Chapter 10

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It was very awkward, eating with Xian beside me while feeling all the stares from Armie. I don't know what's on her mind right now. Does she hate me now? Does she hate me because Xian is doing these things for me? I am suddenly torn, my heart and mind. I really want them to get back together, because I ruined them. I want them to get back together because that's what should happen, that's what my mind wants to happen. I can only be freed from guilt once they get back together. My heart doesn't like it ofcourse, I like Xian so much, I like what he's doing right now, even when he's so vague I still like it. I like that he's getting mad for simple things like letting boys inside my room, like hating the swimsuit that I wear. I like it that he pulls the chair for me, that he puts food on my plate, that he watches me with the things that I do. I hate to admit it but I like it, I like it that I am liking him more. What should I do? I once followed my mind, I ran away from our wedding and I regretted about it. Should I follow my heart now? "Earth to Kimberly," I was pulled from my reverie when Samantha snapped infront of me. She grinned, "You're spacing out. What are you doing here? Let's go out." I didn't realize I was sitting alone at the living room. I remembered we finished eating dinner and I feel so awkward that I told them I'll stay here for a while. "I was looking for you and Xian. Go out now, they're looking for you. We'll start the games in a bit, I'll just find Xian." "Uh..let me find Xian instead." Samantha raised her eyebrows, she then grinned at me. "Oh that's better." She winked at me before disappearing at the door. I stood up and sighed. How long was I spacing out? Am I really that worried? I looked up at the stairs and decided to check Xian's room, maybe he's resting after dinner. I ran through the stairs and walked straight to his room. I smiled when I saw the door a bit open. I held the doorknob and was about to push it when I heard a familiar voice inside. "Why not Xian? Why can't you just go back to me?!" It's Armie. She's inside Xian's room? What is this? Am I eavesdropping again? Should I stay and listen again? Like before? I don't know. My heart is beating fast, my feet feels like glued to the floor. "I cleared this to you Armie--" "You broke up with me because you needed to marry her, but she ditched you! She doesn't want to marry you! What's the reason for avoiding me now huh!" I tried to see them through the space from the open door. I saw Armie hitting Xian's chest, they are both standing. "I waited for you to chase me, to come back to me and I f*****g waited for nothing! And I found out that you're here?! What are you doing here? Why are staying with her?" Her voice broke at the last question. She started crying. "I am not going back to you Armie, please just understand that." "Make me understand before I go crazy Xian. What is happening? Tell me what happened to us?" Xian pulled her to his chest. He didn't answer, he started caressing her hair instead. For a moment, I feel jealous. How does it feel to be like her? How does it feel to be on his arms? How does it feel when he caress my hair? How does it feel to be loved by someone like him? Will I ever feel that? "Don't you love me anymore? Don't you want us to be together again? Because I came here for you, I came here for you Xian so please take me back.." she tiptoed and pulled his nape. My eyes widened. I looked away before their lips could even touch. I pulled the door closed, making a thud but I didn't bother. I ran downstairs and to the pool area where my friends are. "Hey hey why are you running?" Dylan caught me on his arms. He scooped me easily and made me sit on one of the monoblocs near the table. Kenneth walked towards us. "Are you okay? You shouldn't run like that or you'll--" he stopped when he realized something. I asked him earlier to keep quiet about my asthma. Dylan will freak out and will surely stop playing around and that's the last thing I want to happen right now. We need to play some games so I can get distracted. I don't want to suffer all night thinking about Xian and Armie and what they're doing right now. "Kim? Did you find Xian?" Samantha asked when she saw me. Her forehead creased when she noticed Dylan and Ken beside me. "What happened? Are you okay?" Naomi and Cuttie heard her and now they're all flocking to me. I chuckled to ease the atmosphere. "I'm fine guys, I just panted because I ran. I'm sorry I couldn't find Xian." "Armie's not here too, she said she'll just get something at her room." Larry said. I caught Samantha's stare, I think she knows what just happened. Nevertheless, I don't