Chapter 3

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“Oh my god Freya! What happened?” Lilly demands. “I had a little trouble, as expected.” I tell her and walk towards the living room. She instantly follows me. “But it is 6pm, school finished at 2 today. This was happening all this time?” She asks. “Not exactly. This happened at lunch.” I admit to her. She squints her eyes at me and furrows her brows. “So, if this happened at lunch, where were you?” “I was kind of unconscious all afternoon.” I whisper. But I know she heard me. “WHAT! WHO DID THIS?” She shouts. “Calm down Lilly, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it isn’t like you can do anything, I will have to get used to it. We both knew this was a possibility.” I tell her. “I know, but…” “No. No buts Lilly, you know it’s true. But anyway, you got any wine?” I ask, changing the subject. She gives me a look and huffs. “This isn’t over.” She says as she walks to the kitchen. She is right though, this is far from over, for me anyway. She comes back from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two glasses, and we spend all evening talking about our pasts and drinking. It was nice, she made me feel normal and boy did I need it after today. The downside is I have to do it all over again tomorrow, and I still have the issue with the Alpha returning at any moment. Morning came all to quickly and after my shower I am staring at myself in the mirror. The bruises on my face are fading quickly but can still be seen so it seems I will be wearing foundation today. I don’t usually wear a lot of makeup, only some eyeliner and mascara, I don’t usually need it. And it is too much hassle to put on and take off. Not being biased but I am not ugly, so I really don’t need it. My hair is chestnut brown and falls to my lower back, I wear it in a middle parting and I either have it down straight or pulled back into a bun. After yesterday being pulled by my hair, I think I will wear it in a bun going forward. My eyes are a lovely blue/ green colour, they are bright blue in the middle with a bright green outline, I love them and my lips are naturally pink and are full, and when I smile I get little dimples appear. My biggest downfall is my cheeks because they are high, which I used to really hate but I got used to it and now I couldn’t imagine not having high cheekbones. My skin is slightly tanned but compared to others here I am quite pale, which doesn’t help my bruises at all. Overall I am happy with the way I look. Once I finish my hair and makeup, I decide to wear jeans and a jumper with some knee-high boots. Even though we are in September and it is still quite warm, I need to cover as much skin as possible, plus it might help cushion some of the hits that I am likely to get. Once I am ready, I have breakfast with Lilly before heading out, I didn’t eat anything yesterday, so I am quite hungry this morning, not sure if eating is a good idea though. I make my way through the halls of the school trying to avoid Callum and his group, when I reach my first class, I listen in the room to see if I can hear him. Luckily, I don’t so I enter and find the desk furthest away from everyone. The day goes by quickly and before long we are almost at the end of the day, I have managed to stay away from Callum and his friends, so I haven’t had any beatings yet. Don’t get me wrong I have had a lot of looks and snickers from other students, and the odd thing thrown at me while walking by, but nothing I cannot handle. I would be happy if most days were like this. The final bell rings and as usual I wait for all the other students to leave before I do, I don’t want to get in anyone’s way. Once the room is empty, I pick my bag up and head towards the door. Just as I am about to walk out Callum walks in, and I immediately take a step back. Of course, I wouldn’t be lucky enough to avoid him all day. “Trying to avoid me rogue?” He asks. I can hear all his friends in the hall too, so he isnt alone. Just as he asks that he looks at the teacher and they give each other a nod, then the teacher leaves, leaving me alone. I thought teachers were meant to stop bullying, not help, I guess I was wrong. “I need to go, please.” I say, I know I sound desperate, but I really don’t want to go through this again. “Oh no. I am angry, and I cannot go home like this, I need a release.” He declares while coming forward, pushing me further back into the room. When we are far enough in the room 4 of his friends join us and shut the door, I know there are still people outside, more than likely guarding the door, so we aren’t interrupted. I know my face has paled, I know what is happening, but this gives Callum some sort of thrill. “Aw is the little rogue scared? You shouldn’t even be alive, your pack should have killed you not allowed you to do as you please, even as a rogue.” He spits. “But I am not…” “SHUT UP! I am talking you disgusting piece of s**t. Who gave you the right to speak to me when not asked? Hmm no one. Now listen here, you will put up with this because it is what you deserve. You should never feel happiness