Chapter 6 - Divine timing

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Sabrina was still staring at the door a few minutes after her guests left. She can't believe Brace Donovan was at her shop moments ago. If only she were not so nervous and upset with him, she would have asked for a picture, which would be a great addition to her collection. She knows she seems like a stalker, but it's not the case. She only wants to have something that will remind her of him. Ever since she saw Brace Donovan, he has been her inspiration and savior whenever she feels like giving up in life. She was contented to admire and love him from afar, but now their world collided, and she knew that her heart was in danger if he kept showing up in front of her. Sabrina suddenly remembered that today would be her mom's chemo session, so she asked her assistant, Macy, to look after the shop for her. She took off her apron, grabbed her bag, and rushed to the door. On her way to the hospital, she called her best friend, Gina, to tell her about what had happened today. " Hey, girl, what's up?" Gina answered in the third ring. " Hey, b***h, I'm on my way to the hospital. It's that time of the month for mom again, and I almost forgot about it because I had clients a while ago." Sabrina informed Gina. " Oh, you did not! Do you want me to go with you?" Gina offered. " Nah, I'm okay, babe. It's like a routine for me already. You wouldn't believe who my clients were." Sabrina told her best friend excitedly. " Who?" Gina asked excitedly. " The Donovans," Sabrina answered briefly. " Donovans, as in Brace Donovan?!" Gina shrieked. " Yep! His mom came in first, and he followed soon after with his buddy. I will bake the wedding cake for his sister's wedding two weeks from now. Can you believe that?!" Sabrina stated dramatically. " Oh my God, that's wonderful, Sab!" Gina screamed. " Gina, my ears! I am so happy and grateful for this opportunity, Gin. I have been struggling with bills and debts, and this account will help me get more customers and sales." Sabrina expressed herself emotionally. " I'm not talking about your sales, girl. I'm talking about Brace Donovan! Sabrina, what did I tell you? The Universe will find a way to bring you two closer. This opportunity is divine timing, Sab!" Gina declared. " Oh God, Gina, stop it already! You are always bringing your witchcraft into this." Sabrina reprimanded her best friend. " Sabrina, this is not witchcraft! Tarot reading and manifestations are not witchcraft; they are simply guidance from the universe and spirit realm. All my prayers and meditations for you are slowly coming true." Gina affirmed heartily. If you guys are wondering what Gina was talking about, she is a tarot reader and so into spells and manifestations. She has been telling her friend, Sabrina, that she will have her happily ever after with her person soon, and Sabrina dismissed the idea and told Gina that she didn't believe in what the cards were saying because it was impossible. " Sabrina, I told you to have an open mind and believe in divine intervention. The Universe shows you that they are watching and working behind the scenes. I am telling you, girl, the cards don't lie." Gina scolded Sabrina and reminded her that she had to stay optimistic and accept her destiny. " Gina, what you were saying is impossible. Brace Donovan is way out of my league, and we are poles apart. His status in life is way up there; I am down here, a tiny spec of dust. He can have any woman more suitable for a man of his status." Sabrina contradicted her best friend's insights. " Say what you want, Sab, but the cards don't lie. If the Universe said you belong together, then come whatever may, it will come to fruition." Gina affirmed. " Whatever, girl. Will you come to the house later?" Sabrina changed the topic to stop her best friend from getting fired up with her negativity. " Of course. It's a new moon, girl, and it's a Friday. A good day to make some spells and do some reading." Gina said excitedly. " Okay, I'll see you then. I'll cook dinner tonight. What do you crave now?" Sabrina asked Gina. " Oooh, can we have pasta tonight?" Gina answered eagerly. " Sure, babe. I'll pass by the grocery after mom's Chemo. See you tonight, Gin." Sabrina responded and said goodbye to her best friend since she had already arrived at the hospital. She parked her old vehicle near the hospital entrance and ran inside. The nurses smiled at her, and Sabrina smiled back at them. No time to chat since she's already late. There never was a time that she was not around every time her mom had her therapy. She always made sure that she was around waiting outside during this ordeal. She knew how hard and painful it was for her mom every time she had the therapy. She would curl in her bed and vomit right after the session, which killed her to see her mom in pain. She ran toward the room where her mom used to have therapy. When her mother saw her, she smiled in relief. Sabrina rushed toward her mother and held her hand tightly. " There you are! I told the Doctor to wait for a while for you. I was worried when you didn't show up at my room." Her mother told her. " I am so sorry, mom. I had clients over, and we did some cake tasting. Thanks, Doc, for waiting for me." Sabrina explained to her mother, then turned to the Doctor and thanked her. " Oh, that's good news, love! It means good business." Her mother smiled brightly. " No problem, Sab. I know how important it is for you to be here during your mother's sessions. " Thank you. Mom, I'll be right outside as usual, okay? Be strong and relax, alright?" The session usually lasts three to four hours. But right now, since this is not her mom's first, it will only take two hours or more. " Thank you, sweetheart. I feel at ease now that you are here. Now go so we can start. I love you, my little witch." Her mother said, smiling weakly. " Mom!" Sabrina whined. She hates it when her mother calls her little witch. Her mother was a fan of the sitcom Sabrina, the good witch, which is why she named her Sabrina when she gave birth to a baby girl. Her mother believed that Sabrina was a gift from the Divine. Her parents almost gave up hope of ever getting pregnant, but a gypsy told them that they would soon have a baby girl and that she would be a gift from the Divine. Her mother also believes in the Divine timing and Divine plan. Gina and her mother were so alike, and they are both weird and into tarots and spells, which is why they clicked right away when Sabrina introduced