Chapter 8

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“Wake up. Baby, wake up.” A soft voice whispers in my ear. “Uggghhh, I don’t want to.” I say back, I hate mornings. Everything that happened yesterday comes back to me and I open my eyes and look at Xavier. He really is the most hansom man I have ever seen, even first thing in the morning he is perfect. “You can look at me all day sweetheart, but we need to get ready for classes.” He says, causing me to come back to reality. My face drops, school. Callum. Abuse. “Baby, it will be ok. No one can hurt you now, you’re the Luna. Plus after we finish classes I will be taking you to meet my pack and we can start training.” He tells me. “Training?” I ask, I wonder if it how to be a Luna. “Well yes. You will be the Luna and as much as I can protect you, I think you would like to learn to fight and defend yourself. Right?” I can learn to fight, that is all I have ever wanted. I throw my arms around him, pushing him onto his back. “Thank you, thank you. I cannot wait.” He laughs and kisses me. When we pull back I give him another peck and get off him, I quickly run into the bathroom to shower and get ready. After we get ready I start feeling nervous again, I know Xavier is right, but I am so scared that Callum will hurt me again but finish me off this time, and for once in my life I have something to live for. As we leave my place Amy comes up beside us and gives me a knowing look. “Lets go own this place.” Amy says excitedly. She really is something else.   As we get to into the school I notice no one is around, I wonder if it has something to do with Xavier being here. I look up to Xavier and he gives me a smile, yeah, this is because of him. We start heading towards the assortment offices, giving me flash backs from my first day. “I just need to get my schedule; do you want to come with me or wait with Amy?” Xavier asks me. “I can wait with Amy, that’s fine.” I assure him. He gives me a nod in acknowledgement and then gives Amy I look I don’t recognise, then he leaves us and heads towards the offices. I cannot help but watch him walk away. “Aw look at you, you’re so smitten already.” Amy gushes. Making me blush. “Amy, what will happen now I am his Luna?” I ask her, purposely changing the subject. She looks at me confused. “What do you mean?” She asks. “I am used to being treated so poorly, surely I will still be treated the same?” I ask. I really had no idea what was going to happen, would people stop abusing me. Well rather Callum than people, but no one ever helped either. “Oh Freya. Being Luna will change everything, and if anyone hurts or tries to hurt you now then Xavier will kill them.” She said so easily. Did she mean he would literally kill or as a figure of speech. I hope it doesn’t come to that though, hopefully people will just leave me alone. While waiting for Xavier I start to need to ladies, I should have gone before we left but I was too nervous. “Amy I am just going to pop to the ladies, is that ok?” I ask her, I am not sure if I am meant to stay here or not. “Sure, I will wait here so Xavier knows where you are.” She replies smiling. I guess that makes sense, I don’t want Xavier to worry. I quickly make my way to the ladies and finish up as quick as I can, I don’t want to be late for class or leave Xavier waiting. As I finish drying my hands I exit the ladies and bump into someone. “Oh sorry.” I quickly say. I instantly freeze when I look up, Callum. “Well, Well. Look what we have here. The little dirty rogue.” He sneers at me. I thought when I was marked, people would sense I am a Luna. Either I haven’t changed, or I have, and he doesn’t care. “I don’t want any trouble, please move out the way.” I say confidently, no idea where this confidence came from. “Oh, you have a nerve to talk to me like that. I will make sure you pay for that.” He states. “Callum just move. You will not like what happens if you hurt me, the Alpha will make sure of that.” I tell him. He instantly laughs, all his friends joining in. “Did you hear that guys? Apparently the Alpha will help her. I don’t think so love, I heard he found his mate yesterday, so I am sure he is busy with her. Not a dirty disgusting rogue like you.” He tells me. Ok so I think it is clear he doesn’t sense the change in me. “I know, I am…” I start to say back, but his hand grips my neck causing me to stop talking as my breathing gets restricted. I start to struggle trying to move his hands, but it just makes his grip tighten. I start to see stars and I only have one option left; I kick him in his manhood as hard as I can. “AHHHH. YOU b***h!” He cries out in pain, dropping me to the floor. I start coughing as I start getting my breath back. Before I get my breath back fully Callum’s friends grab me forcefully and pull me up. “You deserved that, and more for what you have done to me.” I sneer to Callum. He looks at me with pure hatred, he looks like he is about to kill. He comes closer, one hand still holding his manhood. When he gets closer he strikes me across the face with his free hand, I instantly taste blood in my mouth and can feel it trickling down my chin. I can already tell that he just split my lip. “And I am about