Chapter 11

1866 Words
Belmont POV “Peter. That’s all she said?” I asked Valerie. We’re still in the waiting room. 3 hours 4 minutes later and Valerie is telling me what happened. “No, she then said that I have to stay away from her, she doesn’t want me to get hurt. I tried to tell her I won’t but then she said he’ll kill me too.” She said softly wiping a tear away. Mihai hugged her closer to him. “Did you see him Val?” I asked softly, I was trying my best to contain my anger. “I am going to kill him!” Duke growled in my head “Yes we are bud.” I stated back. Before she could answer the doctor entered the waiting room and called “Mr. Reyes?” “That’s me.” I said standing, although I felt like my legs weren’t going to support my weight “We managed to stabilize your wife, but she lost a lot of blood. She is now in ICU, the next 48 hours will be critical. I’m sorry I can’t give you better news.” The doctor said. “C-can I see her, please?” I all but begged him “Yes, but only you unfortunately.” He said looking at Mihai and Valerie. They nodded and sat back down “I will let you know, thank you for everything, Mihai take Val home.” I said before turning to leave following the doctor to her room stopping at her door the doctor turned to me “Sir I must warn you, she doesn’t look good. So please brace yourself.” I nodded and he opened the door. My breath hitched and I had to steady myself against the door frame when I saw her. She is pale, the colour has left her lips and there are darkened circles under her eyes. Pipes and wires were all over her body. “Can I touch her?” I asked not sure if he heard me, I barely heard myself “You can but please don’t move her, I will be back later. Good luck sir.” With that he left. I closed the door and sat down next to her taking her frail pale hand in mine, she’s cold to the touch. Oh Goddess please don’t take her from me. I pleaded tears streaming down my face. “Please amore, you need to fight. I need you, the kingdom needs you. Don’t leave me amore.” I pleaded with her kissing her hand. The sparks were faint but they were there at least. I was by her side all the time, I couldn’t leave. Valerie and Mihai visited over the past few days, bringing me fresh clothes and food. Finally after a week the royal’s doctor convinced the doctor to transfer her to my private hospital. Reserved only for the royal family, my army and their families. Finally she was home, well sort of, but here she had a private room and a huge bed so that I could sleep next to her. That damn chair is uncomfortable as hell. I would talk to her, tell her stories of my life, sometimes I’ll even let Duke out and he’d sleep next to her in his wolf form. “Any news on this Peter?” I asked Valerie “No highness, but there’s another thing, we only found information on Alice Austin dating back 5 years. It’s like she didn’t exist before then.” Valerie whispered “How peculiar. Do you think it might be a fake identity since she was obviously hiding from this waste of skin called Peter?” I spat out his name as if it was venom “Yes sir, so without her real identity we can’t track him down. Peter is quite a common name. Like I said, I only saw him from behind, I don’t know how he disappeared so quickly. I’m sorry sir.” She said bowing her head in shame “Oh Val, it’s not your fault. He must’ve used magic, I know no human or any other creature can escape you. Don’t blame yourself please.” I said placing my hand on her shoulder “Thank you highness, I will return later. Good day sir.” She curtsied and left. I took a seat next to Alice and gently caressed her cheek “Amore, we need you to wake up. I need you please amore.” I whispered to her before I got up and sat down behind the small desk and started working. I told her everything I was doing, she’s my queen she needs to know.   Alice POV At first there was only darkness as far as I walked it was dark. Is this what dying feels like? Wait why am I dying? Oh no, did he get me? Oh god, is this the basement? No, no, no anything but the basement. And just as I start pacing around looking for a light source a door opens revealing my surroundings. “Noooo!! Peter please!” I scream as I see Peter standing at the top of the basement stairs with a gun to his head. “Please what slut?! Why should I spare him?! He’s in my way!” he yelled “Pete please take me, don’t kill him. J-just let him go, w-we can be h-happy again. I-I won’t leave a-again I p-promise.” The words rush out of my mouth and I’m on my knees pleading with him but then I see the all too familiar evil grin spread across his face. “Like I would believe you, stupid b***h. No I think I will have my fun.” He said and pulled the trigger. His limp body rolling down the stairs coming to a stop in front of me. I yell so loud I think the heavens shook. “Cayden! NOOOO!!” my heart broke and I picked him up in my arms and sobbed but then I saw