Set Up

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It comes back again to the memory of the general the way how he met Chikiriraya. Once upon a time, Chikiriraya got sensed the rebel energy of the general. He appreciated it, and the general caught his attention. There was a twisted idea that came into his mind to chase the general to encourage him to be part of his alliance. One darkest night, Chikiriraya tried to visit the general in his dream by the use of his "telepathy technic" power. "General Garunda…. general Garunda…. general Garunda…. hehehehehe,” Chikiriraya softly whispered in a scary tone when finally, he succesfully entered his dream. He felt a huge greediness, a savage character and narcisistic side of the general in his dream. He had noticed that the general was on a rooftop of the palace exactly at the terrace area and all the community was at the outside of the palace praising him like a god. He was like an obsessive enchanter because of his weird laughing so loudly. He was like an insane enchanter at that moment. Behind his back, he saw the royal highness queen and king including prince Hayisha. They were all kneeling, their hands knotted tightly and they were all together begging while crying for their freedom. He observed that all the military there, was under his control. While general Garunda was rejoicing, Chikiriraya disturbed him. He was appeared unexpectedly in the sky just like a giant demon but the only visible was his huge killer eyes. His closed huge killer green eyes appeared surprisedly and it started to open slowly at the sky. It shrinked a multiple times. Then he spoke in a big alto tone. It was very scary. He called the name of the general a multiple times then laughing at the same time just to bully the mentioned general. Because of that interruption, general Garunda became destructed. "Who are you intruder!? Show yourself! Damn you!" General Garunda shouted loudly in an authoritative manner. He grinned his teeth so angrily while he was trying to find it all over the surface of the sky. "I knew it.... I knew it... hahahaha... Now I already confirmed your true color, the silent destructor hahahaha. Don't worry my highness general, I am not here as your enemy. I felt you because we are on the same foot hahahaha." Chikiriraya replied. He felt the nerviousness and panicking of the general while he was talking to him. "What are you trying to say intruder?!" agitated said of the general. Chikiriraya was continously laughing all over again without any response of answer to the throwing question of the general. "Speak up monster! Where the hell are you intruder!" "I have a bright proposal for you that could lead you to success if you will let me. I knew it... you are so craving to become a king and to rule over the kingdom hahahahah... Let me to guide you and become part of my alliance my royal highness general hahahha." "Oh s**t you were! Monster! How could I convince myself that you are an eligible to be trusted huh? Are you trying to fool me? If I find you, I'll going to kill you I swear!" General Garunda shouted angrily while saying a curse to his opponent. "Oh no, my royal highness, I feel bad. Don't worry.... I'm here for a negotiation not to harm you my honour hehehehehe," scary whispered of Chikiriraya in an alto voice. In the middle of their conversation, the ambiance of their environment had changed drastically. All the image of his dream including the living enchanters turned slowly into a melting chocolate with combination of color black and white. There was an appearance of a huge turnado, and it brushed off all the visible image of his dream, and shifted into a very dark place in another strange dimensional space. In a glimpse of moment, general Garunda fell down from a rooftop and he shooted inside the darkest and very large hole. He didn't expect it then he shouted so loudly, "What the f**k?! Ahhhhhhh." General Garunda was passed through inside a huge hole. It was very dark, and he felt the speed of his falling until he reached the intense lighting from the edge of that hole. He already transferred from the other dimensional space. He found himself floating while there was a huge mirror infront of him. At that moment, Chikiriraya appeared at his back. When the general was looking curiously at the huge mirror, he noticed surprisedly Chikiriraya was standing behind his back. He felt a huge anger and having an intense craving to attain his revenge so that he turned back fastly to face him. Unfortunately, the general found nothing there. He tried to use his power but, sadly it didn't work. It was just like, he had no control to the situation until he turned down his guard forcedfully against the intruder. Finally, he let Chikiriraya to speak up just to prove himself continously to gain his trust. He tried to listen on his offered proposal seriously while still facing in front of the huge mirror. Chikiriraya was talking to him behind of the huge mirror until they found themselves sealing their commitment for their maiden agreement. In between 3:00 AM, the general was unexpectedly awakened. He pulled up himself to sit immediately while still staying in his bed. He was very exhausted, and his heart was pumping exageratedly, just like he came from a battlefield. Not only that but, he was oversweating just like, there was someone threw on him of one pale of water. He convinced himself that it was a common nightmare only, and it was not true. He breathe deeply to release his stress but he had noticed something. He got curious why there was something strange a hard thing in his right hand. He opened his right hand slowly, then he found out that there was a