Chapter 4 - Trapped

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Brace watched Sabrina walk out the door and felt this little pang in his heart seeing her go. He couldn't understand the rush of emotions, but he felt sad when she left. He knows he was behaving like a d**k a while ago, but he was surprised when she appeared out of nowhere, looking so innocent yet alluring. Her scent was intoxicating, and she had the body of a Goddess. He didn't mean to shove her that way, and it was because he felt the surge of electricity when they touched. She felt so familiar that it seemed his heart knew her, and it scared him. He saw how her eyes changed from shock to hurt, and he regretted it. " Looks like Miss gorgeous was not enjoying her night. Could it be she was jealous of seeing you with other girls?" Tom suddenly moved closer to him. Maybe he saw how his eyes followed that girl walking out the door. " Not my problem, dude." Brace answered and drank his beer, pretending he didn't care. " Are you sure? I saw how you looked at her, my friend. You cannot fool me." Tom laughed while punching his arm playfully. " You are hallucinating, Tom. Maybe you had too much to drink." Brace said and shook his head. " You know, dude, she is gorgeous. If you don't go after her, I will. I saw her friend come back, and maybe I'll ask for her number." Andy butted in, then stood up. Brace watched him approach that woman's friend and start dancing with her. Brace felt irritated because he knew Andy would get what he wanted but also the biggest player among them. Somehow he felt protective of that girl and wanted to stop Andy from getting his paws on her. There was something different about that woman; her eyes looked innocent and sad, making him feel very protective. " Dude, you know how Andy works. Do you want him to play that girl?" Dane asked Brace, and it made him feel more irritated. " As I said, not my problem. I don't even know that woman." He answered but kept his eyes on Andy and the blonde woman on the dance floor. After a while, Andy returned to their table with a big smile. " I told you guys, I will get her info. Her name is Sabrina Mcfee; she is 26 years old and owns a bakery downtown, and her friend is steadfast in not giving her number, but at least I have a name." Andy bragged and had a victorious smile on his face. " Nice moves, bro. Did you ask for the name of her shop?" Jason asked Andy. " Yup! Sweet Sabrina is the name of her shop." Andy answered. Brace listened to their conversation secretly. He thinks the name of her shop suits her well. He could tell that she was a sweet woman. Suddenly, he felt tired and wanted to go home. " Hey, guys, I need to bounce. I am a bit tired tonight, and I am going to the office early tomorrow. Management wants me there early to talk about the changes in my career. You can all stay and enjoy the night. I'm going home first." Brace stood, took out his wallet, and placed bills on the table. " What?! You only got here!" Dane exclaimed. " I suddenly have a headache and feel tired. I'll catch up with you guys some other time, alright?" Brace answered and started walking out of the club. Tom ran after him and accompanied him outside. " Are you going to let Andy steal your girl?" Tom asked while putting his arms around Brace's shoulders. " Dude, stop with that already. She's not my girl, okay? If Andy wants her, then let him work it out." Brace got irritated again with Tom's question. " Don't say I didn't warn you. You might regret it big time, Ace." Ace is a name his teammates gave him since he joined the team because he was their ace player. " Whatever, dude. I'm going home. You take care of those clowns, alright? You are the designated driver tonight, so don't brink too much. See you tomorrow." Brace hugged and tapped Tom's back, then went into his car. Tom watched his friend go. He's got a feeling that his friend will be settling down soon. That Sabrina woman will somehow change his friend's views about marriage. And there's something familiar about that woman. He felt he had seen her already and couldn't remember where and when, but she looked familiar. He went back inside and decided to worry about his friend's love life some other time. The next day, Brace woke up early to his phone ringing. He reached for his phone on his bedside table and answered grumpily. He was still half awake and wanted to murder whoever disturbed his sleep. " You better have a good reason for waking me up." He barked at the person on the other line. " Or what, young man?" His mother's voice sounded amused. " Mom? What the hell! Why are you calling so early in the morning?" He grumbled. " It is already nine in the morning, Brace. Didn't you say you had a meeting with the management today? And besides, I want to ask for your help. Your sister asked me to go and meet with the pastry chef for their wedding cake. I need a man's opinion, but your father refused to go because he's playing golf with his friends, as usual." His mother answered. " Why me? I'm not too fond of cakes, mom. You know that." Brace sat up and complained. " I know, son, but can't you make an exception just this once? For your sister?" His mom pleaded, and he sighed in frustration. His mom knows he couldn't say no to her. " Alright, alright. Text me the shop address, and I'll meet you there. I must pass by the office first, and I'll bring Tom and ask him to taste the cake on my behalf. Is it good enough for you?" Brace bargained with his mother. " That is perfect, sweetheart. I'll see you later then. Thank you and take care, Brace." His mom answered excitedly and cut the call. He sighed and stood up. His sister Kendra is getting married in two weeks, and everyone is in a good mood except him. But he knows this is so important for his sister, and she only gets married once, so she wants everything perfect. He went into the shower to start his day. After his shower, Brace hurriedly put his clothes on. He is going to be late for the meeting. Although he got mad with his mom for disturbing his sleep, he is also thankful that she woke him up, or he might miss the meeting. At ten-thirty, he was already on his way to the office. After getting off the phone with his mom, he texted Tom and told him