it again my guardian angel wolf. He walked up to me and looked me in the eyes and for the first time I could hear his voice. “Get up my queen.” I looked at him but I stood and he took Cayden and walked into the darkness. I ran after them screaming his name and then I saw a bright light so I ran to it. My eyes shot open and I flew upright screaming his name “CAYDEN!” I felt the pain shoot through me but I didn’t care. A pair of strong arms enveloped me and then I heard it. That voice, that heavenly voice. I drew a breath and it was my favourite scent, ocean breeze and sandalwood. I gripped the strong arms and tried to get them off me but he wouldn’t budge. “Sshhh, calm down amore. I’m here, you’re safe.” He whispered into my ear and strangely enough I did calm down a bit, well until I realized that a complete stranger was holding me, and why was I in hospital? But he feels so familiar, I know his voice, his scent, these tingles all over my skin how is this possible? He slowly loosened his grip and pulled back. When I looked into his eyes I gasped and the only word that left my mouth was “Angel”. Those silver grey eyes that has been in my dreams for weeks, the scent the tingles. I frowned in confusion but my hand moved by itself to his handsome smiling face and I touched his cheek my eyes not leaving his, I will get lost in those beautiful eyes. He just sat there looking at me, waiting for me to get over my dumbstruck moment. I placed both my hands on either side of his face tracing his stubble jaw, eyebrows, his full sensual lips and finally his scar he closed his eyes. Enjoying the tingles on my fingertips as they roamed his face. How can a scar be sexy? My brain finally started working and I just whispered not letting go of his face “You’re real. I-I thought you were just…” “Just what amore?” he whispered, god his voice made a chill run up my spine “Just a figment, a dream… a wish” I whispered back, my hands running through his hair. It’s like silk, why can’t I stop touching this man? Man, oh who am I kidding he’s a god! He gently took my hands in his and kissed my knuckles sweetly “I assure you amore, I am very real. Do you feel this when I touch you? The sparks?” he looked at me again and all I could see in his eyes were love and sincerity. “Y-yes” I answered my voice just above a whisper “This means I’m real amore.” He said smiling while rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles. I looked down at our hands and it felt so natural, like my hands were made to fit his. I looked back up and he had a small smile on his face. He then placed his hand behind my head and guided me back onto the pillows. “How do you feel amore?” he asked softly caressing my cheek with his fingers. I blinked and then I felt the pain again. I winced grabbing at my stomach, and to my surprise I saw him grimace as well. I took his hand and he looked up. “Are you in pain?” I asked concerned, which resulted in him chuckling “Oh you are perfect. You’re the one in hospital, but still you are concerned for me. Oh my amore, so selfless.” He kissed the back of my hand again “C-can I a-ask you something?” I whispered looking at my hand in his. He took his other hand and gently lifted my chin to meet his eyes. “Anything for you amore. But never bow down to me, you are my equal.” He said in a gentle voice. I smiled and cleared my throat “W-what is your name?” I was nervous all of a sudden and I wasn’t sure why. He was kind and honest. “My full name?” he asked raising an eyebrow with a small smirk on his face. I just nodded because I didn’t trust my mouth. Oh holy mother of all that is good in this world he has a smoulder without even trying. “Belmont Drago Reyes, at your service my queen.” He said bowing his head slightly. I giggled at his antics. He’s so regal. But when he saw me giggle his whole face lit up like a damn Christmas tree. He looked so happy “Well mr. Reyes can yo-” “Belmont please.” He stated “Yes, Belmont can you tell me why I am in hospital?” I asked but then I saw the light go out in his eyes and I saw pure anger flash in his silver eyes. His voice was now very low “You were shot.” He closed his eyes for a few seconds taking a few deep breaths before he opened them again. And then it hit me. Oh my god Cayden! My eyes widened and I became frantic looking for my phone. I tried to get up but he was holding me down and I screamed “Let me go! I need my phone!” I tried my best to get out of his grip but he was steadfast in keeping me in the bed. Although I could see the pain in his face his voice was calm “Amore please calm down, you can injure yourself. It’s here, just calm down please” he gasped out the last words but handed me my phone. I grabbed it from him and checked it, no missed calls thank goodness. I fell back into the pillows letting out a relieved breath.
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