
My sexy greek god matchmaker


I look up and see Daniel i***t Collins smirking down at me.

“ you just purposely stepped into my way didn't you? ” I ask him glaring pointedly at him.

“ uh huh ” he replies smiling that stupid smile of his that sometimes makes certain girls swoon. Even if I have to admit that his green eyes shining brightly as he smiles is cute, I have no plans of swooning.

I intensify my glare and sigh, then step back. “ I simply do not have time to play your childish games with you Danny. So run along. ” I flip my hair and try pushing him out of the way but he grabs my hands and pulls me closer to him.

I can't help but shiver when I feel his breathe caress my cheek as he leans in to whisper to me. “ don't you want me to pass on your kisses to Jonas? ”

I push away from him as he laughs in that loud boisterous way that always attracts attention. I turn red both from what he said and the people staring at us with curiosity. I flee from him wanting to escape the scene when a thought registers in my mind.

What if Daniel is the matchmaker I need?

Veronica Saunders, brainy, beautiful, bold and rash. After a difficult childhood with a disinterested father and dead mother, she longs for someone to love her to fill in those missing gaps. And she's decided that the handsome playboy/school sweetheart Jonas Hendricks is the man for her. What happens when she has to go through her arch nemesis and the one guy who just won't bow down to her demands? But most importantly what if Daniel collins is more than the matchmaker she needs?

#hot steamy romance on the way

please note that the cover does not belong to me.


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* Burning Hatred: Entwined Destinies ( it's a fantasy romance which I'm using to compete in spirity awards 2021 ) please help me with your support

*Twisted Secrets

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Veronica's POV I stare him down, daring him to disobey me. " I said we need more posters, did you or did you not hear me at the last meeting? " Roy gulps as he struggles to answer me. " I...I... " " of course you did but did you listen? " I cut him off answering the question. " Nooo! You didn't! Why? Cause you think that I am one to be joked with. " I breathe in deeply as he breaks out in cold sweat and give him a Cheshire grin as I ground my teeth. " Now witches will eat your children " I say moving closer to him bit by bit. " but I will make sure you never have them if you don't get me more posters, I'm I understood? " The sound of running liquid breaks the heavy silence in the classroom. Everyone looks down at Roy's wet pants but none of them dare to laugh. " I believe I've gotten the message across. " I say stepping away from him and turning towards my best friend, Lilly Vermont who looks at me like I'm crazy. " what? " I turn my face to the dumbstruck class. " I'll be collecting the assignment in ten minutes. " with that said they all hurry to finish up the work Mr Haze gave yesterday. My name is Veronica Saunders, I am not the queen bee nor part of the popular crowd but I am popular, for reasons being that I am smart, class president, every teacher's favourite student, apart from Miss Crawford who hates me, though I can't get why the old hag would rather die than become friends with me. I mean the only encounter we've ever had had been that one last year where I might have called her a few nasty names cause she tried to park her car in a slot for disabled people. I mean come on, being old isn't a disability. Anywaysis, let's get back to important matters. I ensure that the students of Silver Streak High are always in order, home works submitted on time, juveniles and hooligans reported and awarded punishments - as they duly deserve. All assigned community and social work done, members of committees never lagging behind - like a certain Roy. So all is right in Silver Streak High. That is until him... I can feel him a mile away, I see him come in through the door, blond locks teasing that sweet face I want to tease with my kisses, cute eyes winking at other girls when I want them to wink at only me, light pink lips I imagine are soft curving into the most delicious smile ever. Kiss me, kiss me now. And then he stops right in front of me. " hey Veronica. " Jonas Hendricks says softly staring into my brown shitty eyes with his beautiful sky blue eyes. Oh! My! God! His voice sounds like honey mixed with sugar. Too sweet. " Uhm..muh..uhm...hi..hi...hi! " I say ending the embarrassment that are my words with a high squeak, causing my best friend to face palm. But all is well as he widens that sweet smile of his. Don't drool, oh God don't drool. " I was wondering if I could submit my assignment a little bit later on. Like say lunch period. It's just I have so much to do and... " " su...sure " I say cutting him off. " you probably have much work to do already. " I say to him, proud that I was able to string that much words together. " thanks Roni " he says as he strides away. I can only smile as I think... Oh my God, he gave me a nickname, oh my... Then I face my best friend, who looks at me like I'm an i***t. She sighs and walks away shaking her head. I hear her mumble something about me being hopeless. I pout and turn around only to see the devil himself smirking at me, Daniel Collins, the one i***t guy who refuses to bend to my will. I smile sourly at him and say " five minutes left Danny. " " b***h! " he says scowling. " dickhead! " I reply in kind. Then make a baby like face " see now you made me curse " Then I flip my middle finger. 

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