Betrayal and Intense Infidelity

1861 Words
Aling Hariana's POV As of a moment, my heart is grieving so much. I 've got witness the intense betrayal and infidelity of my boyfriend named Manulito. He was my childhood sweetheart and my long time boyfriend for about 8 years. I felt that, he was stabbed me behind my back a multiple times. It was very hurt when I saw him that was kissing the other girl yesterday that exactly inside their house. At this moment, I am letting myself to feel the intense grief of my lonely heart at the outside of my house. "Ahhhhh! Why Manulito! Why?! I gave you all my heart and understanding because I loved you so much. I gave all my patience even you hadn't so much time for me. Why all these freaking sacrifices, you betrayed me that much! Ahhhh! Manulito! I did everything you ask for! Ahhhhh...I gave you all my life for about 8 years of our romantic relationship.... I've been chosen to stay beside you and just gave up my own future for your happiness but, despite of all that sacrifices of mine, you've wasted it!" shouted of me in myself while I am crying continously at the back of a huge tree that is near from my home. Way back yesterday.... It was a quite afternoon that it happened, I was supposedly visiting my boyfriend in his house to surprise him with my homemade pininyahang manok. It was his favorite filipino dish. I've been made my initiation to visit him because he didn't visit me for a span of a week. So I've been decided to surprise him. All of a suddened, I was the one who got surprise because of the intense scene that I've been witnessed. Due to my shocked, I accidentally got down my homemade piniyahang manok, and it has been wasted then scattered on the floor. They've been interrupted from their intense kissing at the living area of Manulito's house, and then, all of them were looking at me with a huge of surprise. "Oh.. Hariana.. there you are... I didn't expect you to come here...." agitated said of Manulito at me. He got panicking while moving up fastly from his sitting, and then, he was fixing his wear clothe while his hands were trembling so much due to a huge nervousness. He didn't carry to look at me in my eyes straightly due to a huge shame. On the other side, the girl next to him was just acting like a cool one while she was standing up from a sitting and fixing herself confidently. She threw at me with an intense looked. It was just like, she could carry to kill me by her intense looked. Then, she laughed infront of me to fool me around. "Hahaha... oh come on, Manulito. Here she is, I think... this is the right time to say the whole truth on her. We should have to confess everything on her. Just be a man! Don't acting like a coward dog!" irritated shout of Kieva to Manulito. She was the mistress of my boyfriend. "What do you mean? Huh? How could you be acted like that with so much confidence despite the fact that, you are a mistress and a f*****g w***e! You've started to ruin another's life!" angered shout of me at her. "Ow? Really? You're too pathetic hahahaha.. Ow... sorry for your loss... hahahahaha. It isn't obvious? I am the one whose a truly love of Manulito... not you.... because you are a looser! Hmmmm... ok babe Manulito, just let me to make things more easier for you. Hmmmmm... you know girl, I know that, it's hard for you to accept this fact but... me and Manulito had a romantic relationship for about a year up to now. We are fooling you for that long. Don't you have ever notice that?" Kieva confessed. After I've heard that damn confession from her, I felt that she stabbed my heart up to the deepest part of my soul. She was very confident while she was confessing all their betrayal on me. I was about to loose my sanity from that moment until that I've been noticed that my tears were starting to run on my face continously. In a meanwhile, she spoke again.... "You know, the truth is, he is just choosing to stick with you for that stupid long time.... it is because.. for a sake of sympathy only. I didn't mean that he is still inloved with you. I was convincing him for a span of months in a mutiple times to leave you... But still, he still chose to be a coward one. Is it hurt? Huh?! Hahahahaha.. oh well, that is a sadly truth. You just have to accept that fact. He is just having a feeling of pity for you because he assumed that you truly needed it that much. You are so pathetic weak blind girl! Hahahahaha... I am describing you like a child that needs of so much care from a mother because you're a sick and freaky woman!" Intense shaming and discrimination of her on me. Manulito was just a coward one. He didn't oppose nor to forcing her to stop shaming me, but he was still choosing to keep his silence and just watching me dragging down with so much shame by his mistress. "Hey girl, If I were you.... just move on and have a life of your own! You are just a heavy baggage on him like a monster sucker! A poor woman