Revelation from a Book of Life

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In the deepest midnight, king Haruri is secretly visited the magnificient place of sacred forest of "Mohala- hana." He goes there by himself only. He tried to walk above the water of the magical lake. It is just like, he is floating on the water. After he reached the middle area of the magical lake, he suddened stop from walking. There is an invisible boundary that is separating to pass through on the other side. It is like a huge wall that no one could determine either except a pure royal enchanter. King Haruri tried to open his cloth, and then, he exposed his abdominal body. There is an invisible mark that suddenly appeared from it. It got shining brightly with a shape of a star then, it is rolling while produces an intense light coming from his abdominal body. This sign is served as a proof that the spirit realm has given him a permission to have an access on them. It is served also as a gatepass for him to get enter inside of their sacred world. After he exposed it, there is an appearance of magical gate from the invisible wall. Then, king Haruri has entered inside of the magical door. After he entered the sacred realm, the place is so peaceful, very pure white and, there are so many clouds around the area. There is an appearance of a spirit of the little enchanter and, he is floating down towards the king. The mentioned spirit of a child is standing on the floating cloud. He expressed his overwelmed greetings to the king. "Have a great day! My highness... welcome back into our sacred world. Just let me assist you to come to our book keeper. He is expecting your visitation," said of the gate watcher. "Thank you my little holy saviour," replied of king Haruri while he is smiling so nice. King Haruri is now walking into the huge floating cloud and, it has releasing of so much static of a fewer little thunder around it. While they are floating up to the air, king Haruri sees a giant book. It is the headquarters of the book keeper. "We are heading into our destination my highness. Just be ready for our landing," said of the gate watcher. Then, after they've reached the giant book, there is magical door that is surprisedly appeared at the middle of the giant book and it has suddenly opened. "My highness, let's come inside. I will going to assist you to reach the book keeper," said of the gate watcher again and then, they are both together entering the magical door. After they've entered inside the place... "Wooohoooo! There you are my favorite highness! Hahahhahah.... I am very happy that you visit me again! Hahahahaha... It is such a long time that you did not visit me," happy said of holy Balini. He welcomed the king in an excited mode. He is the book keeper of the Spirit Realm. He is also their closest holy ancestor that is helping the king when everytime he needs a wisiest advice. "Oh I'm sorry my holy ancestor Balini, I am just very busy in Marohiko Kingdom. I know that you are watching me from here so.. what else that I need to say to you. Hahahaha... No one could ever hide from you hahahhahha," happy responsed of the king. "So... what's up to you here? How are you staying here in an endless time hahahaha," asked of the king with a happy gesture. "Oh my..... hahahaha.. I'm still the same as before.. there's still no change at all hahahaha. I like my job here, you know... still interesting and challenging hahahahha.. Hmmmm.... ooohhoooo... I know why you are here my dearest friend. Just let me to give you some advice," said of holy Balini. He shares his tricky and puzzled thoughts on him. "Yeah... I know that... before I went here, you know already my true purpose why I visited you. I need your help. My situation is very complicated. So, what advice you've wanted to share with me my holy Balini?" king Haruri returned a question to him. Holy Balini is just floating around of his expanded room. There are so many floating books inside of it. It seemed that, his area has no corner or it has an endless passage.He is looking a book one by one just like, there is a huge touch screen in front of him, and he is just touching it into the air one by one. "You know my friend.... you just have to teach your son on how to increase his awareness especially in related to socialization. Sometimes, it's not bad to limit the trust. There are so many deciever on your time. It's hard to distinguish whoever the trustworthy or not by your common eyes," Logical stated of holy Balini to the king. " What do you mean my holy Balini?" Returned a question of the king. "Please watch this...." short replied of holy Balini. After he found the book of life of the prince, the floating book is getting bigger and bigger and bigger, like a giant screen until all the memories of life of the prince are coming out from the book in a 3D version. They are all flashing and rolling in a high speed mode. It seemed like, they are watching a movie in a giant screen inside the cinema. The recorded memories of prince Hayisha from the book of life are rolling from the start until it appears the first scenario since general Garunda and captain Niro were decided to meet up the prince into the Mohala-hana place while they were patrolling around the Marohiko Kingdom. King Haruri and holy Balini are both watching silently all the scenarios from the start up to the end on the giant screen. The king has discovered the participation of the creepiest magician named Chikiriraya through the darkest savotage that they did to the prince. After they've watched the footage coming form the magical book.... "I knew it! I knew it! They are all a liers! I will going to give them an unforgivable punishment! This is so insane!" angered shout of the king. He expressed of very horrible reaction about the revelation. "Just cool down my king... the KARMA speaks up to us and it is coming to their way," commented of holy Balini. King Haruri tried to absorb some of the footage from the giant screen to serve as an evidence in related to the case of the prince. He absorbed it by the used of his magnetic crystal ball on his left hand. Holy Balini allowed him to have a copy because he sees the intention of the king's heart. It has an approval also from their holy goddess. ON THE OTHER HAND... The king goes back to the Marohiko Kingdom. He called his fewer trustworthy subordinates for a secret meeting. They have made a wisiest plan on how they will going to catch the general and his other accesories inside of their comfort zone. They pushing to do it as early as possible to prevent of their possible escape. In a surprised way, the king gives an order to catch captain Niro, Surgeant Casper, Surgeant Niro and Boss Takiri by his fewer trusted Military group. "What the hell is this?! Why are you catching me huh?! What did I violate? Hey! Speak up! Just release me!" shouted of Captain Niro while he is trying to oppose against the militars. They are arresting him while he is at his own house. The militars are keeping their silence while they are forcing to drag the captain. On the other side, Surgeant Frimon and Surgeant Casper are captured while they are in the middle of their mission. The military group decieved them for their own trap until they are all brought in Sindahala world for their endless imprisonment. It is served as thier lifetime sorrow. "No! Please release us! Please forgive us our beloved king! This is the plan of general Garunda! He was just used us for his selfish goal! We were just also victim here! Oh please our king! Give us another chance to change!" begging shout of Surgeant Frimon and Surgeant Casper while they are inside of a floating eletric ball. Captain Niro is just remaining his silence on the other cage as them. He is expressing of his huge disappointment through the outcome of their plan. "All of you have made an unforgivable sin against the kingdom. All of you are served as the general's accesories for his horrible plan. This is the result of your mistakes. You should be recieved the endless sorrow inexchange of your horrible sins for having an endless imprisonment iniside the Sindahala world," savage statement of the king while he is facing all of them inside the Justice room of their palace. Boss Takiri is also at the other cage like them and they are all together sending of the other strong militars into the Sindahala world. They are all entering the magical portal to shift into the other world. On the other side during the ongoing secret entrapment for the general.... he escaped surprisingly...
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