The Rising Born of Manchito Swagon

1964 Words
During the intense trial that is happening inside of the Justice room at the palace, the general has suddenly imprisoned inside the huge metallic rolling ball that is floating in the middle of the crowd. It is surrounded by a lethal static of electricity and it is reflected even at the wall inside of the metallic rolling ball. There are so many iron chain that are attached to the body of the general and suddenly connecting to the wall. The purpose of it is to block the infinity power of the general to prevent such a possible chance that he would be going to escape from there. All the trusted members of the subordinates of the king are surrounding the general. These are all the strongest members of the highly royal enchanters of the kingdom. All of a suddened, the king speaks up... "We have proven that you've committed an unforgivable violation against the present administration. You have committed to create a savage plan to intentionally damaged a life by means of killing or putting a destruction directly towards the present prince of the Marohiko kingdom. In support with this, here is the proof of your betrayal," stated of king Haruri. There is a huge splash of light coming from the magnetic crystal ball. All of them are watching the specific scenes that happened inside the bar of the Karakata town in related to the crime. The general is very speechless while he is watching of what he did inside the bar. It is the copy of the specific footage from the Spirit Realm where the king asked to have it. "Ahhhh! You are a bullshit! That's not true! It's a fake! I am not on the scene! Ahhhhh! Just release me here! Ahhhh!" repetitively shout of the general while he is trying to remove all the iron chain that are attached on his body inside the metallic electric ball. He is confidently denying the presented evidence. On the other side, king Haruri speaks up again.... "All the subordinates and our justice have already spoken of themselves. The punishment in exchange of your unforgivable sin is death, and an endless sorrow inside of the" Lava of Sorrow". You deserved to recieve the punishment! You do not deserve to possess your special ability!" Final statement of the king. All the subordinates are circling around the cage of the general while the king as well as prince Hayisha are still standing at the middle area.They are both raising up their hands. In a span of moment, all their hands are releasing of so much electric lights and it is all speeding coming towards into the cage of the general. Their powers are like sipping the power of the general. "Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhh!" Mutiple shout of the general. He started to feel the extravagant pain through out his body due to the attacks from them. He is like a possessed demon while yelling a multiple times inside the cage. All of his infinity powers are absorbing by the unity attacks of them. In a span of moment, the body of the general is starting to burn and turning into an ash. His soul is starting to separate from his burning body while still yelling with an extravagant pain. In a surprised way, there is an appearance of dark hole at the ceiling area. There are a hundreds of spirit hands that are coming from the dark hole. It elongates while they are aproaching the spirit of the general. In a glimpse of moment, those elongated spirit hands are captured the spirit of the general and they are all pulling him to get back inside of the dark hole. The mentioned dark hole is the magical portal from the Demon World. The spirit of the general is already trapped inside of the Lava of Sorrow for his endless imprisonment. Time goes by. After a decade, the holy goddess from the Spirit world is elected prince Hayisha as a new king of the Marohiko kingdom. During the coronation day, his image is spreading through out the sky like a shining phoenix. The holy phoenix is possesing the body of the prince and he is flying up to the universe to introduce him to all for their acknowledgement. In the middle of the celebration inside the Marohiko kingdom for the transition of new generation, Aling Hariana is suddenly giving a birth from the human world. Wayback 10 months ago..... Aling Hariana was suddenly waking up from her sleeping. She had assumed that she was having a beautiful dream where she went in a fantastic land from the other world and she met a prince. "Haizzz... what a wonderful dream. I wished that, it was not like a dream. I've wanted to be there forever." Aling Hariana murmured on herself while she was still lying in her bed after she woke up during the deepest midnight. After a month, she started to have an unusual feeling. She got vomitus and having a progressive nausea. Until she found out that she was pregnant. After she knew of having a baby inside of her belly, she was immediately confronted her ex boyfriend named Manulito. "Hey! Manulito, where are you going? Are you totally leaving me? Huh?" stated of Aling Hariana in a huge of shock after she had noticed that he was preparing his things. He was about ready to go. Manulito was temporarily living with his auntie after being washed out his own house. In a meanwhile, Kieva has appeared into the scene. "What the hell are you doing here huh? Don't you ever understand that Manulito broke up with you already? You had no attachment on him right now! So, please get out of