Chapter 2

2019 Words
Beeb… Beeb… Beeb. Ugh. Can my alarm kindly do one, I don’t want to get up. Beeb… Beeb… Beeb. Fine I’m up. Today is the first day of classes, and I am dreading it. I am so nervous because of what Lilly said, I just want to feel normal for one day. I have everything possible crossed that the most I face is snickering and dirty looks, that I can handle. Once I have showered and done my hair and makeup I decide on a cute dress, it is blue polka dot and goes down to my knees. The top is small straps, so I wear it with a jacket, I don’t like exposing too much skin. I add my sandals and jewellery and I am ready. I walk into the living room and Lilly is sat on the chair eating her breakfast. “Good Morning Lilly.” I say passing by her to the kitchen. “Morning Freya. Are you nervous about your first day?” She asks. “Yes, I just don’t want any trouble.” I admit while pouring myself a cup of coffee. I am way to nervous to eat anything right now. “I am sure you will be ok. And I will be here this afternoon after classes to unwind, I will get us a bottle of wine in to enjoy.” “That sounds lovely, thank you. Gives me something to look forward to.” I tell her. “Your welcome, it will be a fun night.” She says. “Erm Lilly, last night you said you had found your mate. What does that mean, is it a new word for boyfriend?” I ask curious. She looks as me bewildered. “You are a wolf, a new one granted, but you don’t know what a mate is?” She asks. “Should I? I don’t remember reading anything.” I answer her honestly. I would have remembered surely. “Well ok. A mate is like a boyfriend yes, but more special. Every wolf is destined for another, also known as your mate. When you meet them, you feel an instant pull, like they are the only person in the room at that time. When you touch you get sparks and tingling sensation in the place you touched, ultimately, it is amazing. Once you meet them you will only ever want them and no one else, it’s our wolf nature if you like.” She explains. “Wow. That sounds, amazing.” “But not everyone finds their mates. Over the years it has become uncommon because there are wolves all over the world, so the chances of you finding them in your own pack is very slim. That is why most wolves just sleep around or go with someone hey find attractive, which of course never lasts because they aren’t meant for them. It is sad really.” She adds. Well I don’t believe I will ever find mine. “That is sad, especially when you now there is someone out there destined for you. How did you meet your mate, were you in the same pack?” I ask her. “Oh no. I went on a school trip last year and found him there, luckily he wanted to move over here, so he came here rather than me go there.” “You’re so lucky, I am glad you found your mate.” I say. “I am. Anyway, we best head out, classes start in 15 minutes.” Oh s**t. “Yeah, best get a move on. I will see you tonight Lil.” I say quickly and rush out. I have History first and I need to try and find my way to the right class. Ah here we are, room 251. My way here was not too bad, I had a few looks, but it seemed most students were too worried about getting to their classes. Before I entered the room, I listened to see if I could tell how many other students were already in there, there was a fair bit of chattering, so I guess around half the class is in already. Great. Well here we go. The second I walk through the door the whole room falls silent; everyone is staring at me. I try not to look at anyone and instead look around for an empty seat, I spot one near to the back of the room which is next to the window. As I start walking towards it, other students pull tables away from the one I am heading too, like I have some sort of contagious disease. Just as I am about to reach my desk a male wolf stands up in front of me, looking down at me with disgust. He is taller than me, I am 5’7 so he must be well over 6 foot, which is normal in wolves I have learnt. He seems to have a strong aura around him that I can sense, I am guessing he has a high position in his pack. He seems muscly and could easily take me down, if it wasn’t for the way he was looking at me I would say he was good looking, so more than likely he is a ‘popular’ boy. He has blonde spikey hair and green eyes, he is tanned too, with a strong jawline. “What is a filthy, disgusting rogue doing in this school.” He practically spits at me. Well what can I say, it doesn’t matter what I say really, it won’t change anything. “I don’t want any trouble. I am just trying to get to my seat.” I say as confidently as I can. “HA! You hear that boys, she doesn’t want any trouble.” He says to the group of friends behind him. He then looks back to me and squints his eyes slightly, “I would watch my back if I were