Chapter 17

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Belmont POV Her skin burnt to the touch, she was struggling to breathe. I was in panic. I tried to calm her down but I could see she’s struggling. Hurry Mihai. Valerie sat there wiping her face but her body heat just kept rising, even my skin started to burn. s**t did I do this? Was it too much? She’s just human, I should’ve known it would be too hard for her. Most wolves pass out after that course. But she kept up with me, a Lycan, I’m faster than any of the Alpha’s. How did she do that? And the way she moved, it was as if her body knew what was coming. As if she’s done this before. But how? And then the immense pain shot through my body and I dropped down next to her. Koa and Duke roared in pain and I growled loudly. When I glanced at her I saw she was passed out. But I kept on writhing in pain. I heard voices, a lot of voices, what they were saying I don’t know but dammit it hurts. Mihai knelt down next to me but I shook my head “No, help Isa” I gasped out. I looked over to see the doctor injecting her twice. I felt the prick of the needle but then after a few seconds the pain subsided. I took a few deep breaths and sat up slowly. Mihai spoke to me “We’re taking her to the hospital, will you be able to walk?” he asked I just nodded and he left. Jonah helped me to my feet and we walked to the hospital. I saw the shocked expression on his face but I will explain later. I need to get to Isa. I stepped through the doors and then Koa spoke up “Our betrothed is changing” he said “What do you mean?” I asked “Yes I feel it too, her energy. It’s different” Duke said. “What are you two talking about? She’s human” I said “You’ll see” they answered in unison. I looked around and spotted Mihai and Valerie standing in front of a closed door. “Is she in here?” I asked pointing to the door and they nodded. I started pacing, after a few minutes I saw Crystal walk up to us. She’s a very powerful white witch. I gave her sanctuary many years ago when her coven was murdered in her land, so in exchange she helps us. She was medium height, fiery red locks fell down her back to her lower back and soft hazel eyes. Small freckles ran across her soft face. She was a very beautiful woman indeed. She came to a stop in front of us and curtsied “Your highness, I hear our queen is in distress. I came as soon as Mihai called. Is she in here?” she asked pointing to the door “Afternoon Crystal, thank you for coming. Yes she’s in there. Please do whatever is necessary, I can’t lose her.” I heard my voice break at the end but I just closed my eyes. It felt as if everything is trying to take her from me. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes Crystal stood there smiling “She will not die while I have anything to say about it highness.” She said encouragingly and disappeared through the door. “This is like a bad déjà vu, I hate this déjà vu, I really truly hate it.” I said sliding down the wall. My head still hurt a bit but it was fine. My skin on the other hand still burned like fire. Mihai and Valerie just stood there. I looked up to them, Valerie’s face was full of concern but Mihai had a conflicting look. “Mihai what is it? You seem troubled.” Is said looking at him curiously “Well sir, I am definitely worried for the queen, but the thing is I can’t understand this.” He said in thought “Understand what?” I asked getting up. “This” he handed me the stopwatch and my eyes widened. I looked at him and then at Valerie then back to the stop watch as if I couldn’t believe what I was seeing “It’s not possible.” I whispered “Exactly” Mihai said “I’ve been doing this many years, except for vampires and lycans I haven’t seen any other creature complete the course in that time.” Valerie said “She kept up with me, the whole way. She was only 3 or 4 steps behind. And you should’ve seen the way she moved it was as if she knew what was coming. She didn’t even falter. Not once.” I told them Valerie’s’ mouth was agape and Mihai’s eyes wide “That’s not possible, not for a human” he said. We all jumped at Crystal’s voice behind us. “It’s because she’s not human” she stated. “What?” we all asked in unison which made Crystal giggle “She’s an Am.azon/human hybrid” she said watching us intently. Cue gasps. “Told you” Duke and Koa chimed “I-I don’t understand… she’s human. She smells human” I stutter out “Yes, she is human but her Am.azon awakened. That’s why she was able to do what she did” she stated “But that’s impossible, the Amazons are myths, legends” Mihai said flabbergasted “They’re real. They just keep a low profile. They can mask their scents so you won’t know an Am.azon from a human. And they tend to keep to themselves. Athena keeps them on a short leash. But sometimes they have to go into the world, and it seems that the queen’s mother fell in love with a human on her trip.” She said without skipping a beat. “She’s a hybrid. She’s a hybrid like me!” I shouted pumping my fists in the air. I grabbed Crystal around her waist lifting her off the floor and spinning her around “Thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea how happy I am to hear this!” I said still spinning her around. She screeched but started to giggle. Through her giggles she managed to speak “Your highness, let me down!” I put her down but the feeling of happiness could not be dampened. Or so I thought. Crystal straightened her dress and cleared her throat, Valerie was hugging Mihai both of them beaming with joy and then Crystal’s words brought me down from my high with a painful thud “Highness, as great it is to see you so overjoyed, we can’t just blurt it out to her. We need to break it to her gently. She has no idea of our realm, this could have severe consequences on her psychological and emotional well-being if not treated correctly.” Her voice was soft but firm. Our faces fell and I felt defeated again. She continued however “She has been through tremendous trauma in her life sir, she endured much more than most humans could. She is strong, fearless even, but I fear this might trigger something that can’t be undone. With that said, there is also the possibility that she might accept this and make the right decision. I believe that with all our help she’ll be able to control her power and use it for good.” She said eyeing me intently. I cleared my throat and spoke up “You said she endured trauma. Do you know what it was? Do you know what broke her Crystal?” I asked, I knew some of it but not all. