Chapter 8

1235 Words
Alice POV I woke up to the sun rising and I stretched out, and for the first time in many years I smiled. I actually smiled. I took a deep breath and then it hit me, that scent. Fresh ocean breeze and sandalwood. Oh how I love that smell. I lay there in my bed alone, but I didn’t feel alone, weird isn’t it?. That dream, oh that wonderful dream and that voice, that voice melted my insides. It was so real, it was like I could still feel his strong arms around me, the tingles wherever he touched me, his steady heartbeat and the vibrations of his voice through my whole body as he spoke. I sighed happily as I got up and got ready for my run. The thing is though, I heard and felt him but I dreamt of this beautiful midnight black wolf with the piercing silver grey eyes. He was there protecting me, standing guard over me as I slept. How is this possible? Where did that come from? It was so real, in all honesty I would rather have that than have the nightmares. I walked downstairs as I do every day putting in my earphones and pressing play on my phone, but today was different. Today I had the feeling was going to be a great day. Thank you my guardian angel. With that in mind I was off. Belmont POV I woke up with a soft knock at my door, I stretched out and suddenly became aware of the fact that I’m back in my bed, alone. I sat up rubbing my face and walked to the door only to find Valerie there with a tray of food. “Good day your… I mean Belmont, did you sleep well?” she asked smiling and walking over to the bed placing the tray down. “Hello Val, yes thank you and thank you for bringing me my breakfast.” I said smiling and sitting on the bed. I looked up to see Valerie taking a seat on the sofa and turn her very familiar stoic gaze to me. “I know that look Val, what happened?” I ask but my voice sounds tired. “Well sir, Mihai and myself have a theory regarding your, for the lack of a better word, predicament.” She stated “My predicament? If this is about the spy then you need not worry my dear, he gave us the information we needed. I handled it personally. So you can rest assu-” she held up a hand, silencing me. I frowned at her bluntness and even Duke was listening now. “No Belmont, this is about you and your beloved.” She has now changed her expression to serious, I felt fear rise in my chest. “What? Is she alright? Did something happen to her?” I rambled getting to my feet. But Valerie just shook her head her eyes not leaving mine. Goddess my mother used to do this when she had to tell me something she knew I wouldn’t like. “Belmont, what happened last night is not normal. I understand that you are royal and an Alpha Lycan so you will have overwhelming feelings toward your beloved, but the way you felt her pain. You haven’t marked her yet, so this is not possible.” She said in her motherly voice. “I also thought about that” my voice soft “But Duke said it’s because we’re royal so simple mating rules don’t apply to us.” “Yes that is true, you can choose a beloved, unlike werewolves you can be rejected and still survive and not go rouge, but still Belmont the thing is you didn’t just feel her pain, it was transferred to you. Not all of it but the majority of it. In all our history we have never heard of anything like this, feeling your beloveds pain yes, but sharing it never.” She was now pacing back and forth deep in thought. “Where is Mihai now?” I asked not knowing what else to say “He went to see the elders, to find out if they might know anything. How do you feel now?” she asked me and placing her hand on my forehead as if I would have a fever. She’s so motherly, it makes me miss my mother. “Honestly, I feel better and I don’t have a fever, but I’m so exhausted. It feels as if I haven’t slept in weeks. I don’t understand this, the last time I felt like this was after the war” feelings of remorse and guilt filled my heart. I was the sole survivor of my family, they saved me at the cost of their lives. Goddess I miss them. Valerie placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. She smiled and gestured back to the bed, as I moved to the pillows she spoke softly “Then sleep my friend, when you wake we might have more answers than questions. But you need to be ready and rested for what is to come.” And with that she left closing the door behind her. I pulled my shirt off and bundled it up taking deep breaths. “It smells like our mate, I love that smell” Duke cooed, I smiled at his comment and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. Mihai POV “Yes thank you elder Nicholas, I shall tell him. Good day to you.” I said bowing slightly and leaving the council chambers. Oh he’s going to love this, I knew there was something different about him. He would get angry, but never like the past few days. But this, oh yes this explains everything. But taking it slow with Alice, unfortunately is not an option anymore. Well I have my beloved by my side, she seems to be able to calm him down. He listens to her reason, can’t blame him, she’s the smartest woman I know. I entered the apartment at around 6:30 pm and immediately I felt her presence. I turned around and there she was, as beautiful as always. “Mon monde” I said kissing her passionately as she places her arms around my neck “Amica mea, I missed you. Did you find out anything?” she asked running her fingers through my hair. “Yes, but first where’s the King?” I asked realizing it’s very quiet, then I noticed a look of concern cross her striking face. I caressed her cheek in concern speaking softly “Rakkaani, why are you worried? Is he not well?” I pulled her to my chest and inhaled her scent. “He’s been sleeping all day, he woke up around lunch time but he didn’t eat anything. He just said he’s exhausted, almost as if he hasn’t slept in weeks. I’m concerned Mihai, what if this is the doing of black magic. I’ve never seen him like this and I’ve known him for over 250 years my love. What if we lose him?” a tear escaped her eye and I wiped it away, the pride I felt at that moment was overwhelming. She is the most perfect woman in the world. “No, no please don’t cry mon monde, it’s nothing of that sort. I’ll go wake him and you ask the servants to serve dinner. We’ll join you shortly. All will be revealed I promise we won’t lose him or our queen.” She smiled and kissed me and left for the kitchen. Well now we need to let the truth be known. “Come on brother, wake up. You need to eat and I have the most wonderful news” I said walking in the bedroom.
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