Chapter 5 - Establish Friendship First

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Brace and Tom got into the car and went to the address his mother sent to him. Tom was excited about the idea of eating cakes for free like a kid on his way to Disneyland. His face lit up when Brace told him what and where they were going. He asked Tom to read his mom's text because he was driving. Brace saw that Tom smiled secretly and asked him about it. " What's so funny with mom's text, Tom?" Brace asked his best friend. " Remember that woman at the club last night?" Tom asked him. " Not sure, but yeah, I guess. Why?" Brace looked confused. " Well, it seems like destiny is at work here. You are about to see that bombshell again, and I think the universe answered your prayers. You might have found your Mrs. Donovan." Tom grinned and winked at Brace. " What the f**k are you talking about, man?" Brace shook his head at Tom, very confused at what his friend was telling him. " Remember what Andy said about her profession? She is a pastry chef and owns a shop downtown. Well, that is where we are going, man. Your sister chose her shop to make her wedding cake." Tom explained and grinned happily. " f**k!" Brace swore because he did not expect to see her again. What a twisted turn of fate. " This is a good sign, Brace; she is the answer to your problem. She is the perfect woman to offer marriage. You don't have to love each other right away. Try to ask her out and get to know each other or if you want, you can tell her the truth and offer her something in return for marrying you." Tom suggested, and Brace found his idea outrageous. " You are crazy, man. Do you think that woman would jump for joy with that idea? What was her name again? Samara? Samantha?" Brace asked. " I think it was more like Sabrina. You know, Sabrina, the good witch?" Tom laughed at his own joke. Brace chuckled and shook his head at his friend's silliness. " Sabrina, yeah, I think that's what Andy said last night. Do you believe this Sabrina chick will agree with that offer?" Brace got serious and asked his best friend. " We won't know unless you ask her, dude. Not unless you want to do it right and woe her first. I don't think you have the time for courtship and shenanigans." Tom stated, and Brace thought about it briefly. His friend is right. He doesn't have time for that. He needs to act fast if he wants the position. Absurd and ridiculous it may seem, but Brace thought his friend Tom was right. He needs to find a woman willing to marry him out of convenience, fast. The question is, will this girl accept this stupid and heartless offer? " I don't know, man. That woman was upset with me last night, and I don't think I'll see the light of day if I ask her to marry me out of convenience. How much do you think I should offer to make her think about it?" Brace asked Tom worriedly. " It's up to you, man. You'll know when we get there. That Sabrina woman looks like a tough cookie, so you need all the luck to convince her to agree with your plan. I would have suggested some of your flings, but I know those vultures will take advantage of the situation and may use it against you." Tom expressed his thoughts. " I wouldn't even dream of asking any of them. I'll be in deep trouble if I do that. I just hope my family will not disown me for doing this. Although my mom wants me to marry soon, I know she won't agree to this kind of set-up." Brace declared. " Well, your mom is at her shop now. Let us hope they hit it off and like each other first." Tom answered. " Amen to that." Brace retaliated and sighed deeply. After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination. Brace never felt as nervous as today. He knows what he is about to ask this woman is absurd, but he has no options. Besides, their mutual hate or disdain towards each other is a significant factor in why this marriage of convenience will work. When the contract ends, there will be no drama or ill feelings, and they will go their separate ways without worries or attachment. Brace parked outside a small yet cozy shop called Sweet Sabrina. He sure hopes she is sweet and compassionate enough to hear what he is about to say. The smell of freshly baked bread and sweet vanilla met them when they entered the shop. Brace saw his mom happily chatting with a dorky woman at the cozy corner near the window. The woman looked familiar. She is wearing a floral dress with a white apron on her waist and big dorky glasses. Sabrina tied her long dark brown hair with a red bow and looked dorky but cute. His mom looked up when she heard the door open, then smiled when she saw Brace and Tom come in. " There you two are! We have been waiting forever for you guys!" Brace's mother exclaimed and stood up to meet his son and best friend. " Sorry, mom. The meeting took