Chapter 1

730 Words
Veronica's POV “ Ouch! Ouch! Lilly! ” I scream out in pain when my so called best friend refuses to go easy with the hair treatment she's giving me in my room. “ it doesn't usually hurt like this. ” “ it should. ” she replies standing behind me and looking so cute in the crop top and short shorts we're both wearing “ maybe then you'd have the sense to stay away from that i***t Jonas or better yet see that he is using you. ” “ he's not using me. ” I tell her smiling as I remember when he smiled at me today. “ he is using you but you're just too blind to see it. ” she says pulling on my dark hair once more. “ ow! ” I see her smirking down at me through the mirror we're facing while I scowl and pout. “ everyone in school knows that you like Jonas and he knows it too. He is clearly using that against you. ” “ that's even better, maybe now I can find a way for us to date, it could be he's just too shy to come up to me and tell me how he feels. ” I say finally seeing a ray of hope after two years of my one sided attraction. “ surrre...the guy who plays half the girls in Silver Streak is shy to tell you about his feelings but not shy enough to use you to get out of doing assignments. ” she says sassily. I ignore her and start imagining a million possible scenarios where Jonas and I come together. “ maybe I could walk up to him and tell him... ” I say standing up.  But Lilly pulls me back down and says in a threatening voice. “ you do that and I will deny ever knowing you. ” I give a nervous laugh and hold her hands “ Kay, let's not do that. ” I tell her slowly, hoping she loses that mean look in her eyes. She yanks on my hair and turns my head to face the front. “ I swear to God Ver you better not disgrace me, I mean even my little sis probably knows better ways to get a guy to date her without making a fool of herself. If you're so desperate try ” I gasp at the insult but then it takes only a second for an idea to form in my mind. “ maybe all I need is a little bit of matchmaking. ” I tell Lilly with a gleam in my eyes. She groans loudly “ oh God, Ver if you embarrass me, I swear I'm defriending you. ” she pulls on my hair once more. “ ouch! ” *** The next day at school I'm so preoccupied thinking about how to go about my plan - well not yet a plan seeing as I don't know who could be the perfect matchmaker for me and Jonas. The next thing I know, I'm stumbling into a wall, nah! Better yet a rock. I look up and see Daniel i***t Collins smirking down at me.  “ you just purposely stepped into my way didn't you? ” I ask him glaring pointedly at him. “ uh huh ” he replies smiling that stupid smile of his that sometimes made certain girls swoon. Even if I have to admit that his green eyes shining brightly as he smiles is cute, I have no plans of swooning. I intensify my glare and sigh, then step back. “ I simply do not have time to play your childish games with you Danny. So run along. ” I flip my hair and try pushing him out of the way but he grabs my hands and pulls me closer to him. I can't help but shiver when I feel his breathe caress my cheek as he leans in to whisper to me. “ don't you want me to pass on your kisses to Jonas? ” I push away from him as he laughs in that loud boisterous way that always attracts attention. I turn red both from what he said and the people staring at us with curiosity. I flee from him wanting to escape the scene when a thought registers in my mind. What if Daniel is the matchmaker I need?
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