Chapter 4

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As I am dragged into a back room I start thinking about ways to defend myself, but I keep coming up empty. I am bleeding out, getting random dizzy spells, there is no way I will be able to escape. Once we enter the room she closes and locks the door then turns to me. “Don’t be afraid. Now remove the jumper so I can see what we are working with.” She demands. If she were going to kill me, she wouldn’t want to see the wound I already have, right? I gently remove my jumper while looking at the woman helping me, I don’t want to miss any movement from her. As soon as I remove the jumper, revealing the cut she gasps, and her eyes go wide. “Oh my god, that is not from slipping. Look, I know you are scared, and I know you are a rogue. But I don’t care. My name is Amy, now please tell me the truth.” She asks while looking at the cut. “Well you said it, I am a rogue. That is what happened.” I tell her. “Ok but how? And what is your name?” Amy asks me. “My name is Freya. Well I am not liked at school, and today is my second day.” I tell her laughing to myself. Here I am with a slit throat on day two. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened for you to become a rogue?” She asks me. What do I have to lose? This is the second person to ask me the truth, maybe the more people that know will help me eventually. “I have never been part of a pack, as far as I know.” I start. “What? How?” she asks before I can continue. “My parents died when I was born so I was put up for adoption, I was adopted by humans. I mean I thought I was human all these years, until I shifted on my seventeenth last year. When I turned 18 I set out to look for more of our kind and well the welcome was not what I expected. I learnt everything I know about us from books.” I explain while she starts to wipe my neck ready to stitch it. “Wow. So you have never known what it is like to be part of a pack?” “No, unfortunately not.” I say, flinching when she starts to stitch my wound. It hurts but the stuff she used was numbing cream, so it is bearable. “I don’t get why you would be put up for adoption in a human town though. Usually packs take in children of other members if needed.” She tells me. I never thought of that before to be honest. “Unless my parent were rogues. I don’t know, I have never looked into it before.” I say shrugging. She goes to say something but stops herself and finishes stitching my neck in silence. When she is done she covers it in a bandage. “Well that is now all cleaned up and should heal nicely, although it looks like it was done with silver so it could take a few days to fully heal.” She explains. “Thank you Amy. You’re the second person to say anything to me, well anything nice.” “Before you go Freya, those that did this, do you know their names?” She asks. “It doesn’t matter, nothing will change.” I tell her and give her a smile. I start to head for the door, and she stops me. “Just try to stay away from them, just for now. I will see you soon.” She says and lets me go. I give her another smile and quickly run home. When I get home I go and shower to get all the dried blood off me and put my pyjamas on. I sit on the edge of my bed and think about everything that happened today, I honestly thought that I would get through one day and instead it is the worst day. I just hope things don’t get this bad again, if they do I don’t think I will survive until the end of the year. And then there was Amy, she was nice to me and helped me before she knew my story, I wonder why. If it were only as simple as staying away from them, I couldn’t tell her that though. I wonder if I will ever see her again, she looked my age which means she would be in school too, but she could be from another town. Well it was nice while it lasted anyway. “Freya? You in there?” Lilly calls through the door. “Yes, come in.” I shout back. She opens the door and comes and sits next to me. “How was today?” She asks. I guess she hasn’t noticed the big bandage around my neck. “Bad.” Is all I could say. “Wait, what is that on your neck?” She exclaims, I guess she spotted it. “It is a bandage.” I tell her. “Why do you have a bandage around your neck?” “I was cut, with a silver knife. So it will take longer to heal.” I tell her. She looks at me bewildered. “How are you so calm about this? It is wrong.” She exclaims. “But what can I do?” “I don’t know, but we need to do something. I am worried about you.” She says. “While I am a rogue this will keep happening.” I tell her. “Why don’t you speak to some neighbouring packs and ask to join?” She asks. “I tried that last year, no good.” I tell her. She pulls me into a tight hug. “I will try my best to help you.” She whispers to me. “Thank you.” I whisper back. Lilly leaves me to myself and as much as I like having a friend, I also want to be alone right now. I still have to face tomorrow and what Callum and his friends will do, I wonder if they think I am dead. I