Chapter 6

1962 Words
"Oh my gosh! Oh my girl! Oh my God! Oh my.. wait what's another omg?" And then she looked at Cuttie and smiled. "Oh my gay!" She giggled. Cuttie glared at her. She stood up and hit her on her forearm. "Ouch!" "Why are you so attention seeker huh? Kim should be the one talking here my dear, not you." They both rolled eyes at each other. I just laughed at the two of them. They are always like this, and we're all used to it. They are really harsh when it comes to each other. Cuttie turned back to me, "You were saying?" I sighed, "Yeah, that's it, we're living on the same roof." We're here at Cuttie's condo. I called them earlier so we can meet and because I want to tell them what happened. Because if I don't open up, my heart might explode. This is all making me crazy. "But wait Kim, you said a while ago that he's here to study because everything has been settled before your wedding right?" I nodded, "That's what mom told me." I pouted. Naomi raised an eyebrow while thinking. Cuttie and I stared at her. "What are you doing?" Cuttie asked her. She then looked at me, "It's too early for him to go back here if the reason is because of his studies. He knows that the start of class is on June, but it's April now, he could have stayed home for a month right? Why is he too early?" She then smiled meaningfully. I looked at Cuttie and saw her smiling too. I don't understand it though. "That's a very good assumption huh, I thought you already lost your brain Naomi. I thought your ex took it with your heart away," Naomi glared at her, "Are we talking about Dylan again?" "What? I'm just telling the truth. You almost gave up everything for him not to leave you right? You are so stupid Naomi." They glared at each other and I couldn't help but just laugh at them. Dylan and Naomi's issue will never be forgotten I guess.  Dylan's also part of our circle, he's Samantha's cousin, and he's an ultimate casanova. We warned him before not to involve any girls in our group but we didn't get to do anything to stop him from courting Naomi back then. We also warned Naomi that Dylan will just break her heart but it all happened too fast till we learned that they're already together. Unfortunately, like what everyone expected, they broke up very soon. Why? Because it's a natural thing for Dylan. It's so easy for him to break hearts, no matter who the girl is. He's been like that ever since, and we know there's no one yet who can change him. "Going back to your problem Kim, I'm sure there's a reason why Xian is already back. What if they weren't able to save their relationship anymore?" Naomi giggled while clapping her hands, "Gosh! We'll proceed to the wedding again right? Maybe this time you're not running away." I sighed, "We can't assume that they're not back together. I was only the reason why they broke up, I never heard any other reason." I don't know why I suddenly feel sad. Armie is hurting so bad when I overheard their conversation, she must have loved Xian that much and I know I've caused them so much pain. And I'm sure he loves her as much as she loves him, I can't be wrong.  "How sure are you? What if their relationship is already scarred even before the announcement of your wedding? What if they are really bound to break up even without you?" What she said replayed on my mind. What if she's right? What if they're really bound to break up even without our wedding? What if they failed to go back together that's why he's already here? I sighed. And what does it have to do with me? Maybe Naomi's assumption is right but what does it have to do with me then? It doesn't mean that Xian will like me because of that. I don't want to assume that he'll like me, he must hate me by now after what I've done. * I was slowly and silently making my way inside our house. I don't want to make any noise and I don't want to meet him again. I'm not yet ready to hear the hammering inside my chest. As much as possible, I want to keep a distance from him. Maybe that way I can stop myself from liking him evenmore. I want to stop this, I want to like someone else so I can live normal. So I can treat him and Armie as friends again. "What do you think you're doing?" But I guess meeting him in this house is inevitable. I stood up when I heard his voice behind me. I am almost at my room, why did he come out of nowhere? "Are you a mushroom? Why are you suddenly appearing anywhere?" He raised his eyebrows instead of answering. He then turned his back at me, living me mouth hanging because of his attitude. Such a cold hearted and snob guy, why is he like that huh? I walked to my room and opened the door. But my eyes widened when I found my room completely messed up. Everything is misplaced. The comforter on my bed, the pillows are on the floor. My alarm clock, and some stuffed toy are on the floor. What's happening? As if on cue, I heard sounds from my walk-in closet. My heart started pounding fast as I slowly walk inside to see what's happening. The door is slightly open, a little push and it opened completely, revealing an old man rummaging my closet.  