Chapter 7

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I sat on my bed pouting. Xian looks so mad, he wants to talk. Now he's glaring at me and all I can do is pout and look away. “You are so stupid. What are you thinking? You let him stay, you talked to him and even gave him your belongings? Are you even thinking Kim?” I sighed, "I know it's very careless but the guys looks sincere and he looks so tired, I just wanted to help." I reasoned out. “How can you believe something from a person you don't even know?” He looks so impatient. Why is he angry anyway? We didn't get hurt, that's the most important right? “I’m just trying to help. And it's too obvious, he took my stuff toys to give it to his daughter. He didn't even bother taking my laptop." He glared at me evenmore, I looked at him in confusion. "What? It's all done, he didn't hurt me. He didn't do anything bad so I believed him. Xian please, let's get over it." In the end, he really can't control his opinion about this so he just walked out, leaving me alone in my messed up room. I sighed. I don't get his point, I know he's concerned but he should have been more understanding. It doesn't matter. I'm glad I was able to help even just a little. I hope the kid gets well soon. I decided to clean my room the whole day. Xian called me for dinner but he didn't talk to me. I wanted to apologize but I realized, what's there to apologize? I didn't do anything bad, if mom was here she will probably understand what I did. Naomi called me that night to talk about our plan for tomorrow. We're throwing out a pool party with our friends, just like what we always do and it's gonna be here in our house.  We have a groupchat on f******k, together with Samantha, Sean, Dylan, Naomi, Cuttie, Xian, and Armie. We had a videocall so we can discus but only Naomi, Samantha and Cuttie joined. Dylan said he's busy tonight but he assured that he'll come tomorrow and he'll bring Kenneth with him. We don't mind inviting some people in our circle, as long as that person is nice. Kenneth Yu is the captain of the basketball team, everyone knows him so I guess it's not bad to invite him. Samantha is also inviting a friend, her name is Larry. Samantha said she's a transferee, she just started last sem. We discussed about the games we're gonna have, ofcourse it's gonna be exciting to play some games since we're a lot this time. Mom and dad is going home early in the morning, mom promised she'll cook for us. We made sure everything's planned well before going to bed that night. * Cuttie laughed out loud when I told her and Naomi about what happened in my room yesterday. Naomi pouted at me but she gave me a thumbs up. “What's funny? I just wanted to help.” I said while pushing the basket of grocery. It's ten in the morning and we're here at the grocery to buy the things that we need, mostly beers, chips, juice and some sweets. "You are surely different Kim, how can you trust a person you barely know that easy? I understand why Xian's so mad at what you did." I pouted, "Yes, he's so mad that he didn't talk to me even over dinner." Naomi chuckled, "Aren't you used to it? Xian doesn't really talk that much, what's new?" I shrugged, "It's just that it's a difference silence." "He's partly right, you can't trust people that easy Kim, don't be so kind, too much kindness can harm you too, alright?" I sighed and just nodded.  We went to the cashier after getting everything that we need. Cuttie paid for everything. We also used her car to go here. "Are you sure Tita Claire can still prepare us food? She must be tired from the flight, we can just order our food." Naomi asked while we're on our way home. "I told her about that earlier but she said she can handle it, and dad's gonna help her." She nodded.  Mom and dad arrived at around four in the morning, they didn't wake me up. I just found them on the dining preparing breakfast. "How about Xian? He's joining us later right?" I shrugged. We're still not talking, he's not even looking at me earlier while we're having breakfast. And he did not respond to our groupchat last night. Maybe he's not joining? "This is the first time he's joining us without Armie, do you think he'll have fun?" Naomi peeked at me from the passenger's seat. "I really don't know." Naomi grinned at me, "You're having lover's quarrel huh." And then she laughed, Cuttie laughed too. "We're not even lovers, he's just angry." "You should talk to him a lot now that he's living in your house, and especially now that Armie's not around." I don't think I can do that, I can't even look at him, how can I start a conversation that easy? "Did you see Armie online last night? She's not reading our chats." "I don't think she's coming, but I still invited her, I don't want her to think that she doesn't she belong." I said. She's in Seoul and she's not replying to my messages eversince Xian broke up with her. I sent her an apology, she's seen it but she didn't reply. But that's the last thing I can do, apologize to her and I hope she forgives me. Mom is already preparing food when we arrived, dad's helping her. They smiled at us when we went to the kitchen. "Hi tita, hi tito!" Naomi greeted them. "Hi Naomi, you're looking great." Mom smiled. Naomi smirked at Cuttie, "Thank you tita." "Xian's on the pool, he's setting up the tables and chairs. You should help him." Mom nodded at me as an encouragement. Naomi and Cuttie looked at me, "Let's go? Let's help that snob." I sighed and just nodded.  We found Xian setting up the tables and chairs near the poor. Cuttie immediately went to him. "Hi Xian, need some help?" But Xian just ignored her. Naomi bursted out laughing. "Stop trying so hard Carl Trey." "Oh my gosh, he looks ten times hotter now!" Cuttie giggled silently. Xian's wearing a plain white tshirt and a gray shorts but he effortlessly looks like a model. He's busy arranging the chairs so I just grabbed the tissues so I can wipe the table. He glanced at me but then went back to what he's doing. It's okay though, I'm not doing this so I can get his attention. I just want a good party with my friends, it's okay if he won't join. We finished preparing at around twelve, just exactly when Samantha, Sean and Larry arrived. Samantha introduced us to Larry. I was a bit stunned, she looks like a foreigner in a red hair but it suits her well. She smiled at us, "Nice to meet you, Samantha has been telling me so many things about you." And her accent is really good. I smiled at her before telling them that I'll be on my room to take a shower. Naomi and Cuttie did the same, they went to the guestroom assigned for them to take a bath since they're already here early in the morning. I've put on my one piece swimsuit and then covered it with a short maong shorts and a white printed shirt. I also didn't forget to take my towel before going back to the poolside. They are already complete when I came back. Dylan's with Kenneth Yu, like what he said.Mom invited us all for lunch at the dining area. She really prepared a lot my friends couldn't stop thanking her. "Just go eat a lot so you can start your mini party." She smiled at us before looking at me. I smiled at her sweetly.  We were happily chatting while eating when suddenly, we heard footstep coming. We are all inside the dining area so we watched the door curiously until someone unexpected appeared. That familiar smile that made me look at Xian for his reaction. “Hi? Sorry, I’m late.” It’s Armie.   **
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