to do more.” He whispers, then grabs my throat again, but this time I feel his claws pierce my skin as he extends them. I try to scream but he has restricted my throat so much nothing comes out, just like before I start seeing stars and I start to panic. I cannot die, not when I have just found my mate. I notice behind Callum that almost half the school has gathered to watch, great. But hopefully this will alert Amy. I start to feel myself fading unconscious when I hear a loud growl and Callum is ripped away from me, causing me to fall. I expect to hit a hard floor, but strong arms catch me, I look up and Xavier is looking at me all over. “I am ok.” I assure him. His eyes meet mine and I can see him relax slightly, until he looks at my neck. His eyes go black, and I can feel the anger radiating from him, I lift my hand to touch my neck and feel five puncture wounds, which with all the blood probably looks worse than it is. “I will kill him.” I hear Xavier whisper; I don’t think I was meant to hear. Thinking about it I noticed my senses have heightened since we marked each other, must be the perks of being a Luna.   Xavier stands and turns to look at Callum, letting out a deathly growl causing Callum to shake in fear. I quickly stand and put my hand on Xavier’s arm, making him look at me. “I-I swear Alpha. She is just a dirty rogue; I can remove her if you need me to, or kill her?” He says to Xavier with a shaky voice. Is he really that stupid. I look at Xavier and he takes a deep breath, trying to contain his anger. He turns back to Callum and stands straight, I can feel an aura coming from him, I wonder if this is his Alpha power. It doesn't affect me at all so I cannot be sure, but from the looks of everyone else, it is. “You are lucky, you would be dead right now if it wasn’t for my MATE that you just almost killed.” He says to Callum. I look at Callum and he pales; he looks to me and back to Xavier as the realisation hits. “Now let me make this clear to everyone as you all seem to be stupid. Freya is my mate and if any of you paid attention you would see that we are marked. Which makes her the Luna of the Black Moon pack.” He addresses everyone that has come to see what is happening. I hear gasps all around and I can hear some curses from some members. “And that means she is above every single one of you. If she is hurt in anyway again, your life will not be spared. NOW LEAVE!” Amy says to everyone.   Everyone starts to leave, and I notice Callum and his friends are all turning to leave. “WAIT!” I shout, making everyone freeze. Even Xavier looks at me confused. “Callum, you’re staying. Everyone else leave.” I say sternly. I glance to Xavier, and he gives me an approving smile. Once everyone has left leaving just us and Callum, I step forward. “I gave you the chance to realise and asked you to move, which you ignored. You need to pay for what you did to me. It doesn’t matter that I was a rogue, I was not soulless, which you knew. And this is neutral grounds so anyone like me can come here without trouble, and I will make sure that this never happens to anyone again.” I tell him. “I really don’t care what you do, I will always hate you. I would rather die than follow a Rogue Luna, you are still dirt and if I get the chance I will finish what I started.” Callum scoffs.   Xavier starts to step towards him, I suddenly stop him and step in front. “And that is why you will spend the rest of your life in containment, like the animal you are.” I tell him. “You cannot do that.” He replies confidently. “Oh really? I just did. I spent the last couple of weeks being beaten and being quiet because I was alone, not anymore.” I say sternly. “My father will hear about this, and the council will. You will not get away with this.” “I am Luna of the Black Moon Pack and Alpha Xavier’s mate. Do you know why I am his mate?” I ask him. He looks at me confused. “Because I am like him. So your father and the council cannot do anything because they answer to BOTH of us.” I explain.  He looks like he is about to think of a response so before I let him say anything else I nod to Amy, giving her the signal to take him. Suddenly a few other wolves appear and take Callum forcefully, causing him to curse and shout.   Once Callum is fully gone, Amy leaves us too saying she is going to get to class.  I turn to Xavier, now conscious that I took over not letting him be in control, I hope he doesn't hate me for that. “I am sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I will not do that again.” I tell him. “Do not be sorry, I am trying my hardest to contain myself from fully claiming you right now. You were amazing, a true Luna.” He says softly. I can see the lust in his eyes and in that moment I want nothing else. I take his hand and start walking back to my apartment. “What are you doing? Where are we going.” He asks confused. I stop and turn to look at him, letting him see the love and lust in my eyes too. “I want you, completely.” I say confidently, giving him a seductive smile. His eyes darken slightly when he realises what I mean and kisses me passionately before picking me up, carrying me to my apartment. 
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