Loosing a Good Reputation

1296 Words
"HEY YOU! f*****g MONSTER?! You should have to stop it right now! You are creating a huge damage inside my business! Just get out of here now! Or else, I will gonna kill you by my troops!" The owner is suddenly interrupted the show of the prince by his huge alto voice. He is very tall with firmed six packs of abs. His aura is overfiring with an intense anger. He is still trying to hold his anger and just attacking the prince by means of throwing an intense sense of words only. But still, the prince is expessing like a deaf. He isn't mind his warning then he surprisedly jump down the ground then running and jumping like a freaking gorilla. He started to scare some of the audience by approaching some of the poor one inside the bar. Then in a glimpse of a moment, the side kick of the owner surprisedly throws a big knife towards the freaky prince. It is shooting so fast coming towards him. The prince made a huge jump to avoid the throwing sharp knife. But still, it passed through directly at the left side of his face. It is super near to his face. Then, the edge of the shining blade of the knife reached the string of his mask. The mask pulled off from his face. Upon his jumping so high, the prince has reached the giant hanging chandelier above the ceiling of the bar. While he is floating up towards the hanging chandelier, all the audience there become so surprised and shocked because the face of the prince has already exposed to all the audience. "What a mess?! That is the prince of Marohiko Kingdom! I couldn't believe it!" shouted of one of the customer from the crowd. "Are you serious? Is that the royal prince of King Haruri? How would it be? I am not believing this. That is a freaking ashole! Not a prince!" shouted of another customer. "Boooo! Boooo! Boooo! No! That is the clone of the prince! Not a real one! Hey you! Freaking ashole! Just get off that mask! Don't messing the image of our beloved prince! Get lost! Ashole!" shouted of another upset customer. The prince has already lost his mind. He is not aware that he is loosing his good reputation. He was over drugged by the mystical dangerous potion. "Oh my gosh! Why are you doing this to yourself our beloved prince?! This can not be like this!I know you, you are very kind with a pure heart... this is unbelievable, " shouted of another customer again. The prince is still hanging on a huge chandelier. He sticked on there for about 15 minutes while continously laughing so loud. "Hey you! Monsters, why are you crying there?! You looked like a creepy stupid Monsters! Hahahahah.... all of you are very ugly! I hate all of you! I think, you should have to vanish in this Kingdom to lessen such population of the freaking Monsters! You have no right to live here!?" prince shouted surprisedly. He screwed up and starting to feel of annoyance to their appearance. He started to create a mystical rolling fire on his right hand then he throws it impatiently on each commoners on the ground. Some of the commoners are running while panicking. "Oh my Lord?! We are very sorry for disrespecting you! Oh please pardon us?! Don't kill us!" shouted of some agitated commoners while begging for his forgiveness. Some of the commoners are running fastly caused of a huge fear to get out from the bar. On the other hand... "Hey! General, it isn't right! This is a stupid plan that we did. Looked out of those commoners around us. We are putting them into danger because of us. We need to do something now," Captain Niro said to the General in a whispered way. The state of his nervousness much getting higher. His two hands are very cold right now because his own conscience is pumping him. "I am starting to regret all the things that we did earlier. We are just putting our reputation into a damn hole. This is unforgivable. What shall we do now?" murmured of the other soldier beside them. They seemed so worried at that time. "Are you a freaking coward men? You're like a coward monster by your panicking. Can you please stop murmuring there? Ok... so, we have to wait the prince to go down here. And then, let's do our move to shine," General Garunda replied to them. He seemed so cool and freaking badass despite of the trouble that they created at the place. On the other side, they are not aware that the owner of the bar suddenly listening to them silently while they are talking in related to the trouble maker. The owner approached them silently and yelled at them surprisingly. "What the hell are you guys? These all freaking trouble... is because of you? Is it true? All that I've heard from you are true? All of you are f**k?! You've ruined my business as well as our place for a fun and for a destruction of life here? All of you are crazy!" The owner shouted with a blast of anger. In a meanwhile, he suddened strikes his left hand on the air towards them. Then, there is a huge blade of air showed up, then it strikes them. All the troups of the General are unexpectedly pushed back in a sliding way, causing them to fall down the floor. The owner is teasing them for a war. They've got up immediately from a falling. "Hey bro! Please cool down yourself. It's not what you've think. You just have a misconception to the situation," General Garunda said with an intense lies to decieve the owner. All his companions show a silence then they've let the General to control the situation. The General has still trying to calm down the owner of the bar. "Yeah, he's right. As a matter of fact, we are talking about a rescue to stop the prince. We are heading to arrest him, " Captain Niro added. He is also helping the General to decieve him. In the middle of their conversation, they are interrupted due to an intense crazy laugh of the prince while he is swaying the hanging chandelier. It led him to push the limit of the inner core of the owner. The patience of the owner went burst to the maximum level. He faced the crazy prince on the ceiling area. "Hey there! The Prince of destroyer... you are a big disappointment! You need to punish!" Out of a moment, he blows a huge of rolling fire towards the prince a multiple times. The prince is swinging the hanging chandelier so hard to miss such attacks. It seemed that, he is not affecting to the overgrowing anger of the owner. He swings it continously. From the slow move, then it makes faster and faster until the hook of the hanging chandelier much getting weaker. It seemed that, anytime it could be pulled off. The owner is turning like a badass monster. His firing eyes and stiffening of his long neck have getting visible by his horrible growling. "GROARRRRR! YOU! f*****g PRINCE OF DESTROYER! YOU MUST TO DIE!" Scary growling of the owner of the bar. In a bit of moment, General Garunda is entered the scene... "Hey! Bro, please calm down yourself. Just let me to talk to him for now. Just leave it to me to catch him," General Garunda said seriously. Upon his talking, there is an unexpected accident that sadly happened.
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