I covered my mouth to avoid myself from screaming when I realized the man didn't notice. Is he that focused on my things? I watched him put some of my small stuff toys inside a travel bag that I recognized as mine. Why is he taking my stuff toys? My laptop is just on the table, I saw it. Why is he not taking it? My eyes widened when he turned around so I hurriedly hid myself. To my surprise, the man didn't take the laptop that is obviously just on the table. He took another bag which I think is filled with another set of stuff toys. He then turned to my window and to my surprise, he lift his self up so he can escape. I ran to him and pulled the hem of his shirt. He winced, he looks surprised seeing me. "D-don't go down there, that's too high!" I said panicking.  Our second floor is higher than normal. He might get hurt if he'll jump from the window. The last thing I want is to see someone get hurt badly. Why would he steal if it'll make him go to the hospital after? He looks surprised with what I said. I was able to pull him away from the window. We both fell on the floor, it created a loud thud and that's when my belongings spread on the floor. He hurriedly picked all the gadgets he could bring but that's when the door banged open.  Xian's eyes widened when he saw us on the floor. He hurriedly helped me get up, he turned to the guy afterwards. He pulled him and then punched him on the face. "Who are you?" "Call the police Kim!"  But I was unable to move. The poor guy fell on the floor, my heart ached seeing him that way. "Kim!" He was about to punch him again but that's when I ran to him, "Stop it Xian, stop it!" "What?!" He asked unbelievably. He pulled me back when I tried to go near the guy. "What do you think you're doing?!" "Xian!" "What are you thinking?!" I rushed to the man and helped him. He even flinched at my touch. I saw how dark his eyebags are and I can see blood on his lips because of Xian's blow, I felt my heart twitched. "I-I'm sorry, are you okay?" "s**t Kim, what the hell are you doing?" I didn't mind Xian, I turned to the guy. "Why are you taking my stuff toys?" I saw some of the small gadgets I have inside his bag too, but most of it are just my stuffed toys. But all of it doesn't matter. If he's a bad guy, he won't waste his time taking these petty things. He could have taken all the expensive things inside my walk-in closet. He did not answer, he looks scared and so tired. "Can you tell me why?" "Answer her or I'll call the police." Xian warned, and that's when he answered. "P-please forgive me, I want to give the stuffed toys to my child. She's in the hospital," I can see the unshed tears on his eyes. "Is she sick?" The poor guy nodded, his lips and his hands are trembling in fear. My heart is ripping apart, he's not lying, is he? "She has leukemia, she has stage three leukemia and she's dying. I..I need money I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I glanced at Xian, he shook his head as if he can read my mind. But there's no way I'm letting the police get this man, and her daughter deserves to be happy even when she's sick. "I understand. Can you wait for me here?" He nodded. I gave him a reassuring smile. I picked up my bag and put back the toys that scattered on the floor earlier. "What are you doing Kim?" Xian asked when I stood up. I glanced at him and he looks frustrated. I opened my shoulder bag and took my wallet out. I heard Xian's disapproval but who cares? I just want to help, the guy didn't hurt me, he has his reasons and I believe him. I took all the cash from my wallet and gave it to the guy. His eyes widened. "I wish I can help her but this is all I have right now," I gave him the travel bag containing the stuff toys. "Please give these to her, please tell her they're all from Kimberly." "Thank you, thank you miss.." The man is almost crying now. It's breaking my heart evenmore. I turned to Xian and I saw him intently watching me. "Xian.." "What now Kim?" He's looking at me unbelievably. I know what I'm doing is really unbelievable but I want to help the guy and his child. "Can you lend me some cash? Please, let's help him, I want to help him." I looked at him expectantly. I know he pity the guy and his child too. She has leukemia at such an early age, why is the world so cruel? He sighed. He took his wallet and took out a check. He gave it to the guy, "Take it and leave." "Wait, what's your daughter's name? And on what hospital is she?" "Angel, her name is angel. She's at the nearest hospital," I smiled, "I want to visit her one of these days, I hope that's fine." The man nodded, he was murmuring his thanks for a couple of times until we can't see him anymore. We let him pass through the doors properly so he won't hurt his self by jumping out the window. I sighed. I sat on my bed and watched my room as a mess. I turned to Xian when he shut the door closed. I saw his serious face and that's when I realized he's mad. He glared at me, "Let's talk." **  
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