Chapter 15

1896 Words
Isa POV “I think we need to talk about this another time Isa please.” He pleaded but I will not be made a fool. And honestly I have no idea where the courage came from but I got up squared my shoulders and started staring him down. He is huge, could probably kill me with one slap but I knew, somehow that he won’t hurt me. So I stood there watching as he started to panic. “I want to know now.” I sated not backing down “Isa please, I want to tell you and I will but there’s so much you don’t know.” He said looking more scared by the second. But holy mother of chocolate the way my name rolled off his tongue. I almost lost my resolve. What is this man doing to me? And then I thought about it, I am keeping secrets too, so it’s not fair of me to demand this of him. “Fine, you can tell me when you are ready. But just know I don’t forget.” I said placing the dirty plates in the dishwasher. He was quiet and I saw his face contort in a frown. Instinctively I started moving toward the door. He seemed angry. Oh s**t, I did it again I pushed the wrong button. His eyes snapped to mine and he got up walking over to me when his hand reached up I flinched away, turning my body sideways and covering my head with my arms. Here it comes. He placed his hand on my arm and I reacted as I always did “N-no please, I-I’m s-sorry.” I started to sink to the ground knowing where my body can take hits without it being fatal. But I heard shuffling and then he spoke his voice breaking. What I saw broke my heart “Isa… please don’t. Please Isa. Amore I’ll never lay a hand on you except in love. Please…” he was on his knees begging tears running down his cheeks. Great this is how he cries. He’s f*****g hot when he cries, unlike me. Wait what? I don’t want him to cry, dammit my heart hurts. I stood up and approached him cautiously, it might be a tactic to get me closer. But as I came to as stop in front of him I gently place my hand on his head and started running my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me tears still flowing “Don’t fear me please. I will no sooner die than have you fear me amore.” He pleaded but didn’t move. He was waiting for me to tell him it’s okay. “I won’t. It was reflex, I’m sorry.” I said softly still running my hands through his silky black hair. He just nodded and put his arms around my waist, his head resting on my stomach. “Sshhh, don’t cry. Please, I promise it won’t happen again.” I cooed “No, I don’t want you to promise that. It’s not fair to you, I just don’t want you to be afraid of me.” He said looking into my soul again. Crap those eyes. “Okay fine you win. But tell me should I also call you highness or do you prefer King Belmont?” I joked trying to lift the mood. He chuckled hugging me tightly to him before he stood up “No you call me Belmont, or angel or whatever you like but you will never address me by my title. You are my equal.” He said stroking my cheek. I nodded and smiled “So you want to watch a movie with me?” I asked “Anything you want amore.” He said taking my hand and leading me to the sofa. We snuggled on the sofa and selected a movie but I fell asleep sometime during the middle. The next morning I woke up in bed stretching but then I felt it something heavy over my middle. I froze my mind going haywire. Oh s**t, no we didn’t, did we? Wait no we couldn’t have. I slowly lifted the covers and saw a huge muscular arm wrapped around me. I carefully turned over and there was the most gorgeous face I’ve ever seen. He looked so peaceful and happy. I started to get up but he tightened his hold and groaned “No, more sleep, more cuddles” his voice low and husky. I swear I came undone there. So I turned facing him. It’s the first time I saw him shirtless, oh holy mother of the gods he’s an Adonis! My eyes traveled from his face slowly making their way down his muscular chest to his torso and back up. Fuuck, I won the lottery. My eyes stopped at his scar and without realizing it my hand went to his face and I lightly traced the scar with my index finger. His piercing silver eyes opened slowly “How did this happen?” I asked softly, not sure if I could but what the hell. “It happened when I was a little boy. It was a sword fighting accident.” He said with a small smile on his face. He then told me the story of how he got it and I listened intently. “Weren’t you angry with your brother?” I asked propping my body up on one elbow “At first yes, he scarred me for life. But now I wear it proudly. It’s all I have left of him. Everything else was lost in the war.” He said sadness covering his features. I felt a pang of guilt and hurt “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. It wasn’t my place.” I said softly. But he propped himself up on his elbow and looked at me. The next thing I knew I felt his lips on mine. His lips were soft and warm and he tasted like mint. He pulled away all too soon and spoke again “Don’t apologize amore, I don’t mind telling you. I’m not