The Taste of Punishment

1513 Words
"Grooooaaarrrr! Chikiriraya! Chikiriraya! Where the hell are you?! Show yourself!" angered shout of the general. He is floating in the middle of the creepiest jungle. It is so faraway from the civilization of their kingdom. There are a lot of dried black trees around the area and, there are a fewer little exotic monsters that scattered in every corner of the place. The general is shifted through that place by the used of his teleportation power. He is overflowed with anger and confusion while he is shouting the name of the villain magician. "Chikiriraya! What the hell did you do to me?! Show yourself!?Ahhhhhhhhh.... " The General blows his creepiest thunder from his body and it attacks all the creature around his area even the fewer black trees. He created a huge damage through that place. All of a suddened, Chikiriraya showed up. "What keeps you in trouble, my honour?" Chikiriraya surprisedly asked the badass general. He is floating infront of him. He seemed so creepy and serious while looking straightly to the general. "Explain yourself! Why all the militars at the palace are chasing me?! How did they know it?! Are you f*****g betrayed me huh?!" The general throws an agitated question to Chikiriraya while he is still releasing of so many thunders from his body. Chikiriraya is still remained silent. He is just ignoring the throwing question of the general. "Just give me an answer! Or else I'll gonna kill you!" threatened shout of the agitative general to Chikiriraya. Out of a moment, there is a stranger that comes up that is hiding behind the black tree under of them. He is shouting so loud to catch their attention. "Hey you there! Don't listen to him! He is a huge scammer! He made me in trouble once before! And I am here for my avenge!" shouted of the stranger enchanter in a full of blast. He moved fastly towards them in a sliding moved going upward. He attacks Chikiriraya like a speed of a thunder. While he is incoming towards Chikiriraya, he sways his swords on the air to s***h Chikiriraya. "Ahhhhhhhh! I'm here for your corpse! This is for my vengeance ahhhhhh!" shaking blast of shout of the intruder. The intruder has reached Chikiriraya and he slashed the body of the villain magician. Suddenly while the sharp blade of his sword is slashing the mentioned body, it becomes a huge bubble. The decieving appearance of the body of Chikiriraya is not a real one. He created his clone in a huge bubble formed. He decieved them. "You are a f*****g monster! You betrayed us! You need to die!" surprisedly shout of the intruder while he is very agitative. "Who the hell are you intruder?!" Are you following me?!" asked of the general in a surprised way. "Don't you ever heard what I was saying awhile ago? I'm here for Chikiriraya! Not you! He decieved me and I know you decieved by him too. So! Chikiriraya! show yourself to us! You're just like a coward f*****g monster that is hiding behind your ghost! If you are a truly strongest villain... you must to show yourself!" angered yelling of the intruder. All of a suddened, Chikiriraya is laughing so creepy and very loud just like, his voice is spreading in every corner of that scariest place. Until he showed up floating from afar. His face is shining so red and he is folding with a long black carp. "Hahahahhahahha.... hahahahahahhah... hahaahahaa... all of you are f*****g moron! Hahahahha... Ow, pardon me, my honour general if I was just using you to make come true my plan. You are just one of my best badass actor in my own movie. I'm just the director here hahahahhahaha and you are just my puppet in my ongoing plan like that f*****g intruder hahahahahhha.." Creppiest laughing so loud of Chikiriraya while he is revealing the whole truth. "It is so happy to see that all of you are pulling down and killing each other hahahaha," Chikiriraya added. "What did you mean?! f*****g traitor huh?! You deserved to die! We will going to send you to hell! A f*****g traitor!" overflowed shout of anger of the general. "Hey you monster! Did you do the same tactics on him the way how did you decieve me huh?! You were fooled me when you gave me of that damn fake potion huh?!" interrupted shout of the intruder. "What the hell potion that you are talking huh?! Is it a magical potion of him that has an ability to erase all the recorded scene into a book of life? Is that you are talking about huh?!" asked of the general in a huge of confusion. "Yeah! That f*****g fake magical potion that he was saying.... I'm a captain from Sindahala world. He encouraged me to be part of his alliance in exchange that he would gonna helping me to promote as a strongest general in our kingdom. But, our kingdom is chasing me now for punishment after I killed all the strongest general in our kingdom. I got surrprise after they showed me the footage of all my killing attacks and sinner plans. They are chasing me for my head just because of that traitor and a huge deciever over there!" explained of the intruder. The general got shock. Out of a moment, the general speaks up again. "Is it true Chikiriraya? Are you f*****g betrayed me that much! Ahhhhhhh.. accept this my revenge! I want to cut your head ahhhhhh! Youu are such a hyprocrite and a psycho villain! Ahhhhhh..." overwhelmed shout of the general then he attacks Chikiriraya by his multiple sharpest thunder in a speed way. He releases of so much thunder from his body. During the maiden attack of the general, Chikiriraya has created a huge of dark hole infront of him. All the attacks of the general are shooted inside of the magical hole. It is a magical portal and the attacks of the general are sudddenly shifted through the other creepy dimension. In the middle of their battle while the general and the general from Sindahala world are attacking Chikiriraya, prince Hayisha is unexpectedly showed up. He created a giant rolling fire and blows fastly to hit the general as well as Chikiriraya. While the battle is going on in between the general and Chikiriraya, it is suddenly interrupted because of that surprised attack. "There you are the traitors of the kingdom! You must to surrender yourselves to recieve the right punishment for you! You have committed an unforgivable sins! You have no right to escape!" shouted of the prince in a surprised way. After he spoke, they've sense the incoming batalion next to the prince from the palace. Chikiriraya got frighten so hard so that he get in inside the magical portal immediately to escape himself. The general from the Sindahala world named Gregory runs so fast to chase Chikiriraya. He is also shooted inside of the magical portal before it closed and it has vanished away. On the other hand, the general is suddenly pushed away so hard and he fell down the ground caused of the hit that he recieved from the prince. He failed to escape because all the batalions of the military of the palace have caught him when they are all circling the general and all together have created a magical shield to cover the general to prevent him to make a teleportation. In a span of moment, prince Hayisha is approaching the wounded general that still lying on the ground. "You are so damn! A traitor! How could you fool me despite the fact that I treated you in a nice way! What did I do wrong to you general?!" asked of the prince. He is very devastated while he is talking to the villain general. In a span of moment the general is laughing in a creppiest way even he knows that he is one whose a real failure. "Hahahahahah... hahahaha.. because you are a damn weak! Moron! You are not capable to be the next king! I am! I should be the one to elect! I am very qualified and excellent! Not you! You are a huge blokage and a huge garbage along my way! I should be removed you from the selection... I've wanted to pull you out! Hahahaha," The general becomes so insane. He knows himself that it is his ending and he is the one who failed to accomplish well his plan. "You are so insane for that damn reason. Because of that, you will going to recieve an unforgivable punishment," replied of the prince. On the other hand, all the batalions are forming a metallic rolling ball and it is floating through the air. It has surrounded of magical shield with full of security so that the general would be able to fail to escape. The general is already inside of his cage. Then, they are all together entering inside of the magical portal to get back at the Marohiko Kingdom.
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