A Magical Calling of Love (SPG)

2061 Words
"Huhuhuhu.... huhuhuhu... huhuhuhu.. I don't know what life is all about for me now? He killed my heart... huhuhuhu," sadly said of Aling Hariana about herself while she still grieving for her dying love. Aling Hariana is still crying sadly through out the day, and she remained sitting at the back of a huge tree. She looked so untidy, very unhappy and very absent minded in her deepest self reflection. Out of a moment, she is starting to feel the intensity of the air that surrounds through her place. It is very windy, very cold regardless of the sunlight that is heating like a fire. There is a sweet smell coming from a fresh of flower that mixed up through the air. Her body got shivering due to the increasing coldness of her area, then she hugs herself tightly to produce a heat to lessen the numbness of her body. The wind is still dancing around her area because she feels it so much. When she tried to close her eyes and then, rub it also due to the irritation that she recieved from the hit of the air, she got surprise on the next happening. In a glimpse of moment, she has witnessed a multiple pricked of flowers that are swaying on the air and they are coming towards her. They are coming in a circle move and floating in one direction line while the air still pushing it towards her. She got fantasize and mesmirize. After she reached by the dancing flowers, they are circling her and all together dropping down above her head. Some of the flowers are dropping down onto her lap. It helps to alter her attention from her grieving, then it has brought a meaningful joyfulness in her heart. It is continously and repetitively happening to make her happy until there is someone that comes up. In a glimpse of moment, there is a stranger man that has surprisingly appeared from afar. He is shining very brightly while walking towards Aling Hariana. She is trying to look at the incoming stranger man but her eyes are just burning up while catching a high sensitivity from his light. She doesn't carry to look at him straightly. When the stranger man is about to reach her, he got pause for awhile in front of her. Aling Hariana is still remained sitting beside the huge tree. The stranger man is the prince of Marohiko Kingdom. He asked her hand to get her up when he brought his left arm towards her. Aling Hariana is suddenly glancing at his face even her eyes are still keeping irritated by his light, but still.... she is trying her best to see his face clearly. She got magnetize by his intense charisma and angelic face after she saw him. He is very handsome in her eyes. His charisma is very static and unmeasurable. "Who are you stranger? You looked so wonderful and magnificient like a real royal highness," outspoken words of Aling Hariana on him while she is suddenly getting up herself from a sitting and letting him holding her hand. Prince Hayisha is holding her hand softly while giving her a huge sweet smile. He has chosen to show himself on her in a human form. After Aling Hariana stood up, he speaks on her. "The beautiful and angelic face of yours is truly a goddess. You deserved to recieve a worship and put you in a highest pedestal. Please accept it, my lovely lady," asked of prince Hayisha then, he knelt down the ground infront of her while still holding her hand tenderly. He showed up a beautiful red rose for her coming from his behind and then, he gives it to her. Aling Hariana's face got blush from his sweet compliments and lovely effort. On the other side, Aling Hariana found herself receiving his pleasant gift and then, prince Hayisha is suddened getting up from his kneeling. Then, he pushed her to follow him at the middle of the windy forest. Upon the middle of their lovely moment, there is a sweet whistle of air with a beautiful melody that is coming from nowhere. It is singing on the air. She heards that sweet voice. It is like, they are both dancing in the middle of the crowd. Prince Hayisha and Aling Hariana are dancing now while those beautiful flowers are getting up from the ground again by the blow of the dancing air. Those flowers are circling around to them while they are dancing continously. It is very magnificient and lovely memories that they are sharing with each other. She started to be magnetized by him, and forgetting for awhile her agony. Prince Hayisha has started to hypnotize her slowly to keep away for awhile her awareness from the reality. He suddened hide her dull feeling, and then... he has decided to bring her in his own world. They are now together entering the magical portal to shift into his own world. "Am I dreaming? This place is very fantastic and so beautiful," commented of Aling Hariana after they've entered the magical and fantastic world of the prince. She is trying to look around of his place. She is at the huge garden area of the prince that is located behind of his huge room. She runs around. She is magnetized by the extravagant beauty of the place. There are so many butterflies that are playing with her. Those flowers and other plants are dancing and singing for her presence. "If I am dreaming, I hope that it has no end. It feels like, I am already in heaven," Aling Hariana sighed. When she tried to look at the clear water of the mini lake in front of her, she got surprise because her looks has a huge difference from her original looks. She got change drastically. She started to freak out. "Oh my gosh! What happened to myself?" agitated shout of Aling Hariana. "Don't worry my queen. It is the upgraded of you... you deserved more. You deserved to attain the best