you. This is no place for someone as filthy as you, you will see.” He says through gritted teeth then moves back to his friends laughing. I release the breath I was holding and go to my seat; I get all my books out and keep my head down until the teacher arrives. The first class went by fast and the second one did too, during the whole lessons I would get some stares and other student would whisper about me. Even the teachers would look at me with a repulsed look on their faces, and then would ignore me completely. Honestly, I didn’t mind though, I would rather be left alone like this. Now it is lunch and I have an hour to kill, I could go back to my room, but I think I might explore the school a little to learn where things are. Besides, the halls are empty because it is lunch time, so it is a perfect time to do it. I wander around for about 15 minutes before I realise, I am lost. I seem to have found my way to an old part of the school, it doesn’t look like it has been used in years, there is dust everywhere and it is quite eerie. While I am looking around an old classroom, I hear footsteps from the hallway so I quickly stand against the wall so no one can see me from the door, and I listen in. “Well boys, she is definitely here. I can smell her.” Someone says. s**t, they know I am here. It sounds similar to the student who confronted me this morning, who I now know is called Callum. “COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE ROGUE!” He shouts, his friends all laugh. It sounds like there is a few of them, and honestly, I am scared. “BINGO!” He shouts and boots the door open, making a small scream escape me. “Please just leave me alone.” I plead as he comes closer. I glance behind him and there must be around 20 other wolves with him, a mix of male and female. “Oh, little wolf. You scared?” He laughs. “Now what would the Alpha and his pack think of us if we didn’t set the record straight with you before they arrived. Hmm?” He says stepping closer. I look around to see if there is a way I can escape, but unluckily for me there isn’t. Before I can say anything, I am nocked back and a pain erupts on the side of my jaw, then I realise. He hit me. I look up and they are all crowding around me laughing, then someone I don’t recognise kicks me in the ribs and I cry out in pain. Damn that hurt. I try to protect my face and sides while other members of the group start hitting and kicking me. After what seems to be hours the hitting and kicking stops, Callum then pulls me up by my hair making me squeal and squirm to get out his grip. He pulls me closer. “This is the start rogue. Unless you leave, if not then I am glad I have someone to let my frustration out on.” He whispers in my ear before letting me go. At the same time my body hits the floor I feel a foot connect with the side of my head, making everything instantly spin. I can feel myself losing consciousness while everyone is laughing, before the darkness consumes me, I hear footsteps leaving, finally they are gone. But so am I. When I wake up the pain hits me instantly, everywhere hurts, and I cannot even imagine what I look like right now. I look up and out of the old window, it is dark out, which means it must be gone 5pm. So, my first day of school and I miss half a day of classes because of this. Suddenly what Callum said comes back to me, this is the start. But what can I do, I spent all my money enrolling in this school, and I need the education to get a job. I don’t have a choice but to stay, which means I am going to have to get used to the beatings. Good thing that wolves heal fast, I can already feel the pain subduing, which is good because I can now get up. Once I stand up, I can feel the pain on my ribs, I have got to have a few broken ones for sure. I know there is a pharmacy just off from the school grounds, which I have been to before and the staff were polite, well more polite than anyone else, I best go there and pick up some supplies before I go back home. I will need to stock up if this will become a daily occurrence. It doesn’t take me long to go to the pharmacy and back, I have a bag full of things I could need including bandages, creams, ointments, and medicine. Now it is time to face Lilly, I should have gotten her number so I could have text her. As I walk in the door I quickly run to my room and put my supplies away, I quickly get changed out of my clothes and inspect the damage to my body. I have dark purple bruises all over my body, so I apply some cream I got and put my pyjamas on. I open my bedroom door and Lilly is standing there with her arms crossed looking angry. As soon as she sees me her face changes to shock and worry? “Oh my god Freya! What happened?” She demands.
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