to meet him at the office. He knows Tom loves his sweets and would be ecstatic to know he would be tasting cakes today. He may look tough on the outside, but he is a softie and childlike on the inside. He parked right in front of their headquarters and walked inside. Tom texted back and said he was on his way to the office. Brace went to the President's office and knocked on the door before opening it. Mr. Da Silva, the owner/President of the FC Dallas team, smiled when he saw Brace. Dan, the assistant coach, was there. He looked for his coach, Steve, but he was not around. He shook Dan's hand and then went to shake the President's hand, " Welcome, Brace, and congratulations on the win yesterday. You made us again proud, even on your last day as a player. Alright, let's get to business right away!" The President said enthusiastically and pointed to the chair for Brace to take. " I knew Steve told you last night about the management's plan for your career. It was supposed to be a secret until we sorted out everything, but your coach got overwhelmed and excited to tell you the good news. Unfortunately, there will be changes to the plan. As you can see, Steve is not here." The President started. " He got admitted last night to the hospital due to a heart condition. I received the call from his wife soon after he got admitted to the hospital. He is out of danger, don't worry, but the doctor told him to stop working and retire. Dan is here because we naturally offered him the head coach position." Mr. Da Silva continued. " But Dan declined the offer and said he was not the right person to do the job. So, I called for an emergency meeting with the board and Steve via zoom. Everyone has decided and voted to give the position to you." Brace was shocked at the news and stared at Dan and Mr. Da Silva in disbelief. " Are you sure, sir? Dan has more years of coaching than me and has worked with Steve for a few years." Brace argued with the President. " Yes, it may be true, Brace, but you know the boys more than me and have been playing the sport almost all your life. You are the obvious candidate for this job, and I will support and guide you the best I can." Dan reasoned with him. " Dan is correct, Brace. You know how your teammates play and their strengths and weaknesses. The job is yours if you accept it, but there's a condition." Mr. Da Silva announced. " What is it?" Brace asked nervously. " The board agreed that you must get married to get the job done. A married man will have more focus and will stay grounded. We will give the position to you if you get married before the next season starts. What would you decide, Brace? Are you going to take on the challenge?" Mr. Da Silva stared straight into Brace's eyes and watched his reaction. " Mr. Da Silva, don't you think that's too much? I mean, where is the logic in that? How can my status change my capabilities as a coach? And how do you expect me to find a woman that soon?" Brace stared at the older man in disbelief. He finds the situation hilarious and crazy. " That's what the board has decided, Brace. They think you as a married man would be beneficial." Mr. Da Silva answered. " That is so f****d up. Can I think about it, sir? This news came as a shock to me, and I find the condition absurd." Brace honestly declared and shook his head. " Take all the time you need, Brace, but remember, the next season will start in three months. You better have a wife by then if you want this position." The older man said. " Dan, did you agree to this as well?" Brace asked the assistant coach. Dan reluctantly nodded his head. " I think it was reasonable and a good call, Brace. You being single and carefree might affect your abilities as a coach. Besides, don't you think it's high time you settled down? You are not getting any younger, you know." Dan stated. " God, you are all crazy! Where on earth did you get that logic? I will think about it first. Marriage is difficult to decide, and I can't just pick up a random woman and offer marriage to her." Brace raked his fingers through his hair. " You had many girlfriends in the past. Why don't you start choosing the right woman for the job? You had a lot of options, Brace, but you better choose wisely. As you've said, marriage is not easy." Dan suggested, and that made Brace mad even more. " I need to think. I will get back to you once I decide whether to take this offer or not, Mr. Da Silva. Dan, I'll see you later. Good day to you both." Brace made his exit as fast as he could. He feels like he's suffocating. He found Tom in the lobby waiting for him. He was flirting with the receptionist and grinned when he saw Brace. But his smile froze when he saw his friend's troubled and angry face. " Hey, man, who died?" Tom joked with him when he drew near. " Nobody died, but I might in a few days." Brace answered irritatedly and went outside. Tom ran after him after blowing a flying kiss toward his new prospect. " Wait up, dude! What seems to be the problem?" Tom asked worriedly. " Can you believe they want me to get married before giving me the head coach position?" Brace lashed out and raised his two arms. " Wait, what head coach? I thought you would be the apprentice? And marriage?" Tom asked confusingly at him. " Steve is at the hospital and is retiring. Then Dan refused the position, so they offered it to me, but it has a condition. They want me to get married first. Can you believe that?!" Brace told his best friend and looked frustrated. " That is crazy. What are you going to do? Are you giving them what they want? I guess the question is, do you want this position enough to give up your freedom?" Tom asked seriously. " You know that Football is my life, Tom, and I want this. But I'm not too sure now. This condition is insane! I feel trapped!" Tom can feel the frustration behind his friend's words. He feels sorry for him but thinks it's his destiny, and he knows who the right woman would be for his friend. Maybe the universe is playing a matchmaking game here. Brace has no say on this because destiny wants to play. Tom had a secret smile and started making plans for his friend. He hopes that Sabrina girl is ready for his best friend.
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