Chapter 8

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We were shocked for a few seconds. Armie’s standing at the door with her luggage, and she’s looking at us innocently. I felt something inside me but I ignored it, I know it’s not right to make her feel unwelcome even when we didn't really expect her. Mom was the first one to greet her. She invited her to join us on the table. I watched her as she cheerfully sat beside Samantha, they hugged each other excitedly. Naomi and Cuttie looked at me, I saw indifference on their eyes. I shook my head as I try to force a smile. I glanced at Xian who remained calm and serious while focusing on his lunch. He didn't even bother to look at Armie for a simple recognition of her presence. "You're not replying so I thought you're really not coming," I heard Samantha talking to her but I chose not to look anymore. I focused on my food just like Xian. Their conversation went on while we're eating. I can feel Naomi and Cuttie's eyes on me but I chose to ignore. I stayed at the dining after eating so I can help mom while the others went to the pool area already. "Are you okay?" Mom asked, she's watching me clean the table. I looked at her and forced myself to smile. I don't want her to worry. "You should talk to her, you should clear things up. You were friends hija, childhood friends, I don't want you to ruin your friendship." She walked towards me, her eyes full of concern. I sighed, "I will mommy, I will try my best to make it up to her." Mom smiled, "How about Xian? Did you two talk already? Why are you avoiding each other?" Oh what else can I keep from my mother? She really knows me well, she can read through me. I just smiled at her. Xian and I are okay, he just got angry because of the incident inside my room and I don't think I should apologize for being kind. "Go to your friends now, I can handle this darling." She nodded and smiled at me. I left her at the kitchen to finally join my friends. I found them having chitchats near the pool, but I cannot see Xian. Maybe he went to his room after eating. I saw Naomi and Cuttie sitting near the table. I walked towards them and smiled. "I'm okay, stop looking at me like that." I chuckled. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" I nodded. I need to convince them I'm okay or they'll end up worrying about me the whole day, and I don't want that to happen. We'rr throwing out a party so we can enjoy. Dylan called us so he can properly introduce us to Kenneth. We joined them near the pool even when it feels so awkward. "Oh I know him, who wouldn't know the vocalist of Golden Strings?" Naomi laughed then she turned to me.  "But I think Kim doesn't know you." That caught their attention. "Uh..I heard about him a couple of times but I barely know how he looks." I bit my lower lip. Dylan chuckled, he placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me. "Yeah I forgot, this is Kimberly Schofield, our very innocent little girl." He chuckled. I hit his arm and pouted, "Don't embarass me Dylan." Ken smiled at me, "I know her, ofcourse I know her." "Woah, how did you know about her? Kim is low profile." "I see her often and she's cute." "Woah woah!" My face heat profusely and Dylan teased me all day because of that. "Stop teasing her, will you? She's not having fun asshole." Naomi snapped at him when she saw it's getting a bit awkward. "Hey hey.." Samantha stopped before they could even start a fight. She pulled her cousin and dragged him into a chair. I did the same to Naomi, Cuttie joined us. "He thinks he's being funny.." Naomi rolled her eyes. "I'm okay, I swear.." I gave her a smile. We waited for them to calm down while the others are changing at their designated rooms. We have plenty of guest rooms at the third floor so we managed to let two persons in each room. Naomi and Cuttie's gonna be together on the first room, while Samantha and Larry will be on the second. Armie will be using the vacant room beside Xian's room at the second floor. Dylan, Sean and Kenneth will be joining for the third room since they wanted to be together. "You should join us in our room tonight Kim," Naomi said. I nodded, I think that's better than staying alone in my room. We talked about some movies that we should watch tonight before they decided to finally swim. "Let's swim." She removed the tshirt and shorts she's wearing, leaving her red two piece. Cuttie removed his shirt too, leaving his shorts. Cuttie is a gay but he doesn't do cross-dressing, he also doesn't want to enhance his boobs. He still maintain the boyish but sexy look and he's just nailing it so much. I removed my shirt too, leaving my one piece swimsuit and maong shorts. Unlike Naomi, I'm not removing my shorts. I never really wear swimsuit because I'm not that comfortable showing too much skin. We played at the pool while waiting for the others. Dylan and Kenneth joined us after a while. Naomi rolled her eyes when Dylan started throwing water on my face. I yelled and throwed water on his direction too. Kenneth joined so Naomi and Cuttie helped me. We were having fun when Larry and Armie appeared at the poolside. They are looking so hot with their two-piece. Larry is wearing a black stringed bikini while Armie's on a yellow one. "Woah, these girls.." Dylan murmured. "Hi guys, can we join you?" Armie smiled sweetly. I couldn't stop staring at her. She looks innocent, yes, but she can definitely slay like this. She is that kind of girl, she can be everything. Maybe that's why Xian really fell for her, she's just extraordinary. "What are you wearing Samantha?" Dylan teased his cousin. Samantha just made face. She's wearing shorts and a sleeveless top, she's not on her bikini. Well, Sean doesn't really let her wear swimsuit even before when they were still friends.  "Don't pester me Dylan," she rolled her eyes. Dylan chuckled, he then pulled Armie to the pool that made her scream in surprise. I looked away and decided to get some snacks inside. "Do you need help?" Cuttie asked when I told them I'll go to the kitchen to get us some food. I shook my head and smiled, "It's okay, I can do it." She nodded.  Mom prepared tiramisu this morning as well as some finger-food. I took them out and placed it on the table near the pool. I saw Ken drinking water, I smiled at him before going back inside the house. "Hey do you need help?" I almost jumped in surprise when he appeared behind me. I didn't know he followed. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to.." he chuckled when he saw my reaction. I inhaled and forced a smile. "Let me help you." He offered when he saw me getting some softdrinks out of the freezer. I nodded and let him help me. We're about to go back outside when I felt tightness in my chest and short breathing. I immediately put the canned drinks on the table as I try to catch my breath but then I started coughing. Ken placed the canned softdrinks on the table and rushed to my side. "Hey hey are you okay?" I couldn't answer, I can't breathe. He looked horrified when he realized what's happening. His eyes widened, "You have asthma? Where's your inhaler? Nebulizer?" I raised my hand and pointed upstairs, he nodded immediately after getting my point. "Can you walk? Or you want me to get it for you?" I held his arm for support. He immediately knew I want to go to my room so he helped me. We managed to go to my room. He saw my inhaler just above the bedside table, he took it and gave it to me. I used it with trembling hands and waited for my breathing to go back to normal. Ken's watching me, waiting till I can talk. I inhaled deeply after a few minutes, I smiled at him. He let out a sigh, "You scared me." He chuckled. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it's cold and I got tired swimming." He smiled, "How do you feel now?" "I'm okay. Maybe I just need to rest." He nodded, "You should. I'll take care of the snacks." I smiled, "Thank you." He stood up, I decided to walk him out of my room. I opened the door for him, he smiled at me and that's when the room infront of my room opened and Xian appeared at the door. He stopped a bit when he saw me and Ken but his expression remained cold before he turned his back. "I'll go back after taking a shower, please don't tell them what happened." I managed to say when Xian disappeared from our sight. Ken nodded. He smiled shortly before leaving. I closed the door and leaned on it. I sighed, he's joining them already? I can't afford to stay here while they're downstairs. I need to see if Xian and Armie will be talking to each other. I don't know why but I have to see them, I can't stay here. **
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