version of yourself. Don't you ever like it? You are more goddess than the others... that is the hidden goddess of your real beauty... it is hiding from your nativeness a whole time, " sweet compliments of him on her. He is whispering behind her back. His face is so much close to her neck.Way back from the time after they've entered his own world, he suddened used his magic to surprise her... he brought out the best version of herself even in a short of time while she is being with him. He wanted to high up her confidence for herself. Upon the moment, prince Hayisha doesn't carry to hold his huge craving for her. He started to kiss her neck softly. "You know, my queen... you deserved to recieve a love unconditionally..... just let me to give it to you," seductive whispered of him in her ear. He started to hug her from her back, and he is kissing her round neck. Aling Hariana is overdrawn by his magical words and attention until she has sense again the unexplainable resemblance of his kiss to the energy of her previous s*x from a past weeks. It is a very strange feeling because it is almost the same as of this moment. In beyond the awareness of Aling Hariana, it was prince Hayisha too. She is letting herself to carried away by his hypnosis. Prince Hayisha has started to touch her smooth shoulders and it gets down to her arms. He started to kiss her smooth arms then he turned her to face him. He kissed her lips softly then, Aling Hariana returned back her kiss on him. They are kissing each other intensely while their tongues are both exploring each other's mouth. In a meanwhile upon their kissing, he carried her by his strong arms and they've entered his huge room. He has brought her into his very soft and huge master bed. He is starting to remove her cloth and slippers. Then, he is kissing now her feet going up to her shining forlegs up to her beautiful thighs. He runs his lips going to her belly while he is touching softly all over her body. His lips reaches her mountain boobs while his right hand is touching her tight p***y. He started to insert her second finger inside of her p***y until it runs so fast in and out. "Ohhh... ohhhh... I loved it... ahhhh.." slowly whispered of her while she is brushing his hair. He is sipping her n*****s tenderly. While his left hand is busy playing with her pussy... his right hand is busy also of pumping her right mountain boob. He runs his lips going upward to her round neck then, he kissed her mouth deeply while he is sucking her tongue inside of her mouth tenderly. "Let me to feel the true meaning of care and love..." seductive whispered of prince Hayisha on her right ear while he is starting to insert his 7 inches huge and long d**k. He inserted it slowly down to her tight p***y. "Oh my love, I feel your warmness while my d**k is sliding against the wall of your beautiful p***y. Do you want me to push it more inside of you my queen?" lovely whispered of him into her ear and then, he is biting her ear and neck tenderly. Aling Hariana still remained close her eyes while moaning intensely. "Ahhhh....... ahhhhhh..... ahhhhhhh... you making me crazy by now..... ahhhh," seductive whispered of her on him. In a meanwhile, he moves fast against her p***y while grabbing her two mountain boobs. He is licking her two n*****s while he is pumping it softly. His 7 inches huge d**k is extending up to the deepest part of her v****a. She feels like she wanted more and more and more. Prince Hayisha is suddened remove his d**k, then he goes down to her p***y. After he directed his face infront of her wet p***y, he licks it so deep. He inserted his long tongue inside of her p***y, and he moves it in and put so fast. Aling Hariana's body started to shake involuntary due to the insensity of her pleasure while they are mating. After that, prince Hayisha is sipping so much her c******s while licking her wet p***y continously. He goes back again to her mouth while he's trying to insert again his huge d**k inside of her p***y. "Ooohhhhh.. my.... your d**k is so familiar.... I am crazy over it... push it more..... ahhhhh," crazy whispered of her on him. "As you wish my queen... I am coming now... ahhhh," crazy replied of him to her. He pushed his d**k so hard against her p***y. His bed is shaking so much now due to the intensity of pumping of him into her p***y. They are both sweating exageratedly after of their intense intimacy. Aling Hariana is suddened getting sleep in his soft bed due to exhaustion. He is hugging her and kissing her head while glancing at her beautiful face. "My queen.... just let me to finish my problem here in my own world before I decide to get you from your world to be with me forever. This is not the right time for us, but I will assure you that... if I am free for this chaos... I'll gonna marry you... just let me to gain my huge courrage to say the whole truth to you.... I'm a bit coward for now. I don't wanna loose you. I hope that, you will gonna accept me even I am from the other world, I love you so much my queen," Hearfully statement of prince Hayisha to her while he still watching her angelic face. After a few moments, he brings back Aling Hariana into the human world while she is still sleeping. He teleported inside of her room while he is carrying her in his arms. He handed down her into her own bed and suddened hide again her beautiful memories with him before he leaves her. He teleported again inside of his own world. On the other side, Aling Hariana wakes up at midnight while suddened wondering that she is just dreaming all day long.
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