Today is the day, today I will be starting a new school, and a school for werewolves at that. I have never really cared about starting a new school before, but then again, I have never attended a school full of wolves. I am not nervous, or nor do I have the ‘first day jitters’, but I am worried for my safety. You see wolves that are part of packs despise those who live without a pack, also known as rogues. They believe that the reason a wolf is a rogue is because they have broken some rule which resulted in them being banished, therefor all rogues are evil. For me this is not the case, I have never been part of a pack. When I was a baby I was given up for adoption after my birth parents were killed, I have lived with multiple families growing up, but they have all been human. I did not know I was a wolf until I turned 17 last year, on my seventeenth birthday I shifted for the first time. Unlike all the stories I had read about the supernatural, I did not have another mind belonging to my wolf. After reading the stories where you could speak to your wolf did seem cool, and part of me is disappointed that this is not the case for us, I wouldn’t feel so alone if I did. Once I shifted, I decided to seek out a new family, a wolf family and not a human one. I spent every day searching since the day I turned 17, this is how I learned that pack’s despised rogues. Every family I found turned me away, claiming if I entered pack lands, I would be killed on site, so eventually I stopped looking. When I turned 18 last month, I inherited a small fortune from my deceased parents, and as I was legally an adult, I decided to enrol into school which was located on neutral wolf grounds. This school provided accommodation onsite, almost like university, so it would be perfect for me. I would be allocated a room, with or without a roommate, and that is where I would be living for the next 2 years. Even though we are on neutral grounds, it is a small village so I still get stares from other wolves when I go out but at least no one actually bothers me, not until now anyway. I am currently standing outside my new school, and new home, Black Moon High. First thing I need to do is find were the assortment offices are and get the keys to my room. Luckily, there is hardly anyone around, other than the odd wolf, usually the ones who keep to themselves. I came extra early to avoid other wolves, I know I cannot avoid them forever, but I prefer to have a room to run back to if I need it. As I walk into the school I ignore the looks I receive and follow the directions to the offices. A short time later I reach them and enter the Enrolment office. I cough to alert the woman sitting at the desk of my presence, “Erm, excuse me?” I say. She looks up at me over her glasses, which are far to small for her face. She looks to be in her fifties, with short grey hair, a small frame but not a very welcoming face. “Can I help you rogue?” She says displeased of me disturbing her. I guess even staff aren’t nice to us rogues, I wonder if there are anymore here like me. “Today if my first day and I need to enrol.” I tell her confidently; I will not let anyone get to me. “Hmm. Name?” She huffs. “Freya Adams.” I reply. She taps some information onto her computer then takes out some papers and a key from her drawer. “Here you go Rogue. This is all information you need to know along with your timetable of classes and your door key.” She says in a cold manner. I take the papers and the key from her, “Thanks.” When I leave her office and back into the school halls I notice that it is getting busier, I read that this school has a number of before and after school activities, so I am guessing most of these students are here early for that. As I navigate my way around the school to find my room I can’t help but notice the stares and disgusted looks I get. But again, I am used to it. Can a rogue not mean something so bad, just once? And will anyone give me the chance to prove it? Probably not. After getting lost a couple of times and being ignored when asking for directions, I finally found my room. Part of me is hesitant, what if I have a roommate who is mean, personally I would prefer not to have one. I put my key in the door and it clicks unlocking the door. I open it and I instantly hear someone shuffling around, great. I pull my suitcases into the entrance and look around, the entrance is pretty, the walls are a pale purple with a white floral design around the bottom. The floors are completely laminated, which looks like it runs through into the living area. To the left there is a coat and keys hanger and to my right is a large shoe cabinet with some pretty ornaments sitting on top. I walk forward towards the living area, only separated by an open archway. As I enter I notice the kitchen is combined with a half wall separation, there is a charcoal grey matching two-seater and