Chapter 2

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Veronica's POV Lunchtime, I and Lilly make our way to the table where the jocks and bobbleheads sit. Well more like I make my way and Lilly continuously tries to pull me back to stop me from making a fool of myself. Thankfully Jonas is nowhere in sight or I might make a spectacle of myself. I finally reach the table, making Lilly groan. I'm glad when the guys visibly gulp, while the desperate little scantily clad girls seated with them are visibly shaking, except for Allison Hale who glares at me. Stupid b***h hates my gut but at least she knows who's boss when I glare at her and she looks down with a huff. I smile at them and turn my attention towards Daniel who is looking amused and slightly curious. “ Hi Daniel! ” I greet him brightly. ” His amused and curious stare turns suspicious. “ I was wondering if I could talk to you in private. ” I tell him blinking my eyes rapidly at an intensely high speed. “ Daniel it's a trap, don't.... ” Trey Hill, Daniel's second best friend tries telling him. I turn to him, annoyed at the intrusion. “ I don't believe I was talking to you maggot. ” He turns around immediately and faces his food like it's the most interesting thing there is. I turn back to Daniel and smile once more. “ so what do you think? Think you could... ” “ yeah whatever it is my answer is a big no. ” he tells me turning away from me. “ come on Daniel, I really need your help. ” “ yeah I'm gonna pass. ” he says sounding bored without even turning back. Well I tried. I sigh deeply and get rid of the smile on my face. I tap Daniel on his shoulder, making him turn around. Then lean in speaking in the most menacing tone I can muster. “ I was just trying to be nice but either way you're going to listen to me. The hard way or the easy way, choose Danny boy. ” blink, blink. He smirks and says “ neither. ” I groan. Stubborn jerk. “ I didn't want to have to do this but, okay. Lilly! ” The last thing Daniel hears before he is rendered unconscious is Lilly saying to me “ you owe me big time. ” Daniel's POV The faint sound of voices keep coming to me, becoming clearer minute by minute. I try opening my eyes but that seems to be more difficult than I'd hoped for. The voices are clearer now, Lilly and Veronica. “ oh my God, you killed him. ” Veronica says sounding hysterical. “ no I didn't! ” Lilly replies sounding scared. “ I don't want to go to jail, I can't go to jail, I have my whole life ahead of me. ” “ I said I didn't kill him! ” Lilly says getting mad. “ we can't even dump the body and pretend this didn't happen, there were witnesses. ” What body? I force myself to open my eyes but everywhere remains dark. Oh God my eyes, what happened? “ I really didn't... ” Lilly says sounding slightly scared. “ did you have to hit him that hard?! ” “ I...I... ” I hear the fear becoming more apparent. “ oh God, I don't want to go to jail. ” Jail? What the hell is going on? “ We can't go to jail, we absolutely can't go to jail. ” Veronica takes in deep breaths. “ I'm not going to jail and you're not going to jail. None of us are going to jail. So this is what we'll do. We'll just leave the body here, escape to Bora Bora and change our names to Buttercup and Caramel. They'll never find us there. See, I'm a genius. ” Wait are they trying to frame me for murder? “ stop right there you evil witch! You're trying to frame me for someone's murder, right after you took my eyes. You're evil, plain... ” A beam of light lands right in my eyes and I hear both of them gasp. Oh...I can see.  “ he's alive! ” Lilly cries out with joy. Who's ali... oh...I'm the body. I gasp out loud. “ you tried to kill me! ” “ oh my God! We're not going to jail. Thank you God, thank you. ” Veronica says bouncing the flashlight everywhere and clearly ignoring me. “ Now back to our discussion. ” “ what discussion? ” “ No no no no, I think he's lost his memory. Do you think he remembers being friends with Jonas? ” “ I don't know, but he remembers you being an evil witch. ” Lilly replies.  