Cause of Shame

1948 Words
The group of general together with prince Hayisha went inside a common bar that is located in a small town of Marohiko Kingdom which is called "Harakata town." They are wearing a mask just to hide their identity. At the same time, they have changed their dresses. They are wearing a long and straight white clothes just like a costume of an old wizard. They need to do it just to hide their identity as a royal enchanters. That time, they are trying to minggle with the commoners. They have started to enjoy to celebrate the birthday month of general. They are chatting and chatting and chatting while sitting in a long bench with wide table near the middle of the bar. They are laughing and laughing and laughing while continously drinking a hard liqiour until they have consumed a 25 bottles that suddenly scattering on their table. Beyond the awareness of the prince while he is so busy of having a conversation with the other soldier, General Garunda is turning his head at his back, then he pulled up the small vial from his right pocket, then he tried to use his magic to get it bigger to reach the same size of the bottle that they are supposedly drinking. He tried to immitate the appearance of the bottle of the hard liqiour to decieve the prince so that it can be looked like it. On the other side, general Garunda placed the immitated hard liqiour on their table. Then captain Niro is simply pushed the mentioned bottle toward the busy prince. Prince Hayisha is busy of talking to the other fellow mates while he is expressing of so much happiness by his exaggerated laughing. He thought that time that, he has a different character. He is just forget for awhile his real identity in exchange for a short period of enjoyment. Prince Hayisha get acknowledged the decieving hospitality of captain Niro, then he turned to accept and drink the given hard liqiour. In a glimpse of moment, prince Hayisha does not assumed any doubt to their imposing intentions, then he subconciously drinking it. While they are watching him drinking the dangerous potion, their mind are celebrating silently for their expected victory to defeat the prince. They are throwing a killer eyes to the prince while smiling so horribly. Prince Hayisha doesn't bother to their decieving gesture. They are very obsessed for the power especially the general. "Wow! This one is different. There is something a special flavor about it huh. I think, it has something a best flavor among them all hahahha!" Prince Hayisha commented about his drink. "Oh, really my highness... I think, this bar is offering of something one of their best product hahahaha. We are very glad that you love here hahahaha! Am I right captain Niro?" General Garunda responded to the prince. He stared decievingly with an intense crazy smile to his buddy captain Niro. "Oh yeah general. This place is very great hahaha," Captain Niro responded in a supportive way to the general. In a few moments, the prince feels a mild headache im a while and then, it proggressively increases. His facial expression doesn't described accurately because of his discomfort. "Wait.... hahahaha I think, this one has an intense impact on me. I feel that I have an intense headache right now. Oh my gosh, it hurts ahhh.." prince Hayisha said until he is just murmuring his words then his head lead to fall down on their table. His face becomes a poker face. His eyes are just rolling then he bites his tongue. All his companions there are just watching him while still easing his pain. The craziness of celebration is seeing in their eyes. On the other hand.... "Oh my highness... what's wrong with you? You seemed so drunk. You looked so lethargic," Captain Niro said after he get noticed him lying so weak on the table. He showed a fake sympathy on him. "Oh... oh... my beloved cousin.. I think, we should have to stop it right now. You looked so terrible and so weak. We must be to suspend it. The party is over. Let us go back now..." General Garunda said to the prince while acting so pathetic. He showed an exagerated fake sympathy toward the prince. When the general is getting started to stand up, out of the moment, the prince showed a big eyes infront of them. He opened his eyes so wide while still his head is lying on the table. He surprised all of them when he stood up fastly and showing a robotic gesture. He seemed so serious while still keeping stood straightly. They are getting shocked to what they have witnessed through that time. In a glimpse of moment, the prince is laughing so loudly. It is just like, he is acting like a mentally retarded royal enchanter infront of them. His voice overlapped the loud sound of regae song inside the bar. "Hahahahhaha.. wohoo! I like this energy of me! Just looked at me, I'm not that weak? I'm ok and very ok hahahahaha. Don't worry about me. Hahahaha.... Let us drink more! And more and more and more! Wohoo! We don't need to stop our celebration at this very early hour. Let us keep enjoying! Wohooo!" shouted of the prince infront of them. He acted so wierd. He is just continuing his laughing so loudly and he is manifesting a manic behaviour until he turned to sit again while still laughing and, he is holding his tummy. They are just watching him with a full of confusion. The prince started