longer than I expected." Brace apologized to his mother. " It's okay, son. Miss Sabrina here kept me company and was dear to keep me entertained even though she was busy." His mom answered with a smile. Brace looked in shock at the dorky yet cute woman in front of him. Sabrina looked so different now than the bombshell last night. Although he was physically attracted to the bombshell Sabrina, he certainly adores her cute and dorky side. On the other hand, Sabrina looked like she was ready to run to the hills when she saw Brace. She already knew that the woman she was talking to was his mother, but she forgot to tell Sabrina that her son was coming too. She looked at Brace with anger and frustration. But man, her heart skipped a beat when he walked through that door, and his presence alone was enough to send her pulses to overdrive. She forgot what he did to her last night the moment he smiled. " Sabrina, this is my son, Brace Donovan. I guess you've heard of him? Brace, this is Miss Sabrina Mcfee, the chef responsible for Kendra's wedding cake." Brace's mother introduced the two excitedly. " Delighted to meet you, Miss Mcfee," Brace said and reached out his hand to Sabrina. " Likewise, Mr. Donovan. And please, call me Sabrina." Sabrina replied with a forced smile. " Sabrina, it is then. Then you should call me Brace as well. Mr. Donovan makes me feel like I'm sixty already." Brace grinned and squeezed Sabrina's soft small hand. Sabrina felt like a thunderbolt ran through her veins, so she retracted her hand immediately. Mrs. Donovan saw how the two interacted and liked what she was seeing. When she met and talked to Sabrina, she knew she was a good woman, and Mrs. Donovan knew Sabrina would be a good match for her son. " Hi, the name's Tom. I am his best friend, in case you want to know." Tom broke the ice and jokingly introduced himself to Sabrina. Everyone laughed, and that seemed to break the tension Sabrina was feeling. " Okay, so let us go to the exciting part. The tasting of those heavenly cakes." Mrs. Donovan declared. Sabrina left them for a while to prepare the cakes she had baked last night and early this morning. This order is a blessing to her. It will not only help boost her shop and pastries, but it will also bring in more clients and money because the Donovans are well known, and probably some prominent personalities will attend the wedding. Brace can't help but feel in awe of Sabrina. She was different from the woman last night. This cute and dorky Sabrina is very humble, intelligent, and sweet. And he can see that his mom adores her. Even his best friend was mesmerized by her charm. Tom kept on throwing jokes at Sabrina, and she will giggle like a schoolgirl, which made him a little jealous. He can't explain what he's feeling. Maybe Tom was right when he called Sabrina the good witch. Perhaps she is a real witch and cast a spell on them. After the tasting, Brace's mother and Tom made a choice. Now Sabrina packed a small cake box for Brace's sister and her fiance, and they can finalize the order once the couple agrees with their selection. " Thank you so much, my dear, for accommodating us on such short notice. I will tell my friends about you and your delicious cakes. Expect a herd of orders in the coming days, my dear Sabrina." Mrs. Donovan hugged Sabrina while thanking her. " I should be the one thanking you, Mrs. Donovan, for choosing my small business for your daughter's wedding. You truly are a blessing." Sabrina answered. " Oh, please, call me Alicia, child. Anyways, we should get going and let you continue with your business. We've taken so much of your time as it is." Mrs. Donovan patted Sabrina's hand and started walking towards the door. Brace and Tom followed behind them. Tom elbowed his best friend and signaled him to go and talk to Sabrina. Brace glared at his friend and told him to behave. He doesn't want to jump into action immediately, and he feels he needs to get to know Sabrina more and befriend her first before pushing through with the plan. It would seem wise and less brutal. Brace doesn't want Sabrina to think he's rubbing his wealth in her face and insulting her by offering her money in exchange for her hand in marriage. He wants her to be comfortable with him first; to do that, he needs to be on her good side. " Thank you, dear, and we will keep in touch, alright?" Mrs. Donovan hugged Sabrina and bid her farewell. " Thank you, Sabrina, for those delicious cakes. When I get married, I want you to bake our cake too." Tom grinned at Sab and hugged her longer than Mrs. Donovan, which made Brace pull him back rather forcibly. Tom chuckled at his best friend's action, and Mrs. Donvan's eyes sparkled with glee. She is sure that his son is fascinated with Sabrina. Now all she needs to do is give a little push to these two, and