small vial in his right hand. He got shocked. Not only that, but, he wondered deeply. It led him to explore his mind to remember where he got it until he remembered from his dream that Chikiriraya gave him a small vial. It was a magical potion. There was a vivid part of his dream that suddenly flashed in his memory that Chikiriraya gave him an instruction regarding the usage of the vial. He said that general Garunda needs to pour it in the water, and drink it before his meal every morning. It would bring him a protection to cover up his mind and all his spoken words when every time he speaks in related to their darkest plan of destruction against the present administration including his personal plan to prince Hayisha would be removed automatically so that it couldn't sense or trace either the record of every scene in their book of life by their highest Lord. He got shocked and he started to convince himself that he was not dreaming. His suddened nightmare was true. The present situation..... He suddenly awakened from wondering deeply when captain Niro appeared surprisedly infront of him. He has been trying to find him all over the place of Marohiko Kingdom especially on their main headquarters. Unfortunately, he was not there until he decided to travel into the human world by entering inside the magical portal because he knows that there is a 100% possible chance that general Garunda is there because he knows him more than the other royal enchanter. "Oh boss, finally... there you are. I was just looking for you for about 4 hours ago at the Marohiko Kingdom but I failed to reach you. I knew it, I will be going to find you here. By the way, I just wanted to inform you that general Gaksino was looking for you. He wanted you to report to him right now," Captain Niro said. He found general Garunda was seriously watching all over the scenery of small barrio of Biga while crossing his two forearms at the sky. "Copy, let's go back now," General Garunda replied shortly. They are both together turning back inside of the magical portal. When the night comes, the loyal mates of general Garunda including him are waiting at the plaza that is faraway from the palace. While they are having a conversation, they sensed the coming presence of the royal prince. Prince Hayisha appeared surprisedly infront of them by using of his "teleportation power." "Have a great evening our royal highness prince Hayisha, I am very glad that you are here now. We are expressing heartfully our overwhelmed appreciation to you. You are very welcome in our group here," exagerated said of general Garunda. In his mind, he is so rejoicing exageratedly because finally, here he is. Approaching to his defeat and destruction. All the companion of general Garunda are welcoming the prince. "Have a great evening to you, our royal highness prince Hayisha," greeted of them. They are all smiling and expressing their decieving motives. It is beyond the awareness of the prince. The prince doesn't know that they have a dangerous plan against him for that night. The prince has treated the general as his family. They are on the same blood because he is his distant relative. "I am very happy, thank you all for your overwhelming appreciation of my presence here. By the way, please accept it my simple gift for you general." Prince Hayisha is suddenedly giving him a medium size of a box. It has made by a real wood. It has a well-defined transparent color, and it furnished shiningly. There is a color green knotted ribbon over the box. General Garunda, recieving his gift happily. Then he tried to open it infront of them. All the soldier enchanters get surprised and mesmerized to the opened gift. It is a shining golden badge with a size of an hexagon. General Garunda tried to press the small button at the middle of the badge then they are all surprised because it shows a huge light. They turned out that it is a hightech type of cctv camera. This gadget can scan all the surface area around the palace even the distant places near the palace. It can review all the happenings in every corner of the place except the personal good living of the citizen inside their house. It can detect the strange activity or any criminal act of an enchanter so that it is very helpful for general to arrest all the proven criminals. "Oh... my.... I think my royal prince, It is very expensive. . I am very happy for this beautiful gift. Not only that but I didn't expect to recieve this kind of an extravagant one from you. Your presence here is enough for me and I considered it as a priceless one. . It is not mandatory to give me this such a phenomenon gift," general Garunda said. He is still trying to decieve the prince by his faking gesture. "It's alright. Just think about it general, it's just a simple gadget compared to our connection. You are not different to me because we are on the same blood right? My third cousin? Don't be too shy. It's alright... by the way, can I ask a favor? If it's alright?" Prince Hayisha responsed to him. "Yeah sure... what is it?" asked the general. "Can you please treat me like a simple buddy? What I mean is, just call me by my name for now. I think, you should have not calling me "a royal highness" in a repetitive way because we are at the outside of the palace, I guessed. I just wanted it to be a simple such as that. By the way again, you can wear that gadget in every part of your body. It couldn't get remove easily even if you are in a heavy activity," Prince Hayisha replied to the general. "As you wish, my cousin prince Hayisha. Thank you for reminding me," replied of the general in a pleasant manner.
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