Chapter 10

1591 Words
Alice POV I wake up and see the sun has already risen, I panic for a moment grabbing my phone but then I see it’s Sunday. No work today, thankfully. So I slumped back onto bed, grabbing the pillow next to me, then it hit me that scent. That heavenly smell of fresh ocean breeze and sandalwood. I inhaled deeply and for some reason my nerves calmed down. But how? I don’t have any scented candles or anything here. How come it’s here? Then it came to me, he was in my dream again. I saw his face, well part of it. But his  eyes and his voice, if only I could hear it every day. Fall asleep in his strong arms every night, oh it would be heaven wouldn’t it? But what about him? Wait why am I even considering this? It’s a figment of my obviously screwed up imagination. Men like him don’t exist. I got up and got dressed in my training clothes, grabbed my water and phone and while going down stairs I was so focused on my phone I ran into someone. “Oh I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I asked picking up my phone and helping her with her spilled groceries. When I handed her the stuff I picked up I noticed her. She is beautiful. Silver blonde hair and deep purple eyes, fair white skin and a body to die for. “No, no it’s my fault I wasn’t paying attention. Social media is such a bad addiction you know?” she said smiling. Oh god, even her voice is beautiful. I snapped out of trance when I felt her hand on mine looking into her eyes, they were mesmerizing. “Are you alright hon?” she asked “I uh, yeah no I’m fine. Sorry for that here let me put this back for you.” I said placing the items back in the bag. She smiled gratefully and then spoke up again “I just moved in, I’m new to the city. Any good places you can recommend?” she asked smiling “Well the best cheeseburger and fries are at Dev’s diner three blocks down that way. And then for the rest it depends on what you like.” I said sincerely “Well it seems as if you like to workout, no wait jogging right?” she said pointing to my outfit “Yes I jog around the park, exactly 10 miles if you run around twice. Do you like jogging?” I asked “Well yes I do actually, tell you what let me put this down and get dressed and I’ll go with you. What do you say?” she eyed me hopefully and yes I caved. I haven’t had a girl friend since college so yeah it would be nice. “Yeah sure, I’ll wait here okay?” I asked shrugging “Okay, be right down” she said hurrying up the stairs I was still busy selecting the songs when she appeared next to me. “So let’s go” she said basically dragging me with her A few minutes later we were at the park jogging and enjoying each other’s silent company. I liked her, she was hyper and happy. I need happy. I thought to myself After the run we were walking back chatting like woman do, although I felt a certain aura about her. She seemed strong and confident. Something I haven’t felt in many years, but then she invited me to dinner at her place and to my own surprise I said yes. And this dear readers is how my lifelong friendship started with Valerie. *2 weeks later* I was walking home from work and I heard my name being called. Valerie “Hey girl wait up!” she called “Hey Val, how was your day?” I asked hugging her “Oh you know, same old s**t different day.” She shrugged as we made our way home, but as we turned the corner I looked up and froze. Oh no, no, no, it can’t be. Valerie stopped walking too and looked at me in confusion but my eyes were pinned to him. “Hey are you okay?” she asked but all I could get out was one word, one name “P-peter” I stuttered and started to panic. Did he see me? Did he recognize me? What should I do? If he found me I’m dead. I can’t run, not this time. What about him? I promised him. That’s when I saw the two purple orbs staring at me in confusion and her voice drifted to my ears “Hey hon, you okay? Who’s Peter?” she asked cupping my face. My brain was in overdrive as my eyes darted around the busy street trying to locate him again but he disappeared. “I-I have to g-go Val. Please stay away from me, I don’t want you to get hurt.” I rambled “But I won’t. Alice jus-” I cut her off looking at her before I whispered “I’m sorry. He’ll kill you too.” And then I ran. As fast as I could to get home and pack. He found me, I know it was him. I have to hide. Oh s**t Val, hopefully he doesn’t go after her. Please don’t let him find her. As I rounded the last corner I could see the building. Almost there. And then a burning pain shot through my back. I stumbled and I felt my stomach burning. What the hell? As I looked down I saw my uniform turn red around my stomach. Blood? Why am I bleeding? The world started spinning and black dots invaded my vision as I struggled to the steps. I managed to get the front door open but I couldn’t breathe. I tried to close the door and the last thing I saw was a pair of black shoes and my name being called. I tried to crawl away but my body gave out and everything went dark. Belmont POV I was on my way to Valerie’s “apartment” when I suddenly felt the most intense sense of fear ever. What is this? I was on high alert and I gripped the steering wheel tighter. “Are you alright highness?” Mihai asked “No, something is wrong.” Is all I said flooring the gas As we turned down the street I saw Alice in the distance sprinting towards the building and then I heard a gunshot. I nearly drove the car into a lamp post as the pain shot through my body. “Aaarrrggghh!” I yelled trying to keep the car steady “What was that?!” Mihai screamed “She’s shot… I think.” I told him through gritted teeth slamming on the breaks and getting out of the car. My vision blurring I ran up the steps and towards her door. My legs wanted to give out but I bit through the pain and saw her open door. What I saw next will haunt my dreams forever. She was struggling on the floor trying to get away from the door, or me, in a pool of blood. Her small body soaked in blood and the fear on her face is something you don’t forget. She looked at me with fear and then her body went limp. I rushed to her falling on the floor next to her head. I took her head in my hands gently. “Stay with me amore, just stay with me okay?” I pleaded through tears Mihai rushed up to us his phone to his ear giving orders. I just sat there tears streaming down my face as I held her against my chest. “We need to move Belmont, she needs to get to the doctor.” He ordered me dragging me up by my arm. I gently picked her up of the floor and rushed outside. “She’s so pale brother. I-I don’t know what I’ll do if she-” he cut me off “She’s still alive, but we need to move! Get in the car now!” he yelled again and I got in the back with her on my lap. I don’t know how long it took to get to the hospital but it felt like hours. I burst through the doors and yelled “Help! My wife has been shot!” two nurses and a doctor rushed up to me and I gently lay her down on the gurney and they wheeled her away. I wanted to go with her but Mihai and two porters stopped me. “She’ll be fine Belmont, she’s strong.” Mihai tried his best to reassure me but I just fell to my knees crying like a damn man-child. I feel useless, I couldn’t do anything. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and looked up through teary eyes Valerie stood there. Not knowing what else to do I just wrapped my arms around her waist and sobbed. She placed her hands on my head and soothed me. Just like mom. I thought and with that I cried harder. I’ve never cried like this ever, I cried for my mate that might be dying, for my parents who died defending us, for my brother and his wife that died next to me in battle. I just cried. I felt an arm around my shoulders and I knew it was Mihai. We stayed like that for I don’t know how long, Valerie stroking my hair although I felt her tears fall on my shoulders and next to me I heard quiet sniffles coming from Mihai. Their queen might die. Duke howled in pain in my head. I’m a king, I’m am one of the most feared men in the world, I have lived through hundreds of years not fearing anything and now I’m on my knees in a hospital fearing death and crying like a baby. We eventually moved to the waiting area after all the paperwork was done, and well we waited.
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