chair facing towards a TV with a black coffee table between them. The walls in here are bare, freshly painted by the looks of it, all but one wall is painted magnolia and one wall is painted dark grey to match the chairs. I walk over to the kitchen; it is not huge but cosy. The units are wooden with black marble looking tops and black appliances, we have everything, a fridge-freezer, washing machine, cooker, and even a dishwasher. Nice. I turn back around to the living room and a woman is standing there looking at me with a sour face, this must be the roommate. “Hi.” I say first. If we are going to live together we need to get on. “Great, I get a rogue as a roommate.” She mumbles. “I’m sorry, I know its probably the last thing you want.” I say honestly. She lets out a sigh and straightens her back. “Yes it is. But there is nothing I can do about it now. If we are going to do this I want full honestly from you, no lies. Otherwise this will not be a pleasant year.” She exclaims. “Ok?” I start to say. “My name is Lilly, I am 18 years old, and I have found my mate. If you would like to tell my what you did to become a rogue?” She demands. “Ok Lilly. My name is Freya, also 18. Not sure what you mean about mate, but I haven’t done anything. I don’t think I have ever been in a pack.” I explain. “Oh come on, everyone has. I said no lies.” “I may have before, but I lost both my parents when I was born, I was raised by humans. I only found out I was a wolf last year when I turned on my seventeenth birthday. Honestly, that is the truth. So unless that is a crime, I haven’t done anything wrong.” I tell her. Her mouth drops in shock. “You aren’t joking are you?” She asks although she already knows the answer. “No not at all. This is still new to me; I only know what I have read and figured out myself. Which is why I am here, neutral grounds.” I say. “Neutral grounds, in Moonville village yes. This school, not so much, well technically.” She tells me warily. “What? I thought everything in this village was neutral for all wolves?” I ask. The way she said that makes me worried, have I made a mistake. “The school is named the ‘Black Moon’ for a reason. After the Black Moon pack, they basically run this school. No one dares stand up to them or get in their way and they do what they want. And even worse, the newly appointed Alpha is returning at some point this year to finish his last 2 years because he was off doing Alpha training. No one outside his pack even knows his name, if dared ask, you would be killed. They are not a pack to mess with, especially the Alpha.” She explains. “I have made a big mistake, haven’t I?” I reply. “If the Alpha weren’t coming back I would have said you were fine, but he hates rogues more than anyone. Rumour has it he had to take the Alpha role early because his parents were killed by rogues.” “s**t. Well, I will just have to try keep my head down then.” I say, more to myself. “Look Freya, I know why you are a rogue now, but if we weren’t roommates I wouldn’t have given you the time to explain. I imagine this will be the same for everyone else, they won’t give you the time of day. We can be friendly in here but when we are out the room, I will need to act like I don’t know you. I am sorry, I just want to get through my last two years with no problems.” She says honestly. “Lilly that is fine. I understand, thank you for listening. Now which is my room?” I ask, changing the subject. She laughs lightening the mood. “Yours is the one on the right. I am going out, don’t wait up. There is flood in the kitchen, I shopped earlier so help yourself. You can get the next shop in.” She says and leaves, giving me a wake as she does. Once I hear the door click I take my bags to my room. It is a good-sized room, with a king size bed in the middle, there are light grey side tables either side of the bed and the wall behind the bed is matching in colour, the rest in magnolia. Opposite the bed is two doors, one opens into a walk-in closet, the other is the joined bathroom. The bathroom is all white, with silver swirl patterned tile, there is a bath and shower top the right side and the toilet and sink on the left. If it weren’t for the fear I now feel after what Lilly told me, I would be jumping for joy at this place. I just hope I have different classes to the pack, and especially the Alpha. I get into bed and think about all the different scenarios that tomorrow might bring, each one is not good for me. How will I last here if the school really is ran by a pack? They hate me, and if no one lets me explain why I am a rogue then I am screwed, like Lilly said, if it wasn't for the fact we are roommates she wouldn't have listened to me and would have hated me like everyone else does. One thing I know for sure is tomorrow will be hard and difficult, I just hope it gets better.

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