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. “Yes I do sir, but it’s not my place or my story to tell. All I can tell you is that she has a longing for the boy. If we can get him here then I believe she will be able to heal and move on from her past” her eyes were full of concern when she said this and I replied with a whisper “C-can I see her?” I really needed to see her, hold her, cherish her. “You can, but highness I must warn you.” Her tone now serious “Warn me about what Crystal” fear lacing my voice “Sir, we needed to remove her clothes to place her in the ice bath. We dressed her in undergarments but what you are about to see might shock you. So please be prepared and don’t act in anger. It will scare her more than is needed.” She said turning toward the door. I wanted to ask more but instead I just closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. It’s okay, you can handle this. You fought wars, you saw all the ugly in the world. You’ve been through the ages seeing humans destroy themselves. This is the love of your life, she needs you to be strong. “We’re strong for her, together we’ll get through this” Koa and Duke said and I nodded in agreement. But before I entered I turned to Mihai “Get the boy, you now have her full name so find him and bring him here as quickly as possible. I don’t care what it takes, just bring him and make sure he’s unharmed” I stated “As you wish your highness. We will leave at once” he bowed and they left. I turned back to Crystal and nodded to open the door. We entered the room but only when I came to a stop at the foot of her bed did I look up. My heart stopped and my breath caught in my throat. “Oh goddess, what happened to her?” I whispered placing my hand over my mouth in shock. She was laying on her side, she was still unconscious but her whole upper body was riddled with scars. I then moved to the side of the bed following a scar that started just above her hip, going up her side and then turning away coming to a stop under her shoulder blade. Duke was howling in pain in my head while Koa was hissing, like a snake ready to strike. My eyes fell on multiple scars and burn marks all over her back, some disappearing under the underwear and reappearing again at the top of her upper leg. I was horrified “What type of monster did this?” I asked looking to the doctor, nurses and Crystal. They just looked at me with pity in their eyes. I knew they didn’t have the answers but I wanted to know. I traced some of the scars with my fingers feeling the sparks when the doctor stepped forward. “Highness, she has had multiple fractures as well. Some of the bones were broken more than 4 times. There are also at least three skull fractures that healed. But they would’ve been fatal was she not a hybrid.” She said placing a hand on my arm. I felt a tear running down my face as I looked at them. “Thank you doctor and you too ladies. You’re dismissed. Crystal I need to talk to you.” The doctor and nurses curtsied and exited the room closing the door behind them. I then turned to Crystal who had tears brimming in her eyes. “I am wondering something” I said taking a seat on the bed next to Isa and placing my hand on her hip. “Yes Highness?” she asked “What made the Am.azon awaken now? Why didn’t she awaken and prevent this?” tears now running down my face as I looked over her body again “I have a theory about that sir. You see I think she didn’t awaken because the queen’s fear was keeping her suppressed. But first tell me what happened today?” she asked me. I told her about how I wanted to train her to fight and about the tests she had to do. I also told her how she kept up with my Lycan and how her body moved. Crystal just nodded and walked over to Isa’s head placing her hand on her forehead she closed her eyes briefly then turned to me smiling. “My theory is correct. Her Am.azon awakened because of you sir.” She said smiling “Me? But she is with me for over a month now. Why today?” I asked but before Crystal could answer Isa stirred and whispered. “Because you gave me freedom, peace and love” she said turning toward me and when she opened her eyes they were bright blue with dark blue rims. Her short black hair seemed as if it was blowing in the wind and it started to change color. In seconds it was replaced with platinum blonde hair going down to her shoulders. Oh goddess how can she be even more breathtakingly beautiful than she already was? To say I was stunned would be the understatement of the century. Isa sat up and placed her hand under my chin closing my open mouth and chuckled “Close your mouth handsome. You know bugs and all?” she said teasingly. I just pulled her into my lap and enveloped her in a hug burying my face in her hair inhaling her delicious scent. She put her hand on my cheek and whispered “I’ve never felt like this in my life before. You gave me something I didn’t even know I needed and for that I will be eternally grateful Belmont. You literally are my hero.” She kissed my temple and rested her head against mine. I didn’t even hear Crystal leave but I didn’t care I just wanted to sit like this, with my amore forever “Oh amore, but it is you who saved me.” I said placing soft kisses down her neck she moaned softly in response “Let’s just say we saved each other then. But before we do all kinds of other things I have to ask you something” she said and I pulled back looking at her. For the first time since that day I saw her all those weeks ago her eyes were sparkling. Happiness and loved filled them as she looked at me “Anything amore” I said waiting for her question “The midnight black wolf that was running with me, was it uhm. Was it y-you?” she asked shyly. “Yes amore, I cannot lie to you. It seems the time for revealing secrets has come. But before we do, let’s go home. Because if I have to look at you half undressed for another minute I cannot guarantee that my self-restraint will hold out.” I said honestly and a blush creeps up on my face. She giggled and it feels as if a fresh breeze is blowing on my skin. “I think that is a great idea. I will love to have something to eat as well. I’m starving” she said pecking my lips and getting off my lap. She looked around and frowned. “What’s the matter amore?” I asked. She turned to me and gestured around the room “My clothes, it’s not here.” She said. I took off my shirt and handed it to her. Her eyes traveled slowly down my torso and I smiled. I pulled the shirt over her head. It looked like a dress on her but that didn’t help my lustful thoughts at all. “Come amore, let’s go home.” She smiled and I picked her up bridal style and took her home.
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