Chapter 3

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Support by Reading, voting, commenting and sharing. Veronica's POV I'm waiting in the computer library for Daniel, who is presently eight minutes late. I wonder if the i***t has ever heard of the word punctual. Just when I decide to go find and drag his a*s here to sign the stupid contract, the door opens to reveal a whistling Daniel. The room which had been empty but for me is now filled with his presence. “ you are late. ” I say as I glare at him. “ I know ” he replies clearly not bothered by my glare. “ it's not good to.... ” I try telling him. “ sure, sure. ” he says leaning against the wall behind me. “ But let's save the speech for later. I do believe we have a sign. ” he says with his voice sounding deep and husky as his hot gaze sweeps over my body in a way that makes my breath hitch. I turn my attention on the papers in front of me, shuffling them unnecessarily as I try to ignore my reaction to Daniel. I can't blame the guy, he basically oozes s*x and he knows it. I don't plan on making his ego any bigger than it already is, after all the one I want is Jonas. “ you can sign here ” I tell him pointing to the line next to his name. “ I can't ” he says looking amused. “ I believe the name agreed on was ‘ my sexy Greek god matchmaker, Daniel Collins. I don't see that here. ” “ for God's sake, I already agreed to all your other stipulations, can't you just let this little one go? ” I ask him, nearly yelling in anger. He sighs dramatically and tsks in a way that makes him seem patient, meanwhile all he really is, is annoying. “ i hate to repeat myself, so I'll just tell you this instead. If you don't add this little stipulation, I'll make you go around school calling me your sexy Greek god matchmaker. ” he finishes smirking. “ I can't... ” I try telling him but he only raises his left brow as if to say ‘ oh really. ” Seeing as he is dead serious, I huff in anger and quickly do as he's said. When we've both signed the papers and kept each of our copies, I ask him the question that's been on my mind. “ so how do we go about this? ” I tense up as he leans into me. “ first of all, you should try relaxing. Jonas will only think you're weird if you're tensing up every five minutes and with what I have in mind, you don't want to tense up. ” I lean away from him and his overwhelming presence. “ what do you have in mind? ” I ask him curiously. “ just follow my lead and do all I tell you to do and you'll be fine. ” he starts walking to the door and talks to me at the same time, annoying me as usual. “ At lunch break tomorrow, meet me at my table in the cafeteria. ” I can't even refuse as I am left with the sound of the door slamming shut. “ great, I just hope my brain remembers to function properly. ”
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