
Dare to Love Me My Chaotic Man


(X- rated-18) King Hayisha is heading his death so that he wants Manchito to accept his fate to live in the parallel world of the royal enchanters. Manchito is not prepared mentally for that change. Will he be accepted the responsibility or would rather be declined it? Here is his huge rival named Baroko, the son of General Garunda, a pure royal enchanter who will going to stop him to go back to their kingdom because he has a huge ambition to catch the thrown. There is saying in the prophecy of their mesias from their holy ancestor that Manchito is the future successor but it could forfeit if he doesn't show within 30 days. What if, Baroko which is his distant relative would be turned out as his huge rival for the love of Miraliya, a pure enchanter that is the daughter of the apprentice of the royal king, how he will going to do to win her love? What Manchito will going to do if his childhood bestfriend named Fiora will become his mortal enemy in the future? She is his human friend. She is madly inloved with him but Manchito rejected her that led to her heartache. It would be pushed her to make an alliance to Baroko for Manchito's destruction. Is there be a chance to save her from Baroko?

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Darkest Plan
There is a strong, a well known and an extravagant kingdom from the immortal world, which is called "Marohiko Kingdom." This immortal world is reigning for the hybrid enchanters only. It has a magical portal or a tunnel located in a small barrio, called "Biga" from a far away province of Samar in the Philippines. In the mentioned kingdom, there is a famous young prince named prince Hayisha which is the eldest son of the present empire, that starting up to build his name for the recognition and respect of their society as well as of their goddess ancestors. He has a priceless traits such as being so cheerful, having a purest golden heart, with an unlimited kindness, very helpful to his entire citizens, and mostly he is not accepting any in return in terms of providing of a free of service to his fellow citizens. Because of these having priceless traits, there are so many enchanters in their community, especially from the side of his relatives, have a huge envious on him. There is a spreading news coming from nowhere that he would be probably the next rising king for the upcoming administration of their kingdom. After of his family's administration, there will be another generation to rise and to look out. This immortal world has their unique way on how they are celebrating the proper coronation for the next election. This is the trademark of their holy ritual. Their holy goddess and other holy ancestors from the spirit world are those eligible to choose of the next king unlikely the ordinary human. Those people in the human world have a freedom to vote of their desirable leaders whoever they want, but in this mentioned kingdom is likely contrast. When the right time comes for the coronation day, there would be a surprised existence of unmeasurable size of a big phoenix in the sky, and the fire from it's body would be shining brightly that can be captured the surface of the entire world. There would be an unmeasureable exposure of brightness with a combination of color blue and red in the sky from the expansive brightness coming from it's fire. Then, the mentioned phoenix will be going down from the sky to find the chosen one. It will be going to possess the body of the chosen hybrid enchanter, then it will be going up to the sky just like a real flying phoenix. The image of the chosen new king will be covered up all the entire surface of the sky of their world just to announce that the selection has done already. This is their unique way to introduce the new rising king, to gain the recognition and acknowledgement of the entire kingdom as well as the other nearer world. There are different tribes coming from the entire corner of the "Marohiko Kingdom" are so craving to be chosen and to be recognized by their goddess to gain the honour and holy praise by the whole world. This is also the main cause why there are some of an increasing incidence of crime in between the variety of tribes that are opposing each other for a war. On the other side, prince Hayisha has a third cousin named general Garunda. The mentioned general is one of the highest general that is included with the highest ranks at their respective palace. General Garunda is thinking such a very long time to catch the attention of their highest god for the honour and godly praise from their nation.It is his toughest dream to be selected as a king for the next generation. In the other side, his birthday is coming nearer, so he made a huge plan. He has decided already that he wanted to do it before the exact date of his birthday that would lead to the destruction of prince Hayisha. General Garunda has hidden envious, hatred and disappointment to the respected prince of their present empire named prinsipe Hayisha. It has been all started when the name of the mentioned prince is very famous all over the corner of their entire kingdom. His reputation is praising by their whole nation. All