or joy, only pain and suffering for being so repulsive. I know what your kind have done to become rogues, so stop pretending to be all high and mighty.” He states. There is no point trying to reason with him, so I put my head down and brace for the impact of his fist. Which comes within seconds, like I expected. The first hit makes me stumble back, but it didn’t knock me over like it did yesterday. This angered him more. “Trying to act tough now? We will see how tough you really are.” He claims and pulls out a silver knife. What the hell. What is he going to do? Surely, he won’t kill me, this is still neutral grounds after all. Plus, we are in a school. He comes closer waving the knife in my face making me stumble back and fall into one of his friends. His friends grab a hold of both my arms so I cannot move, and another covers my mouth so I cannot scream. Callum then punches me a few more times and knees me in the stomach, I want to scrunch into a ball, but they have me held up, at leased it is with my arms and not my hair. Callum then picks the knife back up, which I didn’t know he had dropped, and rubs the side of the blade across my cheeks. “Shall we make you an ugly rogue?” He asks, more to himself. Please no, not the face, everyone will see. And with it being silver, I read that it sometimes leaves a scar. “Or shall we just kill you?” He says. I notice his stance change and I know he is about to apply pressure to cut my cheek. On instinct I thrash my head as he does, then he looks at me in horror and steps back. Why did he stop? What happened? The students holding me let go and I fall onto my knees, I put my hand up and feel my cheek but cannot feel anything. I look back up and they are leaving quickly. I look down and I am covered in blood, but I didn’t feel anything. I suddenly start seeing stars and a pain starts to erupt from my neck, I put my hand up and that’s when I feel it. He sliced my neck, from below my ear diagonally to the front by the feel of it. The moment I touched it though the pain got worse making me scream out in agony. I fall forward still holding my neck, fearing the worse. I need something for pressure. As much pain as I am in, I cannot die here, I need to help myself. It was like a surge of adrenaline, from the fear of dying here alone, swept through me and I quickly took my jumper off, as carefully as possible. Good job I wore a top underneath, I awkwardly get the jumper off and press it against my neck and stand up. I go to the teacher’s desk and look in the drawers to see if there is anything I could use, but nothing. I read that if cut by silver it wont heal on its own and I will need to stitch it up, I guess I need to go back to the pharmacy. I doubt they will help so I need to be quick so I can get back home and do it. I quickly make my way to the pharmacy, not once did someone stop to see if I was ok, considering I am holding a bloody jumper to my neck. When I walk inside the pharmacy the air around me changes, it is hard to explain, but I cannot dwell on it too much. I need to get those stitching kits and quickly. I go to the first aid section and look over the shelves, finally right at the bottom I see what I need. As I bend forward to get one I feel the blood flowing quicker, making me lose my balance and the stars return. “Whooah there.” Someone says grabbing me and helping me back up. I look up to see who helped me, and it a young lookin she-wolf. My god she is stunning, she has shoulder length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and tanned skin. If it weren’t for the pain I can feel I would say she was an angel. She is a wolf though, so why is she speaking to me? I can feel the aura coming from her and it is strong, stronger than Callum. “Thank you.” I whisper, looking down. I am sure if she hasn’t figured it out already she will soon realise I am a rogue. She looks at me quizzically. “What happened?” She asks. “Oh, nothing. I just slipped.” I tell her, hopefully she will believe me and let me go. I need to go. “Hmm.” She replies. Yep, she doesn’t believe me. Something inside me tells me I am being watched, is this a trick to finish me off. I quickly look around, but I don’t see anyone, I have this strange feeling though, like I am being drawn to something or someone. I shake my head dismissing the feeling, I need to get out of here. “I am sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but I need to go.” I tell her politely. “Are you not going to get that looked at by the pharmacist?” She asks. “Erm no. I can’t, I need to go home.” I say quickly and go to walk towards the till. As I pass her I notice she bobs her head slightly, like she is signalling someone. I can feel the panic rising and I start shaking, I need to go now. When I get to the till I feel a hand placed on my shoulder, I turn, and she is behind me smiling. “Kate, I am taking her to the back room, don’t let anyone know we are there and don’t let anyone in.” She tells the worker and drags me behind the counter towards a door. Is this it, is she going to finish me off?
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