Chapter 14

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Belmont POV Yesterday was perfect. Except when we went to bed, I couldn’t help it, I waited outside her door till I heard her breathing slowed knowing she was asleep then I sneaked in and climbed in next to her. Creepy I know, but I’ve gotten used to sleeping next to her. I’m currently waiting for feedback from Mihai on the “Peter/asshole with a death wish” situation. “Good morning highness” Mihai said bowing before taking a seat “Mihai, what have you?” I asked leaning forward “Sir it’s the same as previously, we can’t find any information on Alice dating back more than 5 years. And there are no witnesses to the shooting. Some saw a man run away but that’s all.” He said “Well this is strange, and of the boy?” I ask hoping for better news “We tried locating him but to no avail. The only person with all the answers is Alice. I’m sorry your highness, but you are going to have to get the answers from her, only she can help us.” He said “Yes it would seem we have exhausted all the other options. I really don’t want to put stress on her but each day that passes is a day missed between her and her son.” I said and then Koa spoke up “And a day missed to punish the walking dead man” he hissed. “Yup, he is going to have a slow death” Duke chimed in. “Agreed.” I said and blocked the link, those two can drive a man insane with their bickering. “Well I’ll try to get the information we need without upsetting her. She’s been doing so well the past few weeks.” I said looking out the window “I understand highness, it is a sensitive subject for her.” Mihai said standing. “Alright brother, I will relay anything to you. My regards to Val.” I said also standing up. I wanted to get home, I missed my amore. We walked out the door and he went on his way. I drove the short distance to the cottage smiling all the way. When I parked she was sitting on the porch reading a book. Two glasses of wine on the table next to her. I sat there for a few seconds just admiring her, and when she glanced up she stood up and smiled brightly at me. My heart skipped a few beats. So I got out and walked up to her. “Hey Belmont. How was work?” she asked smiling “It was fine amore, how was your day?” I asked pecking her cheek before sitting down next to her. “Oh you know, same as yesterday, took a walk, watched TV, made dinner” she handed me my wine “Why did you cook? We have people for that.” I said confused “Oh I know, I just wanted to do something special for you. You know to say thank you for everything.” She blushed slightly and I couldn’t help but take her hand and kiss her knuckles. “Well in that case let’s eat, I’m famished. I skipped lunch I had a meeting.” I said pulling her up and cradling her hand in the crook of my arm. Together we walked to the kitchen and sat down at the island. She started dishing up the food. “It’s smells heavenly amore.” I said “I hope you like it, it’s something I learned to make in the orphanage. The cook there used to let me help her around the kitchen so she taught me how to cook” she placed the plate in front of me and let me tell you my chef will have to step up his game when it comes to food presentation. It looked like something out of a magazine, and it smelled delicious. “It looks amazing. Thank you amore.” I kissed her forehead lightly and she smiled. When I took the first bite the taste exploded in my mouth. The perfect balance of savoury and sweet with a hint of chilli. “Oh my goddess, amore this is incredible! You learned to cook this at the orphanage? You kids probably looked forward to every meal.” I couldn’t believe what I was tasting. “Well I might have perfected it in culinary school.” She said shrugging “You’re a chef? Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked surprised “Well because I’m not a chef, I said I went to culinary school I never said I qualified.” She stated not looking up from her plate “Oh, well would you like to? Qualify I mean” I asked trying to get her to talk more “I have thought about but I don’t have the money so yeah there’s that and I saved up to get Cayden back. Lawyers are expensive.” But I saw her tense as soon as she said it still not looking up “I can help if you like, with everything. I have some of the best attorneys in the country working for me. I would love if you cooked like this for us every day, so I will pay for your tuition too. If you’ll let me.” I said gently. She looked up at me tears brimming in her eyes and I was taken aback. Did I say something wrong? But then she spoke “Why?” she asked softly her eyes locked on mine “Why what amore?” I asked taking her hand in mine “Why are you so good to me? Why do you care about my son?” she asked her eyes searching mine for answers. But the answer was simple, she’s the love of my life. But I can’t tell her that can I? “Because you’re special. Because it will make you happy and because I…I might…” I trailed off. I don’t want to scare her. The past few weeks have been perfect. She placed her hand on my cheek and I leaned into her touch “You might what Belmont?” she asked softly. How do I tell her this. She won’t understand. “I think I am falling in love with you.” My voice was so soft I barely heard myself. She just sat there staring at me, but she wasn’t shocked. It’s like she was trying to see if I’m lying. “I’m not worthy of such a love Belmont. You don’t know me, you don’t know how broken I am. I can’t expect you to fix me. But I will take up your offer to help with Cayden, he deserves the best and I’ll pay you back somehow.” She didn’t even blink when she said this. But I saw the pain in her eyes and I tasted the lie on my tongue. What the hell? “It’s an ability of dragons, we can taste lies. But she didn’t lie to insult us, she lied but it’s her truth. She believes she’s broken too, broken for us.” Koa said I got up and pulled her into a hug. I lowered my mouth to her ear and whispered calmly, her heart racing but she didn’t move “You are worthy of much more than my love. You are worth more than silver and gold. You are not broken, and if that is what you believe we will fix you, together we will put your broken heart and soul back together. And I will spend the rest of my days making sure you will know how loved you are. I am so sorry I didn’t find you sooner, I could’ve prevented this but you know you are strong. You’re a survivor. You’re a fighter Alice. That’s why I love you.” When I pulled back tears were streaming down her face she just sat there looking at me as if I’ve grown an extra head. “You broke her, i***t!” Duke yelled in my head. She blinked a few times and when she spoke her voice was soft. “Isa” it’s all she said before looking down “I’m sorry amore, what did you say?” I asked wiping her tears away “My name is not Alice it’s Isa. Isa Benningfield” she didn’t look at me but I wrapped her up in a big hug and spun her around in circles getting a chuckle out of her “Isa. Goddess it’s beautiful just like you! Not that I didn’t like Alice, but Isa s**t I love it!” I said kissing her neck and inhaling her scent. She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck “Belmont put me down, you’re going to make me nauseous!” she screeched still giggling so I placed her back in her chair and took my seat. I was over the moon. Now we had a name so we can finally get what we need. Even the two grumps in my head was happy. “Okay so I have to ask you something, it’s been bothering me for a while now.” She said looking serious all of a sudden “What is it amore?” I asked “Why did the doctor call you highness, and the other day there was a man here and I heard him call you the same? Oh and Val when she left she curtsied. Are you a duke or something?” she asked inquisitively. Oh s**t. This is not good. “You can’t lie to her. Just tell her she’ll understand” Koa said “No I’m not a duke. I uh, I’m a king.” I sat there, I felt the sweat forming on my forehead. She at first didn’t move or blink then she sat back and folded her arms over her chest. “Really? A king? So why haven’t I heard of you before?” she asked narrowing her eyes at me. “Well I’m not the type for publicity. I am very private so I don’t like people sniffing around in my business.” I said honestly “Oh so your royal highness where is your castle then? A king living in a cottage is really strange.” The sarcasm evident in her tone “I have one, I just can’t take you there, not yet.” I was now panicking “And why not?” she asked her tone has an edge to it “I think we need to talk about this another time Isa please.” I all but pleaded with her. But to my utter disappointment she straightened her back and squared her shoulders lifting her chin slightly. The battle stance, Val also does this. And honestly Val doesn’t intimidate me easily, but my little Isa is very intimidating now. “Where are you two now? I need help here” I growled in my head. Silence. “Some help you are” I rolled my eyes internally.
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