Smack! “ ouch Ver! Why the hell did you hit me? ” Lilly screams out in pain. “ it was for the greater good. ” Veronica replies. “ how is hitting me for the greater good? ” She asks sounding confused and seemingly in pain. Veronica must have iron for bones. “ because you don't call an angel an evil witch, duh! ” “ right...I'm most definitely friends with a psycho. Now you know. Veronica nearly pokes my eyes with her flashlight as she leans in to question me. “ Do you remember Jonas Hendricks? ” Wait this is about Jonas? I decide to play a little trick on them. “ John who? ” I ask feigning confusion. “ so he forgot. ” Veronica says thoughtfully. “ well then hit him again. ” Is she serious? “ what? ” Lilly asks shocked. “ I said to hit him again. If you do that he will remember. ” “ no he won't, it will just make it worse! ” “ off course not. Something probably got jumbled up the first time you hit him, so if you hit him now, it will probably loosen up. Like duh. ” Veronica says sounding as if any of what she's just said makes any sense. “ hmm...I guess you are right. ” Lilly agrees sounding quite convinced. Great I have been kidnapped by a bunch of idiots. I hear sounds of feet moving towards me and decide then and there that I happen to like my face more than a silly prank. “ wait! I think I remember now. So what was it you wanted from me again? ” “ it's not about what I want from you. ” Veronica says trying to sound mysterious. “ it's about what I can do for you. ” “ really and what is that? ” I ask skeptically and at the same time curious as to what insane offer she has for me. “ I can ensure that you have an extension by a day to submit all your assignments, make sure you never have to do any community work required for the students and make sure you get out of any working activity in school aside from that given in your classes. ” “ and why would you do this again? ” Like I couldn't do any of those myself. “ just for one little thing, help me date Jonas. ” Ah... So the psycho b***h likes my best friend. Well this should be fun. “ so....What you are trying to say is that... You want me to be your pimp. ” I say with a smirk. “ what? ” Veronica asks sounding confused. “ I never said... ” she grunts in anger and almost blinds me with the flashlight...again. “ what the hell is wrong with you? Why can you never take anything seriously? I'm here offering you a one in a lifetime deal to make your totally worthless life become slightly useful but you're just kidding around. ” If I wasn't used to her bitchy talk I'd be hurt. After all I live to annoy her. The result brings tears to my eyes. What can I say she's hot when she's mad. “ first of all, I am not worthless. Secondly, like I said I'm not the one who is worthless. After all I'm not the one in need of a matchmaker and thirdly, if you weren't such a b***h, this wouldn't be a problem would it? So until you sincerely apologize for what you said, don't expect me to agree to your deal. ” “ fine ” Veronica says sounding mad. “ I'm sorry for saying the truth. ” she ends on smug note. “ there goes your chance to make babies with Jonas. ” I tell her just as smugly. “ you said to be sincere. That's just how sincere I can be. ” “ b***h! ” “ darling, I wear that badge proudly. Lilly hit him until he agrees. ” Damn it, I forgot she was here. “ fine, I'll do it but we're going to have to adjust my benefits. ” “ okay, what do you want? ” she asks sounding bored. “ you do my assignments for me and I want you cheering for me and not the team at every of our games. I do believe there's one coming up this Friday. ” “ what? No! ” “ you mean yes ” I say smiling. “ No! ” “ then she can can hit me, I don't care. ” I care, I care a lot. “ uh! Fine. But if you don't uphold your end of the deal, I'll ruin your life. ” Funny “ sure, sure. First get me out of these ropes. ” “ by the way, we sign a contract tomorrow. ” “ seriously a contract? ” I ask stepping away from the chair, now that I've been set loose. “ yes, so don't think you can get out of this easily. Tell me your full name so I can use it when writing the contract. ” I step up to her and pull her close to me, loving the feeling I get when her breath catches and her scent drifts to me. “ I think my sexy Greek god matchmaker, Daniel Collins would be very fitting. ” She pushes away from me and clears her throat. “ I think Daniel Collins will do just fine. ” As I make my way out of the dark room which is slightly illuminated by the flashlight held in Veronica's hand, I say loud enough for her to hear. “ darling it's a stipulation. ”
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