Chapter 12

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Alice POV We were sitting in silence. I looked at him and then I noticed he was clutching his stomach and breathing deeply. I frowned and placed my hand over his he looked at me pain riddling his face. “Do you have stomach pain?” I asked “No amore, not much more than you.” He said smiling. I realized that I had a little bit of pain but it was fine. “Should I call the nurse to bring you something?” “No it’s fine amore, you just rest and keep still. I’ll be fine in a moment.” He said softly. I just nodded but I knew he was lying, he was in a lot of pain. Men all macho. I internally rolled my eyes “Can I ask you something amore?” his voice soft “Yes, shoot.” I said confidently. Why am I so comfortable with him? I’ve never been like this, especially with men, even more so after Peter. “Who is Cayden?” his eyes fixed on mine, he was gauging my reaction but unfortunately my mind froze. Just complete carte blanche. Nothing “Is he your b-boyfriend?” he looked hurt and shy. Oh my life he looks so cute. I want to kiss him so bad, I want to feel his hands on my… oh s**t stop! What are you doing?! “N-no” I said “Your brother perhaps?” he sounded a bit relieved. I wanted to lie, so badly but I couldn’t, not to him. “N-no I am an orphan. Never knew my family. I’ve always been alone.” Where the hell did that come from? “I-is he your husband?” he now looks panicked. Why do I want to hug him and kiss him? Dammit, this is not normal behavior, not for me. “No, I’ve never been married.” I watched as the tension left his shoulders he then looked at me, his eyes pleading with me to tell him. “How do you know of Cayden?” I asked softly “You were calling his name just before you woke up.” He said playing with my fingers “H-he’s my son.” I whispered. I didn’t want to look at him. I couldn’t bare the disappointment. He is exactly how he was in my dreams, kind, strong, protective, sweet he might even be romantic. And now my broken dumbass ruined it. Well it was bound to happen eventually. I felt his hand on my cheek and I closed my eyes. He’s so gentle. “Amore, look at me please.” His voice was like summer rain on my skin. I took a deep breath and braced myself for the worst, boy was I a dumbass. His eyes were filled with love and adoration. “Amore, where is he? We need to bring him ho-here. He needs to be with you.” He said stroking my cheek.  And what did I do? Be happy? Nope. Be thankful? Wrong again. No, my sappy nature came forth in abundance and I broke down and cried. Not like in the movies where there are only a few tears and soft sobs, oh no, it was freaking water world on my face. You know ugly crying, tears and snot streaming all over the place horrible choking/crying sounds filling the room, my body shaking with each sob. Ugly crying. What did he do? Well he gently and very carefully slid his body under mine and cradled me while he soothed me. Stroking my hair and back, careful not to touch my wound. Whispering in my ear that all will be well, his words not mine, and that I am the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, you know the s**t men do in movies. After who knows how long I finally calmed down and pulled away from his chest. I looked at his shirt, he could win a wet t-shirt contest, if they overlooked the mucus and saliva. And it seemed expensive too. Good, now I feel guilty too. I looked up into his stunning eyes and sniffled, wiping my nose with his handkerchief. “I-I’m s-sorry about your sh-shirt. I’ll re-replace it.” I choked out “Oh pish-posh amore, I have plenty. Now how about we get you some food and then the doctor can discharge you. Hmmm what do you say?” he asked happily “I’d like that very much, thank you.” I smiled at him. He carefully placed me back in bed and then stood. “I’ll be right back okay” he gave me a megawatt smile and winked. Good thing I’m lying down otherwise my legs would’ve given out. s**t he’s sexy and I’m in deep trouble. But I don’t know if I care, maybe this isn’t as bad as I think. Or is it?   