our sight now and stay away from us! You are a bicth witch!" agitated shout of Kieva after she saw Aling Hariana inside their area. Manulito was still remained silent. "Please Manulito, don't leave me yet. Don't leave me! Huhuhuhu... I've realized that I love you so much... huhuhuhu... It was hard for me to live without you. Don't leave me! I am ready to forgive you. I am ready to accept you! Please don't leave me! Because I am pregnant!" Aling Hariana was begging to Manulito. She was crumpling the cloth of the man while crying so hard. Manulito got surprise. He turned his face to the crying lady with a full of confusion. "How could it be?! You are so rediculous! That child is not mine! You are fooling me!" shouted of Manulito then, he pushed away Aling Hariana that led her to fall down the floor. He walked out from that place while Aling Hariana was looked so horrible on the floor. Kieva was looking at her so intensely while following Manulito. They were both left the horrible lady and they went to Manila to start a new life. The present.... After 10 months, Aling Hariana is born Manchito Swagon. Through out of her pregnancy, prince Hayisha is always visiting her inside of her dreams. He monitored her through out her pregnancy up to the time of her labor. He is always sending a lot of gifts and foods through the house of Aling Hariana. But still, he is remaining mysterious of himself. He has a huge coward to reveal himself to the woman of his life. He knows that the carrrying child of Aling Hariana is his own child. He smells the fragrance of immortality of her child from her womb. After 7 years.... Manchito Swagon is now turning into 7 years old. His birthday is coming soon so that Aling Hariana has made a plan to give him a surprise for his birthday party. She is organizing it by the helped of her parents. On the other hand, the little Manchito is playing nearby from their house. There are three children that are coming toward him. "Hey freaky poor boy! Why are you playing here huh? Don't you ever know that you are trespassing in our territory?" said of Gino. "Huh? Are you really sure that this is your territory? Our house is just overthere. And I guess, there is no placard here that is saying, you are the owner of this area," replied of little Manchito. "Wooohoooo... are you trying to tell us that you can fight back now against us? You are such a freaky monster without a dad! Hahahahha you are just born like an alien hahahhaha!" bullying said of Gino to little Manchito. "Oh come on Gino.... can we please let him to play here by himself only. He is such a weak one. Don't you ever have some sympathy on him? Look at his appearance, he is truly a monster due to his white skin just like a son of a sorcerer hahaha. I think, he has a rare disease. We might be ever know. His eyebrows are truly scary because those are whole white. Even the shape of his ears, it's like an ear of a dwarf. It is so scary. Can we please let him and avoid ourselves to get intouch with him. We might be catched a curse from him," said of the other kid. They are still teasing continously the poor little Manchito. All of a suddened, there is an unexpected appearance of an aggressive dog. The dog is approaching those bad kids and barking so hard towards them. The poor little Manchito is suddenly surprised. He is making a doom face and his feeling is getting heavy due to a sadness. RUUUUUFFFFF..... RUUUUUUUFFFFF.... GROAAAAAARRRRR.. Continous barking of an aggressive dog. He seemed that, the dog is just barking them except the little Manchito. All the bad kids are running so fast due to a huge panic while they are screaming. They are all afraid due to the attack of the dog. In a meanwhile, they left him but the dog is not leaving him yet and, it is expressing of a pleasant behaviour when the dog turns his attention on him. The dog is coming nearer to him like he is his master. The little Manchito got surprise and then, he is trying to touch him until he is continously scrubbing his hairy body. . In a meanwhile, there is a stranger man that unexpectedly existed from nowhere. He is coming towards the lonely boy. "There you are my good dog Silviero... It seemed that my good dog is like you. Do you like him too?" asked of the stranger to little Manchito in unexpected way after he reached him. The little Manchito is still remained on the ground while he is trying to play with the happy dog. The dog is wiggling his long and hairy tail. "He's very a nice and friendly. I've thought a while ago that he is a dangerous one but, he'not.. yeah I like him," replied of the little Manchito. "As you wish my dear boy, it's yours now. My dog Silviero would be your playmate starting now, so that you can have a friend by your side. It would be my gift to you. You can play now with him as much as you want," said of the stranger man. "Ohhhh... really? Is it true? Owww.... thank you very much Mr. You are so kind and generous," replied of the little Manchito while he is smiling so nice towards the man. The stranger man goes sitting beside of the little boy then, he is shaking the head of him so gently while paying back of a huge smile on him. After that moment, the stranger man is always visiting the little Manchito when every time he is playing alone around the backyard of their house. The mentioned man is no other than, king Hayisha.
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