Root Cause

1343 Words
"Good evening, royal highness prince Hayisha. Why are you still here at the middle of the night? Do you have any companion with you?" delighted said of general Garunda. After he heard these words, prince Hayisha turned back to find out who it is. He has noticed general Garunda that is standing behind his back together of another soldier. He found him smiling and expressing a decieving appreciation on him. Captain Niro is also expressing his respectful manner on him. "Have a great evening also, our royal highness prince Hayisha," delightful vowed of captain Niro and he is smiling so wide also to show his respectful manner to the royal highness. "Oh, general Garunda and captain Niro... have a great evening too. What a big surprise that you are here too. Oh, by the way... I'm here all by myself. Don't worry about me. I can take of care myself. This past few months, I had a heavy time. It was just getting so tight, and I was having an overflowing work. I've just wanted to cool down for a while even for a short period of time, that's why I'm here. I was really missed our friends here also in this place especially our holy friends inside that lake," prince Hayisha replied to them with a happy gesture. "Oh, we understand it our royal highness but, have you noticed what time is it now? It's getting too late for you to stay here at the outside of the palace by your own only. We are just concerning for your safety our highness so it's better for you to go back to the palace right now. I guessed that, our king will be having his nervious sooner because of your prolong of absence inside the palace," general Garunda replied in a strictly manner to prince Hayisha. In the end, the mentioned prince has already obeyed the instruction of the general. They are all together flying back towards the palace. While they are heading their way, there is something a strange and playful idea that has pumped in to general Garunda, so that he talks again to the prince. "Hmmm... our royal highness, how's your schedule for this upcoming weeks? Do you still have a loaded schedule?" general Garunda said in a serious manner then, he is glancing straightly at the prince. Because of his frankly question, he hits the curiousity of the prince so that he returned a wonder question for him... He turned his head towards the general, "Why did you ask general? What is all about?" Prince Hayisha returned a question to him and he is expressing of a happy gesture. "It's just that... I want you to accept my humble invitation if you will allow me," general Garunda replied with a curious thoughts. "Uhmm, our royal highness... It's his birthday. What I mean is, his birthday is getting nearer. So general Garunda would love to know if you are available and able to accept his invitation for his special day, are you? " Captain Niro desrupted the conversation of the two royal enchanters. "Ohhhh... wow! Really!? Just let me to greet you in advance a happy birthday general Garunda. It's my pleasure and I am happy to know that you have wanted to relay your humble invitation on me. Hmmmm... don't worry, I will be going to arrange my time to have an explicit way to attend in your possible occasion. I will going to make sure that I will be there in your mansion," prince Hayisha said with an overwhelmed happy expression. "Hmmmm.. regarding that my royal highness, we have an ongoing plan to celebrate it in advance. It's just in between of my closed fellow friends only aside from my another celebration together of my whole family. I would like to express my invitation to you to join with us if you want to? Is it alright?" General Garunda asked. "Ok.. no worries general, I would like to share it to my royal king regarding your request so that we can arrange it as early as possible my tight schedule," prince Hayisha replied. Then, they already sent the prince inside the palace. The awaited time has come, it is the important day for general Garunda. He went suddenly inside the human world to catch a breath and to wonder. In the middle of his standing while floating at the sky in a windy afternoon, he is suddenly observing the entire place of barrio of Biga. Upon his wondering, his mind has brought him to think deeply until his memory comes back from the start on how he discovered a potion that he can be used to the prince for his destruction. All over the place of the Philippines there are so many magical portal that can pass through to the other dimension or immortal world. One of them is located at a province of Samar, especifically in a small barrio of Biga. He remembered when he was visited the huge and sacred forest of that place, he was just tried to explore around that until he came into the huge lake. His attention got caught into the small group of men that were busy into something. He got sense a huge and stronger type of magnetic negative energy that surrounding around the group. It got him so suppocated even he was in a million perimeter away from them. This type of energy could desrupt and break the sanity of a human. It could bring a huge destruction, violence and hell to the human world if all the human might be led to a mass addiction because of that thing. It was just like a thunder speed, the way on how general Garunda could see a thing from afar. Even it was in any different location because his power was purest and strongest. He could see it clearly, even the smallest type of shape just like a microscopic specimen/particle and it has a million perimeter distance from his location. He saw his target clearly, especifically the dangerous thing that those men were fighting over. He got notice that all men there were very high, dancing exageratedly, jumping a multiple times in a lake, shouting with high pitch tone, making a nonstop laughing, eating a dried leaves even of some small stones, punching each other until they fell down etc. All the source of this, is because of using a "m*******a". This is a prohibited leaf that is very dangerous to the health of a human for an overused purpose. Because of that unexpected discovery, it has triggered his curiousity. He made a deepest research for that thing. It can not be affected them because they are an immortal being unlike the human but here again his evil thought. He realized that it could help him to formulate some unique potion that he could use against prince Hayisha. Then, upon his discovery, he unexpectedly met the most avoidable villain, the creepy magician enchanter named "Chikiriraya". The mentioned villain has the same wavelength as him that could help him to make come true his darkest plan. Behind the awareness of all the royal enchanters at their world, general Garunda has a secret connection to Chikiriraya. Eventhough, he is not an official enemy of their kingdom but still he is the so called "communist" against the present administration. He has an intense power that can detect the presence of a demonic emotion or rebel mind of an enchanter. They were accidentally met in a small town somewhere in "Marohiko Kingdom" when the general had a rounds and doing some inspection through that place accompanying of his troops, but Chikiriraya was the only one who got noticed of his rebel energy beyond the awareness of the general. "Hahahahaha..... let us start the show... I need you general to become my puppet for my hidden plan hehehehe," Chikiriraya whispered on himself while he was looking the general from afar.
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