she might have a double wedding this year. " Thank you, Sab, for your time. I'm not too fond of cake that much, but your cakes made me rethink my decision. You are a fantastic pastry chef, and I am sure my sister will love your cake." Brace complimented Sabrina, which made the latter blush. " Thank you, that's so kind of you to say that. I do hope the bride and groom will like my cake." Sabrina answered shyly and was still blushing from head to toe. She looks so adorably cute, blushing like a kid. When the guests leave, Sabrina lets out a big sigh of relief. She didn't know how she survived this day with Brace's presence in her shop. His scent lingers in the air, and it makes her feel intoxicated. Maybe she was quick to judge him last night. He acts differently today than last night, especially with his mother. He is so polite and respectful with his mother and charming as well. She can see the deep bond between the mother and son, making her fall in love with Brace Donovan even more. On the other hand, Brace doesn't feel like he wants to leave and still wants to spend more time with Sabrina. Her bright smile and happy disposition are like a ray of sunshine on his boring life. She was beautiful inside and out, and he could tell she was very loving and caring. " What a beautiful and sweet woman. Don't you think so, son?" Mrs. Donovan asked Brace with a bright smile. " She sure is, mom." Brace gave a brief answer, careful not to show emotions, or he will not hear the last of it. He knows the wheel on his mother's brain is turning. He can see that his mom was also put under a spell by Sabrina, the good witch. At least he won't have a problem convincing his mom of his plan. The most important person that he needs to convince is his father. His father may look tough, but he's one big hopeless romantic. He believes that love and trust should be a foundation for the union between a man and a woman. It would not be easy to convince and make him agree with the plan. Brace knew that he needed his mother's help convincing his father. And he learned, too, that his father couldn't say no to his wife. Now the next thing he should worry about is how to convince Sabrina without hurting her pride. Brace currently has a dilemma. He knows that the clock is ticking and doesn't have much time. " Man, when are you going to talk to Sabrina? You must do it quickly, or the management will get another guy to be the team's head coach. This offer is a golden opportunity for you, don't waste it." Tom whispered to Brace, but Alicia's ears were keen. " What are you two whispering about?" Mrs. Donovan asked curiously. " Nothing, mom. Something about work, you don't have to worry about it." Brace glanced at his mother nervously through the mirror and gave Tom a death glare. " It doesn't sound like nothing to me, and I heard Sabrina's name. Are you two hiding something from me? Tom, you know I hate lies and secrets. Tell me the truth." Mrs. Donovan pressed and stared at Tom with a stern look. " Uhm, auntie, I think Brace should explain the situation to you." Tom stuttered and glanced nervously at Brace's angry face. " Brace? You better tell me now, son." Mrs. Donovan stared straight at Braces without smiling. " It's something about the head coach position, mom. The management offered it to me because Steve is retiring, too. But they gave me a condition before fully giving me the position." Brace started explaining to his mother. He can't lie to his mother. " What condition? And why is Sabrina a part of this?" His mom asked in confusion. " Well, the management wants me to get married before the next season start. The board has this twisted idea that I would be more proactive and grounded if I were married. Since I don't have a girlfriend and wouldn't want to marry some random girl or those women I dated in the past, Tom suggested I should ask Sabrina. But this would be a marriage of convenience. No strings attached; we are free to do what we want as long as it doesn't affect the marriage." Brace explained to his mother. " What?! That is absurd, son! I don't think Sabrina is that kind of woman." His mother flared up. " I know, mom, but I am desperate, and I don't have much time for courtship and falling in love. I must try at least to convince Sabrina and explain my situation to her. I know she is a good person, so I chose her, knowing she won't take advantage of me and betray me. I need your help to convince her mom, please. I want this job." Brace was desperate, and his mom could see that. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise, his mother thought. These two are attracted to each other, and there is hope in this situation, and his mother smiles. " Leave it to me, son." His mother said and smiled wickedly. Now, he is scared.
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