Chapter 9

1638 Words
I took a quick shower at my room. I changed into an oversized printed white shirt and a dark blue cotton shorts. I blowdried my hair too. It's already dark when I decided to go back to the pool area. They are all having fun at the pool when I came. Well, not all of them though, because I can't see Xian. He didn't join them? Is he really planning to just be alone tonight? I met Naomi and Cuttie's gaze at me, I smiled at them while nodding, to assure them everything's alright. I walked towards the table to get some water. I was drinking when I saw Ken walking towards me. I smiled at him. "Hey how are you feeling?" He asked, I don't understand why someone like him is concerned about me. I smiled again, "Better." I glanced at my watch, it's almost seven. "It's dinner time, are you guys hungry?" I asked. Dylan waved his hand, "It's too early, why are you already dressed? You should join us here." "I got cold, don't worry I'll join later." I smiled at him. "You like smiling, don't you?" I turned to Kenneth beside me, he's looking at me with a smile too. I chuckled, "I'm not sure, I just like it." He nodded. I excused myself for a while so I can go to the kitchen and check if mom's up already. She texted me earlier that she'll just take a nap because she's tired, I wasn't able to reply because I left my phone on my room. It's really not a big deal if she can't cook for us though, we can just order food. I understand she's tired and my friends will definitely understand that too. But I guess she won't really let us order. I smiled when I found her and dad preparing for our dinner. I walked towards them to give them a hug. "Mom you could have just take a rest," I pouted. She smiled, she's fresh from the bath I guess. "I'm okay darling, I already slept." "You know you can't stop your mom from doing what she wants to, right?" Dad chuckled. I nodded. "Why are you here? Are your friends hungry? We're almost done." "It's okay mom, we can wait." I smiled at her as I glance at the food she cooked. There's chicken and fish fillet, chopsuey, pork barbeque and now she's seasoning tinola. "You're really the best mom," I hugged her from the back. "How is it? Are you having fun?" She asked me while I'm watching her cook. I nodded, "We have two new friends and they're fun to be with." "How about Armie? Xian? Are they good?" I sighed, "I don't know mom, Xian's not joining us, I don't think they're okay." Mom held my hand and gently squeezed it, "Just give them enough time, it's what you want right? The two of them to be okay?" I nodded, but I'm not sure if that's what I really want. I don't understand myself too, I was so desperate to make it up to them but I am scared deep inside, I don't think I can afford to see them get back together. "Just a few more minutes Kim, please tell your friends to get ready and please can you find Xian and tell him it's time for dinner?" "Mom.." She chuckled, "You're just gonna tell him it's dinner time, you can leave after saying it honey." She gave me an encouraging smile. I sighed and nodded. I went to the pool area to tell them we'll be having dinner in twenty minutes. Then I started roaming around the house to find Xian. I started looking for him at his room but he's not there so I tried to look at the library and at the recreational room but he's not there too. I sighed, I went to the living room and even at the garden. Where is he? I sighed when I didn't find him at the garden. I was about to go back inside the house when I saw his car at the garage, the lights are open as well as the door. I can hear the music coming out from it. I slowly walked towards it and found him sitting in the driver's seat. His left leg is extended to the ground, he's leaning on his seat while his eyes are closed. For a few seconds, I wasn't able to move. I got mesmerized by the calmness in his face, even though his eyebrows are a bit knitted together, he still looks so serene. Now I am torn between waking him up or just watching him sleep. I sighed, maybe I'll just let him sleep. I don't think I can go near him to wake him up. I sighed once more before turning my back from him, but then stopped when I heard him speak. "Why?" His voice is hoarse and almost husky. I swallowed hard before turning to look at him. His eyes are now open and are looking straight at me. He turned the music off and then raised his eyebrows when I didn't talk. "What?" "'s time for dinner, mom asked me to find you.." My voice is so low, like a scaredy cat. "I'm not yet hungry, how about you?" My forehead creased, "Huh?" "Come here," he tapped the seat beside him. I don't understand, "Where are we going?" I asked. He chuckled, he chuckled?! My heart skipped a beat when I realized he just smiled and laughed, why? What did I do? "Just get in," he tapped the passenger's seat once again. "O-okay," with my heart beating so fast and loud inside my chest, I climber up his car. I closed the door beside me and he did the same. "Uhh where are we going?" I started fidgeting. "We're not leaving," he answered simply. He leaned on his seat and looked at me that made me move a bit to the door. He saw what I did and he smirked. Oh why am I seeing such reactions now? He used to have just a snob and a bored face. "Then why are we here? It's dinner time, let's just join them." "We'll talk," he craned his neck and clenched his jaw. "Tell me what happened earlier." "H-huh?" What is he talking about? I don't think the aircon insidei his car is enough, why am I sweating? "I don't understand you Xian.." “Don’t play safe Kim. What happened inside your room? What were you doing in that closed room with a guy you barely know?” I bit my lower lip. Is he talking about Ken? "Answer me," he said impatiently. "He just helped me.." His eyebrow shot up, like he don't believe me. "Helped you with what?" "Why are you even asking?" "I want to know." He shrugged. "I had a hard time breathing because of my asthma, he just helped me get my inhaler." "And?" He probed. "What and? You saw him going out of my room." He nodded, his eyes are never leaving mine. "Stop letting people inside your room, especially when you barely know them." My forehead creased, "I know him, he's a schoolmate--" "And?" He cuts me off. "What is this all about Xian? You weren't talking to me the whole day because of what happened yesterday and now you're mad again because I let Ken inside my room?" He didn't answer. He looked away. "Why are you acting like that?" Still, he didn't respond. I let out a frustrated sigh before trying to open the door beside me, but it's locked. I looked at him and saw him staring at me. "Open the door, I'll have dinner with them. You can stay here if you don't want to--" "I don't like it." He cuts me off again. "Huh?" "And don't fvcking swim wearing that piece of s**t you were wearing earlier, I don't like it." "W-what?" I can feel my cheeks burning. What is he talking about? "Just do what I say, Kimberly." I am rendered speechless. He doesn't like it when I let guys that I barely know inside my room and he doesn't want me to wear swimsuits. Why is he making me feel this way? We stayed there for a couple of minutes before I tried convincing him to join our friends for dinner. Luckily, he agreed. We went inside together. Our friends are already sitting at the dining when we came. They all looked at us in curiosity. I even caught Naomi smirking at Cuttie, and mom smiling at me. Xian doesn't seem to mind though, he even pulled a chair for me. "Hmm I smell something fishy here huh," Dylan smirked. Everyone glared at him that made him shut up. Mom chuckled, "Just eat well everyone, we have plenty of food. I made some brownies too. What are your plans for tonight by the way?" I'm thankful that mom knows how to break the tension really well. "We bought beers and we're planning to swim and watch a movie too. We also prepared some games if you guys are willing to play." Naomi said excitedly, she winked at me. I chuckled but then stopped when Xian started putting food on my plate. "Uh..Xian that's too much." I murmured. I'm thankful that they are trying to engage to the topic rather than watching us. "Just eat until you're full." I nodded and started eating even when my cheeks feel so hot. I saw mom and dad smiling at me secretly and I just looked away because of embarassment. Little did I know, Armie's watching us too. The smile on my lips disappeared when I saw her looking at me, with eyes sad and pained. **
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