Chapter 9

1038 Words
Alice POV I got home from work, it was a great day. I placed my food on the counter and head to the bathroom to take a well-deserved shower. All I could think of the whole day was that voice and that beautiful black wolf with the silver grey eyes. I felt so safe, I’ve never felt so safe in my entire existence. If only he was real, if only he could always be there to protect me. What the hell is happening to me? No you have to let it go, he will hurt you. He will hurt him, men like that don’t exist. But I will have him in my dreams, which for now are good enough. I got out of the shower put on my PJ’s and heated up my food when my phone rang. I checked and my heart skipped a beat. I answered immediately “Hello” “H-hi Alice” the soft voice said “Hey my love, how are you?” “I-I’m good, I miss you.” “I know darling, but it’s only for a little while longer okay?” I soothed “O-okay, but I just wanted to say I love you” he said “I love you with all my heart see you soon I promise” I said my voice breaking “Okay, love you see you soon” and the line went dead I clutched the phone to my chest and wiped at my tears. I will see you soon my love I promise. Nothing is going to keep us apart anymore. And with that resolve in mind I sit down on the couch and switch on the TV. I sat and ate my dinner, Devon insists I take something home for dinner every day, I don’t know what I would’ve done without him. Eventually I fall asleep on the couch dreaming of my guardian angel and the voice that soothes me. Somewhere in the night I dreamt that he took me to bed. “I’m here amore, I will never leave you. You are safe, sleep now my queen. Soon you’ll be where you belong. I love you amore” I got a glimpse of him in my dream, he’s got the most gorgeous face and the same eyes as my guardian angel. Tingles erupt over my body and his smell envelopes me. I sigh contently and snuggle closer to him. He places his muscular arm around me and I smile “Thank you for keeping the nightmares away, my guardian angel.” I mumble as the big black wolf steps over me and I am left drifting deeper into a dreamless sleep.   Belmont POV *Few hours earlier* “I’m a what?” my brain is foggy and I’m still very tired so comprehending what Mihai just said is proving to be a challenging task. “You’re a hybrid, you have part dragon genes. That’s why after the war and now you keep feeling tired. The dragon is draining your energy.” Mihai said “But how is this possible? I surely would’ve known if I was a hybrid. My parents would’ve told me. And also how do you know of this Mihai?” I squinted my eyes at him “The elder counsel told me, they said that after the war you were the same, which I remember, but then they started researching you lineage. It seems it was passed on to you from your mother’s side. They told me that the dragon only comes when needed, so you have some of its power. Your heart is also protected by dragon scales so basically you are not killable. Oh and that healing ability is also from the dragon, but like I said he comes do what he has to and then leave again. It’s not like your wolf that is tethered to you. It is truly remarkable Belmont.” Mihai said excitedly. “If I got it from my mother, then how come she died?” I asked softly “She had the dragon gene, but none of the other abilities.” Valerie said looking at me with pity. “Okay, so what does this have to do with my mate?” I asked, desperately wanting to change the subject. “Well that’s the down side, if you don’t have her with you, marked and mated soon there is a possibility that the dragon will do what he thinks is best to get his beloved. And from what I gathered, dragons in that type of situation are anything but caring and gentle.” Mihai said looking at the floor. “So he will hurt her?” I asked knowing the answer “Yes he might and from what I’ve seen yesterday, it was a small glimpse but she might have been abused previously.” Valerie said They flinched as I growled loudly and slammed my fists onto the table. I felt the rage building and my eyes starting to glow gold. “A name, I want a name of the dead man walking that laid a hand on her. I will see to his long painful death personally. Get me a name!!” I growled loudly making even the servants flinch in fear. “Mihai it’s time.” Valerie said and Mihai nodded standing and grabbing his car keys “Time for what?” I yelled at them but this time they didn’t back down “To see your beloved of course. Come Belmont, you need her and I have a feeling she needs you too.” Valerie said with a smile. A few minutes later we entered her apartment and I saw her lying on the couch. She seemed peaceful but she was cold so I did what I thought was best. I picked her up and carried her to bed, as I placed her down her eyes fluttered open briefly but I spoke to her again. “I’m here amore, I will never leave you. You are safe, sleep now my queen. Soon you’ll be where you belong. I love you amore” She sighed and snuggled closer to me as I placed my arm around her small frame and then she said something that nearly made me go through the roof with happiness “Thank you for keeping the nightmares away, my guardian angel.” Duke was dancing around in my head with happiness and I had to focus all my concentration to not leap of the bed and scream to the world how happy I am. It took me a while to get over my excitement but I did, I kissed her temple and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
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