sad about it anymore, it happened a long time ago.” He brushed a hair off my forehead and smiled “Do you want to do something with me today?” he asked and my face lit up “Like what?” I asked excitedly “Well I want to teach you something. But only if you’re up for it. I know you're healed but I don’t want you to overdo it.” He said smiling “Well it depends, will I like it?” I asked “I think you would. And after that maybe I can tell you a secret.” He said but he looked hesitant “Okay, what do I have to do?” I asked suspiciously “Just wear some training gear and meet me in the living room in 30 minutes” he said getting up. And that’s when my heart stopped. Oh crap on French toast this man is built like a god. His back muscles flexed as he picked up his shirt and slid it over his head. Stop ogling him Isa! You’re drooling, stop looking! But my eyes couldn’t stop. “It’s rude to stare amore.” He said chuckling as he turned around. My face caught fire and I grabbed the pillow to cover my face groaning loudly. He laughed and pulled the pillow away. Even his laugh is making me turn to jelly… this is not fair. “But I’m yours to look at whenever you like. Only yours amore forever and always.” He kissed me again and the tingles erupted all over my body. I let out a moan that only encouraged him. He cupped my face and I felt his tongue run along my lower lip. I gave him access and his tongue invaded my mouth, exploring and our tongues met. It wasn’t a battle for dominance, it was a passionate deep sensual kiss. When he pulled away I was out of breath. “I’ve never been kissed like that before.” I gasped out. For a second I thought I saw his eyes flash bright gold but in a blink his silver grey orbs were back. “I will kiss you like that every day, every minute and every second amore. You deserve to be kissed like the queen you are.” And then he got up and left. I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I looked in the mirror my lips were still swollen and I loved it. Peter never kissed me like that, not even in the beginning. He always wanted dominance, but Belmont is gentle and caring. He’s a big teddy bear. When I opened the door I smelled bacon, I entered the kitchen to find Belmont cooking breakfast. “I didn’t know you could cook.” I said sitting down as he placed a plate with bacon, scrambled eggs and toast in front of me. “Well not nearly as good as you but I try.” He said sitting down and we ate our breakfast in silence. We got up, quickly cleaned the kitchen and then he held out his hand to me and we walked out into the forest. He navigated through the trees until we came to a clearing and I saw Valerie and the guy from the diner standing there. They both bowed when we approached and the man spoke first “Good morning your highness, your majesty.” He directed the majesty to me and I frowned a bit then Valerie did the same. Now I’m confused. “Oh no please just call me Al- I mean Isa.” I told them and now it was them that were confused. Belmont spoke up “Mihai, Valerie I would like to introduce you to Isa Benningfield.” He said proudly. They looked to me and nodded again, but the confusion was still evident on their faces. “I used a false name, because I was hiding from the man that I believe shot me. He is a monster, so I did it to protect myself and my…” I trailed off. I don’t know if I can trust them with the knowledge of Cayden yet. I looked down, not wanting to let them see my pain. But then the guy stepped forward and took my hand kissing my knuckles “It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Isa, I’m Mihai Dogaru and this is my wife Valerie Dogaru. We are at your service anytime at your request.” He stepped back and again bowed. I looked at Val and smiled brightly “So this handsome fellow is yours huh? Well done girlfriend!” I said throwing my arms around her and hugging her tightly. She chuckled and hugged me back “Yes indeed, thank you Isa.” She said stepping back “So what are we doing in the woods? I thought you said I’ll enjoy this Belmont?” I asked him with a mischievous smile on my lips. His eyes flashed gold again but then Mihai spoke up “This is where we will train your majesty. The king requested you start training in case of emergency or otherwise.” He stated. Just as regal as Belmont “Please just call me Isa, I’m no queen.” I said smiling “As you wish ma’am. Now where shall we begin your highness?” he asked Belmont “We need to test her skills first. See what we have then we can decide. She will receive the same training as the warriors. Later on she can decide what skills she wants to focus on and develop further.” He stated and then turned to me “Amore, I know you have endurance but we need to test the other skills as well. Are you feeling up to it?” he asked gently “Of course I am, I was in hospital for more than two weeks and I’ve been stuck here for almost a month. So hell yeah let’s do this!” I cheered enthusiastically.
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