without a dream in life!" Another shaming attacked of her on me. Then, out of the moment.. Manulito has been decided to talk. "Can you please stop talking there Kieva! Your words are too harsh! It's enough! Just let me to fix this. This is in between me and Hariana for now so please! Just keep to set aside yourself from us for now! Just give me a moment first to talk," angered shout of Manulito to Kieva surprisedly. Then, Kieva had chosen to remain silent. There is a bit of silence that past in between the both of us until I spoke again. "Manulito.... why?! Why did you betray me that much? What did I do wrong to you? I gave all my life and understanding to you for your happiness and just to save of our relationship. Why? Huhuhuhuhu.... I did all that sacrifices to loving you more than my life, up to the extent that I've sacrificed my own ambition just to be with you. Huhuhuhuhu..." I've cried so much while I was talking to him. "I am sorry.... I know it's hard to accept but.... I didn't love you that much now. I'm sorry.... yeah, I did to love you for that long years that we've been together.... but, It has been faded little by little. I am very coward to admit it to you, and I've really meant it so that, I am very sorry for that. I didn't do it intentionally... it has been happened such as that. I didn't know why, it has been faded that fast. Maybe, because I hate of being stuck in this such a very boring life. I had a huge dream and... I've seen it on Kieva," Manulito confessed. It was just like... I was very bloated with so much hurt. My heart was pumping with so much pain. It was killing me softly. "What have you seen on her that I haven't? Huh?! I thought, you are contented with this kind of life with me? You've been mentioned it a few years ago. Why all of a suddened, you've changed? I've thought.... we were very happy and contented. Just tell me!" I was very devastated while I was talking to him that time. All of a suddened, Kieva was interrupted our conversation. "Just let me to answer your question for him. First of all... I am an educated person, very ambitious woman, I am very rich because I have a lot of business in Manila, I am a very sexy, very modern and sophisticated woman unlike you. What about you? you're such ahhmmm... let's say ahhmm... native woman, very boring, very sick, useless and so forth. Have you satisfied to my answer now? That's the saddest truth. I have a capacity to help him to reach his ambition and to change his pathetic and very boring life that he didn't experience on you," It was a very truthful with a deadliest attack that I recieved for my entire life. That b***h! A f*****g w***e! I didn't carry the torment, so that I left them unexpectedly and running so fast to keep away myself from them as much as I could. I found myself like a zombie when I reached my home. I've chose to keep alone in my room for the entire day. I didn't eat well even to sleep well. I was very drowned by my deepest heartache. ON THE OTHER SIDE.... Prince Hayisha's POV I've tried to stay more inside the human world just to monitor and observe the woman of my life, while I am still grounded due to the ongoing investigation in related to the huge scandal that they've accused against me. I'm just an invisible enchanter in the eyes of a human so that it is easy for me to come to Hariana... but not too close. I must have to avoid a 1 meter apart from her. She would be going to notice my presence if I am too close to her. On the other hand, I've witnessed her heartache on how she got ruin by the two cheaters. My heart was also crying while I was witnessing her bitterness. While I was supposedly observing her grieving from afar... My hatred became heightened so much while they were bullying her, especially the mistress of that damn dog. The cheater ex of my love. My eyes were turning into red, and it was burning so much, and the heat from my body has been started to release of an intense fire. I didn't want to see my woman that hurting so much. But along the way, I was still holding my temper. I didn't want to ruin the ongoing scenario. I didn't want to scare my love. After she left, I've started to make a revenge for Hariana. I shooked the whole area of the house of the man. It was just like, I've created an intense earthquake to punish them, until the house of Manulito has been broken. It was already brushed off. In a meanwhile, after Manulito and Kieva got sense the intensity shaking of the land, they were immediately got off from the house. "What the f**k!? This is so insane! My house has gone already!" exagerated scream of Manulito while he was watching his house that was falling apart. "Oh my?! Why didn't you mention that woman is a truly freak? She is a witch! I am very sure of that... she did it I swear!" agitated shout of Kieva. Then, they were both depressed while still watching the destructed house.
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