them. Sabrina's father died when she was still young. He had a heart attack at work, so Sabrina's mother raised her all by herself and never remarried. Her mother believed that her father was her divine counterpart, her soulmate, and she would never betray him even if he were dead. She admired her parents' love for each other and wished she'd find that kind of connection with someone. She was reading a magazine outside the room where her mother was undergoing chemotherapy when her phone rang, and it was from an unknown number, so she answered reluctantly. " Hello?" She answered. " Hello, dear. Alicia Donovan here. I'm calling to inform you that my daughter and her fiance loved your cake. Even my husband, who's not a fan of cakes like my son, loved it. So we are confirming our order. A five-tier red velvet cake was what they had chosen, Sab. The one with vanilla, lemon, and raspberry filling and red velvet layers with cream cheese icing. Can you do it?" Alicia Donovan informed Sabrina. " Of course, Alicia. Thank you so much for entrusting me with this. I will pour my heart and soul into this cake. Please thank your daughter and her finance for me, Alicia. Can you come by the shop tomorrow for the contract and final cake cost? Let me know when and where I should deliver the cake." Sabrina answered eagerly. " Okay, I will, Sab. Will it be okay if I ask my son, Brace, to go instead of me? I must accompany my daughter to her gown fitting tomorrow, dear." Alicia made an excuse not to come because she wanted her son to meet Sabrina instead. " Oh, okay, I understand, Alicia. Please tell him to come by the shop around ten tomorrow morning?" Sabrina told Alicia. Somehow it made Sabrina happy and excited to see Brace again. " Thank you, dear, and I will inform Brace of the appointment. Can't you two meet today instead?" Alicia wanted a quick result from her matchmaking. " I'm sorry, Alicia, I'm at the hospital now. I am available tomorrow, though." Sabrina sadly answered Alicia. " Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Are you sick?" Alicia sounded genuinely concerned. " Not me, Alicia, my mom. She has cancer, and she's undergoing chemotherapy now." Sabrina disclosed to Alicia. " Oooh. I am so sorry to hear that, Sab. I hope your mom was okay, and I will pray for her and you, dear." Alicia expressed wholeheartedly. " Thank you, Alicia. I'll prepare the contract and have it ready by tomorrow." Sabrina thanked the kind woman on the other end. She can feel the genuine emotion from the older woman, and it touches her heart. " Alright, dear, I'll inform Brace. Take care, Sab, and be strong." Alicia answered and cut the call. Sabrina felt so happy that the bride and groom liked her cake. She considers this contract a make or breaks for her baking career. She had to make sure this cake would be the best she had ever baked. After a while, the door to the therapy room opened, and the Doctor came out. " All done, Doc?" Sabrina stood up and approached the Doctor. " Yep, hopefully, this would be the last, Sab. Your mother is a fighter, but I don't know if her body can sustain the pain and the process if this continues." The Doctor told Sabrina her concerns. " I hope and pray for that too, Doc. Can I see mom now?" Sabrina requested. " Give it a few minutes, Sab, then your good to go. The same routine, help her to her room and let her rest. The vomiting would be worst this time, so help her as much as possible." The Doctor advised, and Sabrina nodded solemnly. In the meantime, at Donovan's mansion, Alicia searched for Brace at his father's library to inform him of the appointment tomorrow with Sabrina. She found her son chatting with his father about football. " Brace, would you be so dear as to meet up with Sabrina tomorrow to finalize the contract for your sister's cake? I made an appointment with her at ten in the morning, but I have to accompany your sister for the gown fitting." Alicia asked Brace. " Mom, why me? Couldn't you drop by her shop on your way to the boutique?" Brace complained. He knows what his mother is trying to do. " Sweetheart, it will only take a few minutes. Your sister and I must be at the boutique at eight, which will take a while. Please?" His mother pleaded with puppy eyes, and everyone knew that no one could resist whenever Alicia pulled that trick. " Alright, stop with that lost puppy look, mom." Brace rolled his eyes and shook his head. His father chuckled and was so entertained observing his wife play with his son's emotions. " Why are you refusing to go, Brace? I heard the chef was beautiful, and you're not the type to turn down this opportunity to be with a gorgeous woman." His father asked curiously. Alicia grinned and sat on the sofa, waiting for Brace's answer. " I am not refusing, dad, and she's not that beautiful." Brace answered. " I beg to disagree, son. Sabrina is lovely and intelligent, has a good heart, and is a very strong woman. I called her a while ago and found out that her mother is a cancer patient. She is in the hospital right now, where her mother is confined and having her chemotherapy." Alicia remarked and watched the display of emotions on her son's face when she disclosed Sabrina's situation. " Oh, poor child. I couldn't imagine what she must be going through watching her mother in that condition." Roger Donovan commented. " I didn't know that, mom." Brace murmured. He felt sad and sorry for Sabrina for going through this situation. But then a light bulb suddenly sparked in his brain. Could this be the answer to his problem? If Sabrina's mother is in the hospital, it means she needs financial help. An idea came to his mind. Would Sabrina accept his offer in exchange for her mother's medical bill? He is willing to help her with that if she would help him with his situation too. He doesn't want to appear like an opportunist, but this should be an excellent solution to their problems. He hopes she will accept his offer because he genuinely wants to help her with her mother's medical bill. After learning about her mother's condition, Brace admired Sabrina's strength even more. How long has she been fighting this battle on her own? What a remarkable woman, Brace thought. " So, will you meet with her tomorrow?" His mother asked again. " Yes, I will, mom. I'll be there." Brace answered. Suddenly he has this need to see her and hug her. He wanted so badly to protect her, and he couldn't understand why he felt this way. Well, two words Brace Donovan, Divine timing.
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