their nation has a warmful support and loving heart for prince Hayisha. Wherever he goes, he heard something a highly positive compliments for the prince unlike to him. His craving for such praises led him to create a huge blockage to appreciate the good side of prince Hayisha. It pushes him to see the prince as his huge rival. He wants to gain that kind of huge honour so that he strived hard for that dream. Wayback from his childhood memories, he had a dream to become a king someday so that he went to the Military Department to have an intense training to stretch his limitation. "Whatever it might be given a cause even for the destruction of life of others.... it's not so important for me.... I will going to make sure that the victory is mine in the end!" greediness thoughts that playing inside the mind of the general while one time, he is watching the entire kingdom. He wanted to put all the nation including the present administration under his foot. This is all he wants. To be the most strongest hybrid enchanter, with overwhelmed fame, to become the most sovereign leader with autonomous power among the others. He wanted also to use his power with the support coming from the military to manage the entire kingdom just to manipulate them by his selfish goal. He's trying to comprehend all the possible reasons why prince Hayisha is more the luckiest one than him, even though he is more competent and very qualified to acknowledge. Prince Hayisha is just like an ordinary commoner just like others because he has nothing excellent background trainings especially in related to Military and Leadership to handle all the nation in a proper way like him. But still, all the authorities including the people/nation, the highest Goddess and the holy ancient ancestors are more agreed and seeing him as an exact suitable successor for the highest position as the king of their entire kingdom. Finally, General Garunda comes to a point to make a huge decision to start his darkest plan. He has decided already to invite the prince to join to his simple gathering which is the so called, "boy's night out party" that is exclusive for them only. "Hey! Are you sure boss that you want him to join with us? That weak and wierd man?" Niro being described to prince Hayisha while saying it to his buddy general Garunda. Niro is one of the close friend and co-workmate of general. He is also a soldier like him, but he is including in the lower rank. One evening, they are both flying up to the sky and doing a rounds around the "Marohiko Kingdom" to do an inspection. "Hey bro! Don't say bad word... just limit what you are saying with uncomfortable words. Don't forget that he is still the son of our present empire. Get it?" serious replied of general Garunda while he is busy of looking around the entire places of their kingdom. "Ok so... let's use a hidden term... what are you thinking about or any prepared plan for your pet "Mulawin" boss? Why do we need to encourage him to join with us? As what I know, you and him are not so closed or even friends right? It seems so wierd.. It doesn't make sense?" Niro just uses the term "Mulawin" to pinpoint that he is talking about prince Hayisha. "You don't have to worry too much ok? Just let it behind.... I'll take the responsibility so all you have to do is just to go with the flow... whatever I say or whatever I act, just let it on the flow. We have to avoid the possible chance to have him of any suspicion coming from his observation about us. Is it clear?" General Garunda commanded to his friend with authority. While they are busy of talking with each other, they have noticed that prince Hayisha is at the sacred forest. They are both decided to fly down towards the prince. Prince Hayisha is suddenly playing his favorite musical instrument which is the violin at the middle of the sacred forest of "Mohala-Hana." It is one of the famous place of "Marohiko Kingdom." This is one of the favorite place of their holy goddess and also the favorite place of the prince to hang out. Prince Hayisha is enjoying himself by means of playing a violin. It gives him a vibrant ambiance for his relaxation time. "Copy boss. Ohhh.. just take a minute.... did you see what I see at that place? I saw prince Hayisha there." Captain Niro is pointing his right finger to the sacred place of "Mohala-hana" and shared it surprisedly to general Garunda. Instead to reply, the general has immediately flying down towards the prince. Instead of making a complaint, Captain Niro is following his boss, then he is flying down also next to the general. They are now going towards the prince. On the other side, prince Hayisha is suddenly playing a violin near the lake. While he is continously playing his favorite violin, there are a few white bold snakes that are dancing under the water. They are expressing their sympathy to the prince because he is all alone through that sacred place except them. They are trying to sing along with the beautiful and a happy song while dancing. In the middle of their bonding, prince Hayisha has stopped suddenly after he heard the greeting of the general behind his back.

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