have plans on ruining the night so I tried so hard to show them I'm good. "Oh there's Xian," Dylan pointed at the door. Xian's walking towards us, his hands are on his pocket and I'm not sure if his eyes..are on me. I looked away instead. "Where have you been? Kim looked for you." Oh God Dylan, you really don't get it do you? I didn't dare to look back at Xian and I just pulled them to the pool. Sean and Samantha jumped to the pool. I held the hem of my shirt to remove but then stopped when I remembered something. I glanced at Xian and saw him raising his eyebrows at me. He's leaning on the table with his arms crossed against his chest, his whole attention is on me. "What Kim? You're not swimming anymore?" Cuttie asked when I backed out and collapsed on a chair instead. I shook my head, "It's cold." She chuckled, "What a scared cat!" She even throwed me some water. Thankfully, Naomi pulled her away from me. They started playing at the pool. Cuttie carried Naomi on his shoulders, Sean got Samantha while Dylan got Larry. They ran after each other to pull the girls and make them fall on the water. I was busy laughing with them when I saw Armie at the door. She's looking at Xian I know. I glanced at Xian and caught him staring at me, his eyes are dark and his lips on a hard passive line. I looked back at Armie and caught her staring at me too. She looked away when she saw me looking. "Oh there's Armie, hey join us! You can pair with Kenneth or Xian." Dylan said. I saw Naomi rolling her eyes at what he said. Dylan is unaware of the atmosphere isn't he? I stood up and decided to join them. I realized that I need to enjoy the night. We planned this so we can all have fun and I don't want to just sit here all night. "I'm joining," I smiled at them. They all cheered for me. I'm not removing my tshirt this time, if Xian doesn't like it. But I'm joining the game, he didn't say I can't. I don't even know why I'm following him. Ken smiled at me, he walked towards me. "Partners?" I smiled back, "Partners." Ken jumped to the water first and then I followed. He helped me get to his shoulder and before I knew it, we're already having fun. I was screaming everytime they try to push me but Ken would always tell me he's got me. I would just nod and trust him. We even won the first game. I was laughing so hard when we finished playing. Ken helped me get out of the pool and even gave me a glass of water. I murmured my thanks before drinking it to the last drop. Ken chuckled beside me, "That was really fun." He looked at me, "And tiring." I smiled, still trying to catch my breath. Naomi and Cuttie ended up fighting because they never win. We just laughed at the two. "You should rest, you can't get that much." I nodded. Dylan started another game. Everyone joined except for me and Xian, who's just sitting and drinking his beer. Armie removed her shirt and joined the game too. Dylan poured ten coins at the pool and everyone has to find them. The one who gets the most number of coins will win. It looks easy but our swimming pool is 7 feet deep and quite wide, it's gonna be hard. The game started and they all disappeared at the pool. I was laughing but then stopped when I felt Xian staring at me. I peeked at him sideways and he didn't even bother to look away. I've been catching him staring at me and he doesn't care at all. I looked back at the pool when Naomi and Larry gasped for air out of the water. "Where the f**k are those coins," Naomi cursed before diving again. Larry followed. I was waiting for the others when I felt a towel over my shoulder. I looked up and found Xian behind me. "It's cold, you should change if you're not planning to swim anymore." I held the towel to cover my body. "How about you? You're not going to swim?" He looked down at me and our eyes met. I waited for him to say something but then he was just silent. So I looked away and tried not to talk too. The game finished and Dylan won. Naomi kept on accusing him of not playing fair so they ended up fighting again. I noticed Armie covering herself with a towel, she's trembling. Samantha noticed that too. "Armie are you okay?" Armie tried to smiled but Samantha screamed when she fell on the ground. Everyone rushed to her. "She's hot!" Sam said in panic when she placed her hand on Armie's forehead. "She's burning!" I was about to say something when Xian suddenly scooped her and carried her. "I'll take her to her room now, Samantha I need you so we can dry her up." Samantha nodded and followed. Sean accompanied them too, leaving us all quiet at the pool. Naomi and Cuttie looked at me but I just nodded. It's okay, she's sick and it's normal that Xian's worried. **
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