Belmont POV The moment I closed the door behind me I sank to the floor, the overwhelming feeling of relief and happiness I felt at this moment can’t be described other than complete and utter bliss. I smiled like I’ve never smiled before, I wanted to cry, laugh, scream and jump for joy! Duke was yapping and jumping up and down in my head. I just sat there smiling like a fool when a pair of shoes came into my line of sight, I looked up and saw Mihai standing there with a confused look. “Your highness, are you well?” he asked “No brother I’m not.” I was still smiling and then a concerned expression crossed his face and I think he thought that I have finally gone stark raving mad. “Should I get assistance sir?” he asked crouching down in front of me, he’s freaking out I can see it in his eyes “No, no need for that, you can however step back so that I can get up.” I said moving to stand “Sir, I am not sure what happened but I assu-” I cut him off and wrapped my arms around him in a brotherly hug laughing while he just stood there speechless. “She woke up brother. She’s fine and she called me angel!” I squealed, well as well as a grown up man can. “Didn’t know you could do that, you sound like a teenage girl.” Duke laughed “Shut it mongrel, I’m happy” I said but he was still laughing. Mihai hugged me back and steeped back shock and happiness in his eyes “Your highness this is great news! I’ll inform the doctor immediately and I know Valerie will be ecstatic. She has been very worried.” He said smiling and just like that he was gone. I mind linked the head chef requesting food be delivered to the hospital immediately and stepped back into the room. She was a vision to behold, her short black hair shining in the sun that streamed through the window while she gazed longingly out the window. I’m done for, she is so perfect. I sat down next to her and took her hand in mine, her beautiful turquoise eyes met mine and she smiled. “Goddess she’s so beautiful” Duke sighed in content. She cleared her throat and when she spoke it felt as if her voice was warm sunlight on my skin. “How long have I been here?” she asked quietly “It’s been 16 days amore, but I was worried the first 4 days, I almost thought I’ll lose you.” My own voice faltered at the last few words as the thought of losing her crossed my mind. She then placed her other hand on my chest, over my heart and the sparks erupted over my chest. “I’m here now Belmont, I didn’t leave. How can I leave you when I just found you?” she asked softly staring into the depths of my soul. Goddess I love her. “Yes that you are and you have no idea how happy I am about it amore” I said stroking her cheek. There was a knock at the door, the doctor together with Valerie entered. Valerie placed the plate of food on the bed stand and looked up at my mate. They both had tears in their eyes and without saying anything they embraced each other but my mate’s words made my heart stop “Oh Val, thank God he didn’t get you too. You’re safe, sorry I ran but I was so scared that he would hurt you. But you’re safe… you’re safe” she was sobbing now and it broke my heart. A mixture of anger, hurt and strangely pride filled me and I got up turning my back to them. I don’t want to scare my mate. She won’t understand. My eyes glowed bright gold and a sickening feeling of pure rage filled my chest. I was struggling to keep control, I’ve never had to fight for control, but it wasn’t Duke trying to get out. It was something else, something I don’t know. And then I heard an evil voice in my head “He dare hurt our betrothed, he’s as good as dead” the deep voice hissed. I froze “Who are you?” I asked angrily “My dragon name cannot be pronounced by any other species so to you I’m Koa. I am you, you are me just like your Lycan, we are now bonded. I have been away many years.” He said his voice filled with authority. “But the elders said you only come when I need you. How are we bonded now?” I asked him. “It is true that I came when you needed to win the war all those years ago, but when you found our betrothed I was awakened and thus the bond was not just formed with you and the Lycan but with me as well. I have waited many years for this. But don’t worry I can’t control you like your Lycan, I will give power and knowledge as needed. So now we have to find the one responsible for our betrothed's’ pain and make him suffer.” His voice still sounded evil but he was calmer. “I’m with scales on this one” Duke chimed in but before I could say anything Koa cut in “Scales? Really runt that is what you choose to call me?” he hissed. I chuckled softly and said “Oh you two will get along famously” before blocking the links. I turned around and saw the doctor checking my mates’ injuries. He then turned his attention to me. “Highness, she is healing well, but she can’t do any heavy lifting or excessive exercise for the next few weeks. I will check up on her again in a couple of days but you can take her home sir.” He smiled at my mate bowed at me and left. I looked at Valerie helping my mate up and then after helping her get dressed we went home. Finally she’s home
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