think I need to start looking at other ways to avoid them, but I have no idea where to start. I guess I best get some sleep. Once again morning came too quick and I am sat in the corner of the classroom, I know that any moment he will walk into the classroom. While I wait for them to enter and for the class to start I cannot help but listen in on the conversation the girls are having to my right. “I swear to god I saw him and his sister yesterday in town.” The blonde girl says. “Oh come on June, that cannot be true. He never wonders around in the open.” The red head says back. I wonder who they are on about. “When he comes back he will see me and realise I am his true Mate.” The blonde, June, says. The girls all giggle at the same time. “Oh how wonderful would that be. I hope it is any of us.” The brunette says. “And if he doesn’t find his mate then he will be mine. I don’t care if he is terrifying or wicked, he will be mine and he will treasure me.” June says confidently. They must be on about the Alpha that Lilly told me about. “We will see June. He might not like blondes.” The red head says. I have had enough of listening to them fantasising about the Alpha, as if on cue, I hear Callum’s voice from outside the door. I hope to god he leaves me alone today, please, please; I pray. I take a peek at the door as he walks in, he looks around the room and looks directly at me, but he looks confused. I guess he must have thought he had killed me. The day goes by without any issues again, but I know not to think into it too much, especially after yesterday. At the end of the day I decide not to wait for everyone to leave like usual, scared of what might happen, so I quickly pack my things and rush out with everyone else. I get halfway home and feel relief, I went the whole day and now I can hide at home. “Rogue.” Callum shouts from behind me. Well, s**t. I turn around slowly and notice he is on his own. Where are his little minions, are they waiting to jump me. He walks up to me and I scan his hands to see if he is carrying a knife again or something to hurt me with, but I don’t see anything. “I see you survived, unfortunately.” He says. I ignore him though and just look down. “You may have gotten away today, but this is still not over. I promise you.” He says, and I know he is deadly serious. “Whatever.” I say back and turn to leave. I pick my pace up and when I feel I am far enough away I relax slightly, bad move. Just as I feared before Callum and his friends jumped me from behind, landing punches and kicks all over me. I focus on protecting my neck, I don’t want the stitches to come out. When they are done they walk off like nothing happened, but Callum turns back to me. “See you tomorrow rogue.” He says and they all laugh. I guess this is my life now. When I get home the routine is the same, have a shower and sort my wounds before being grilled by Lilly about what happened. I still haven’t told her who does this every day, I know she wont be able to do anything, so I don’t see the point. We spend the evening cooking and watching films to take my mind of everything, I love evenings like this with Lilly, even though I have only known her a couple of days, we are getting so close. One good thing that is good in my life right now. “Freya, I wont be here tomorrow night. I am staying at my mates the night as its Friday. I probably won’t be back until Sunday. Will you be ok?” Lilly asks me. “Of course it is ok. Don’t worry about me, I am going to bed anyway. I will see you Sunday.” I tell her and head to my room. When I get back to my room I check on my neck, I carefully remove the bandage and find the wound has healed completely, leaving a slight scar. I am glad it isn’t a bad scar; you can only really see it in the light. I get cleaned up and climb into bed, it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep and just as quickly morning comes. As much as I dread going out now, I am so glad it is Friday, that means that the next two days I can rest in peace. The day goes smoothly again, with just the odd snicker and looks, and like the past couple of days it is now the last class, and I am yet to see Callum. When the bell rings I gather all my stuff and head out, bumping straight into Callum, he was waiting for me. He walked me back into the room and like before they all came in and closed the door. I knew what was coming so there was no point in saying anything, I just braced myself. He didn’t say anything this time either, he just started hitting me and soon after the others joined in too. When he felt like he had, had enough they all left me. I am just glad he didn’t use a knife; I might be sore and in pain now, but I know it will slowly heal over the next few hours. This is my life now, classes then beatings, what a life this is. Part of me is wanting to run and the other is wanting to end it all, I just don’t know what is best right now. And how do I even decide?
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