kicking his feet on the air while still laughing, and sitting on their long chair. His other companions next to him is started to keep away from him due to their huge of shocked and confusion. The prince is also starting to sway his two hands, and striking against the chair, and on the table so strong. It is just like, he doesn't feel anything hurt on his hands. Out of the moment, he stands up like a robot, then he grabbed the right forearm of the general, and he pushed him at the middle of the bar especifically on the dance floor. The general get shocked by his action, but still he let himself, to push himsepf on the flow. His other companions started to be alerted, and also started to rescue him, but the general gives them a signal to stay still and don't do anything a damn action so they let it be. When the prince and the general are standing at the middle of the dance floor, prince Hayisha is getting so serious again. He is just looking straightly to the general with a poker face. The general is just observing him on his unpredictable next move. "Hmmm... my highness, what are we doing here? I think, we should have to get back on our chair right now. We are just getting started to catch the attention of the other enchanters here. Is it not bothering you?" General Garunda said to the prince sriously. He tried to grab the left forearm of the prince to get away from the middle of the dance floor, but he is very strong and he described it in his mind that, he is just like holding a thick metal. It is hard for him to push the prince to follow him. The prince has started to shout so loud and turning to the point that he got the attention of all the enchanters inside the bar. "Wooohooooo! What a great night?! Let us party party all of you, monsters! Wooohooo!" prince Hayisha shouted. He started to dance in a robotic way. He is dancing in a circle mode and he is exploring around the corner of the bar while showing a crazy eye expression but still wearing a decieving mask on his face. He is just messing around until all the commoners inside the bar have started to come nearer and making a circle form while they are watching him. They have started to make a gossip while they are watching him. Prince Hayisha is starting to jump a multiple times and rolling on the floor repetitively. He assumed that he is in a jungle place. He acted like an animalistic way of gesture. The prince has lost his sanity. He has a full of hallucination and crazy thoughts because of the side effect of the dangerous potion that he drank earlier. All the audience there are getting started to laugh and making a shout so loud to show their support on him. They have thought that he is working inside the bar as an entertainer. "Woohooo! Yeah! More! More! More! Woohooo!" shouted of all the audience inside the bar. Some of them are clapping their hands, and clamping a bottle on the air while the others are striking on the table to make a huge noise. On the other hand, general Garunda has an intense feeling of shame while still standing infront of the prince so that he has decided to leave him, then he goes back to his team. After he approached them along the corner area.. "Hey boss, is it the effect of the potion? He seemed like, an insane beggar. He is very rediculous and crazy," commented of the other soldier on him. "How long could we allow him to be acted like that? What if, the king would be discovered this? I guessed that, all of us might be going down inside the jail for sure," Captain Niro whispered on the right ear of the general. "Just watch and learn," General Garunda replied shortly in a serious mode. On the other side, the prince has started to jump on a different tables. He is jumping like a monkey leading to crash the other bottles on the ground. The watching audience get shocked. The prince is still jumping on the other table next to the other table even there still have an occupied customers that lead for him to get involve in a huge of trouble. "Hey! Are you totally crazy bro? You're just messing up all around!" shouted of the customer while looking straightly at the prince and he is facing him angrily. The prince is ignoring him and continously laughing so crazy while he is still standing on the table. He is on the area of the complainant. In a bit of moment, the intensity of the anger of the customer is pushing his limit then he used his power to stimulate a war. He blows a huge of magical rolling ball to strike the prince but the prince misses it. On the other side, some of the enchanters are starting to panic. The prince is just starting to dance like a clown on the table while he is trying to bully the pissed off customer. Then out of the moment, he tried to tumble on the other side of the table to get away from him. He made his own show like he is in a circus. While he is doing it, he is continously laughing so crazy. "Woohoo! Hey b***h boy! Nice down huh?! Oh yeah! Woohoo!" Shouting of some commoners inside the bar to show their support through the prince while they are enjoying the situation. While the others are throwing a lot of things such as a bit of food, spoon, cups, emptied bottle, etc. directly to the prince to express their annoyance, he showed a fastly moved to avoid such things.
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