
736 Words
Veronica's POV I stare him down, daring him to disobey me. " I said we need more posters, did you or did you not hear me at the last meeting? " Roy gulps as he struggles to answer me. " I...I... " " of course you did but did you listen? " I cut him off answering the question. " Nooo! You didn't! Why? Cause you think that I am one to be joked with. " I breathe in deeply as he breaks out in cold sweat and give him a Cheshire grin as I ground my teeth. " Now witches will eat your children " I say moving closer to him bit by bit. " but I will make sure you never have them if you don't get me more posters, I'm I understood? " The sound of running liquid breaks the heavy silence in the classroom. Everyone looks down at Roy's wet pants but none of them dare to laugh. " I believe I've gotten the message across. " I say stepping away from him and turning towards my best friend, Lilly Vermont who looks at me like I'm crazy. " what? " I turn my face to the dumbstruck class. " I'll be collecting the assignment in ten minutes. " with that said they all hurry to finish up the work Mr Haze gave yesterday. My name is Veronica Saunders, I am not the queen bee nor part of the popular crowd but I am popular, for reasons being that I am smart, class president, every teacher's favourite student, apart from Miss Crawford who hates me, though I can't get why the old hag would rather die than become friends with me. I mean the only encounter we've ever had had been that one last year where I might have called her a few nasty names cause she tried to park her car in a slot for disabled people. I mean come on, being old isn't a disability. Anywaysis, let's get back to important matters. I ensure that the students of Silver Streak High are always in order, home works submitted on time, juveniles and hooligans reported and awarded punishments - as they duly deserve. All assigned community and social work done, members of committees never lagging behind - like a certain Roy. So all is right in Silver Streak High. That is until him... I can feel him a mile away, I see him come in through the door, blond locks teasing that sweet face I want to tease with my kisses, cute eyes winking at other girls when I want them to wink at only me, light pink lips I imagine are soft curving into the most delicious smile ever. Kiss me, kiss me now. And then he stops right in front of me. " hey Veronica. " Jonas Hendricks says softly staring into my brown shitty eyes with his beautiful sky blue eyes. Oh! My! God! His voice sounds like honey mixed with sugar. Too sweet. " Uhm..muh..uhm...hi..hi...hi! " I say ending the embarrassment that are my words with a high squeak, causing my best friend to face palm. But all is well as he widens that sweet smile of his. Don't drool, oh God don't drool. " I was wondering if I could submit my assignment a little bit later on. Like say lunch period. It's just I have so much to do and... " " su...sure " I say cutting him off. " you probably have much work to do already. " I say to him, proud that I was able to string that much words together. " thanks Roni " he says as he strides away. I can only smile as I think... Oh my God, he gave me a nickname, oh my... Then I face my best friend, who looks at me like I'm an i***t. She sighs and walks away shaking her head. I hear her mumble something about me being hopeless. I pout and turn around only to see the devil himself smirking at me, Daniel Collins, the one i***t guy who refuses to bend to my will. I smile sourly at him and say " five minutes left Danny. " " b***h! " he says scowling. " dickhead! " I reply in kind. Then make a baby like face " see now you made me curse " Then I flip my middle finger. 
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