A Surprise Package

1694 Words
"Hahahahha... I can smell it... I can smell it! The victory is coming nearly in our hands! Hahahaha. I've been waiting it so long. Can you feel it also Chikiriraya? Do you see it coming in my hands? Huh?" exagerated said of general Garunda with a huge of confidence about himself. He is having a conversation with Chikiriraya in his dream. He has been delivered a message to Chikiriraya on a past week to tell that he may visit him in his dream for now while the situation for him is much critical so far, for them to continue their communication and collaboration even it is not in a physical meet up. He made it this way in a wise move, because he got sense that the palace has a burning eyes on him. He knows that they have been continously investigating him, and they are monitoring all his moves even all his appointments every day. Way back through the moment after his troops and him were thrown away the unconcious prince inside the human world, general Garunda has been inducted his troops, that they had to keep away with each other for a span of weeks while the investigation is still going on, for them to mislead the investigators of the palace. On the other side.... "Yes my honour, we are controlling the situation now. All the nation will going to praise you under your foot hahahahaha.... even king Haruri and queen Divina. There would be having an endless sorrow for them due to so much suffering that their son had given to them hahahaha... the Marohiko kingdom will be landed in your hand hahhahaha," Chikiriraya responded to him in a scary tone. The set up of their meet up in general Garunda's dream is seemed like they are on a top of the universe. It is in between the general and Chikiriraya only. They are seeing the rolling earth infront of them like a huge magnifying screen. It is like, they are an unmeasurable giant creature and the earth is like the size of a small magnifying ball. "May I see on what's going on inside of the Justice room while the investigation is still going on? Can I witness the entire result of their meeting?" asked of general Garunda. "As you wish my honour hahahaha..." responded of Chikiriraya. Chikiriraya turns to zoom in the location of their parallel world from the earth by the used of his sharp and long nails from his left hand. It is like a huge touch screen that anytime, he can view clearly all over his desirable target place inside the earth by his touch. General Garunda has an overflowing of greediness and he expressed of craziest laugh after he watched the whole scenario inside the Justice room. "Great! Very great! Hahahaha... we still have to wait patiently until they would give a final sentence of punishment for the prince hahahaha," horrible said of General Garunda. They are seeing themselve that is rejoicing for the good outcome of their plan. The general is suddenly sleeping inside of his own house while there are a few soldiers that are silently observing him around his house in 24/7.The general didn't fail to his instinct. On the other side.... "This couldn't be like this! This is not the end that we want for our beloved son... please my honour king, you should have to do something to save our son. Save him! Huhuhuhuhu," crying shout of queen Divina while they are having a private conversation of king Haruri in their own room. "As of the moment... it seemed that, this ongoing case is very critical. Mostly of the evidences are pointing out to the poor prince. But don't worry my queen, the investigation is still going on. I will be giving my best to forsee some of the hidden mystery behind of this chaos. I have a hint that, there is a deep manipulation and very smooth strategic plan that they did against the poor prince. I should have to discover it," king Haruri said in a hypothetical way of analysis about the situation. While they are having a conversation, Garuchi is suddenly interrupted them by his fewer knocks and calling at the outside of their door. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! Garuchi is entered the huge room of the respected royal enchanters. "Have a great day my highness royal king and queen, there is a deliver of package for you," Garuchi said. Then, he commanded the delivery boy to push the cart towards the respected highness. "What is that? Did you inspect it thoroughly if it is fine to open? Or it might be served as a trap for us," asked of king Haruri. "Yes my royal highness... we inspected it smoothly by our scanning machine. There is no hint of dangerous weapon or even a hidden magical bait for you. It seemed that the item inside the box is small not equal to it's cage," responded of Garuchi. "Did you inspect it who the sender is? I am not expecting of any deliver for this entire week. I have no idea where it came from," responded of king Haruri. "Yes my highness, there is a little envelope that is attached over the box. I think, you should be the one to open it, my highness," Garuchi said. Upon recieving the unexpected package, the king has started to open and read the little envelope then, he read it silently. "THIS WILL LEAD YOU TO FORSEE THE WHOLE TRUTH." It awakens the curiousity of the king and he got wonder deeply who is the sender of the hidden package, because there is no printed name on it except a code name of ANONYMOUS. While he is opening the package continously, there are a lot of boxes inside of it, until finally, he found the last small box after he torned up all the covered first boxes. He started to open it. He got suprise because it was the given gifted gadget of the prince for general Garunda. The prince gave it first to General Garunda before they went to the Harakata town. It has been all started when the intense commosion of the General together of his troops against Nahido was going on. It has been removed accidentally from his right wrist, when Captain Niro was accidentally forced to grab the right hand of the general and he accidentally touched the botton of the gadget to detach it away from his body. It has been got away from his body upon their sliding down the floor when Nahido stroke them of a huge air blade during their confrontation. It pushed away until it has been got stock under the chairs. After a few days of the exploitation of the huge scandal, there was an ordinary citizen who got the gadget in unexpected way. He was the former employee of Nahido from the bar. When he got it, he got mesmerize at first by it's alluring expensiveness. But when he tried to learn how to open it, he became realized that the palace must have to unveil the whole truth. The discoverer didn't surrender it by himself due to so much fear and he wanted to exclude himself to get involve from the huge chaos. He didn't want to kill by those a giant monster whose the real mastermind behind of the huge scandal, so he did to send it into the palace in a surprised way. On the other side, the king got shock about the gadget. He knew it that, it was came from the prince. The prince tried to show it first to the royal king before he went out during the night of the incident. The king has started to open the botton at the middle area of the gadget. Then, there is a huge light that has appeared infront of them. It seemed like, they are watching a movie in a huge screen. They have all discovered the real scenario's of the incident in contrast to some posted evidences during the intensive trial. "Oh my gosh! My royal king... you are right! Finally, here is the real evidence. How they did to manipulate some of the evidences? All of them must have to punish!" queen Divina said with a blast of anger. King Haruri and the apprentice Garuchi are still remained silent. The instinct of king Haruri in related to the manipulation of the evidences didn't fail to impress the king himself. They have discovered while they are watching the whole scenarios that, the mentioned gadget was wearing by the general through out the time. From the time that they came from a plaza up to they've reached the mini bar in Harakata town. They were all together entering the bar in contrast to the given report that the prince was entering the bar by himself only. They've heard the multiple talks of the general while he was still wearing the gadget on his right wrist. The gadget was scanned and recorded all of them including the three involved soldiers with prince Hayisha, up to the moment that the general was created an immitation of a liqiour which was the dangerous potion itself. But, there is a problem at the recorded scene. The gadget wasn't capable to record some of the scenes with the scent of power of Chikiriraya. It's just like, it turned to be as an invisible one in the footage of the video. The dangerous potion didn't notice at the footage even the scenes of the appearance of Chikiriraya up to the moment that he was folded the entire area with an expanded dark hole before the general did to attack all innocent enchanters inside the bar to remove their memories. The final conclusion of the king is that, the recieved evidence is not strong enough to save the prince due to so many loops so that he has decided to convice himself to seek a help and validation from the spirit world. He will going to seek a help through their holy Goddess and holy ancentors to clarify the whole truth...
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