Chapter 16

1180 Words
Isa POV “Okay so what do I do first?” I asked Mihai. He stepped up next to me “Speed test. You must run as fast as you can to that big oak tree and back.” He said pointing to the tree. I nodded, got in position and waited for his signal. “Ready and go!” he yelled and I sprinted away. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me and back. He clicked the timer as I passed him. I turned to him and saw him showing the others the time on the stop watch, they were impressed I think. “Not bad for your first run Isa.” He said smiling. He then turned to Valerie. “Next is the strength test. It’s different test to see how strong you are in your arms, legs, back and upper body. But please, don’t overdo it. If you feel any pain or discomfort speak up. We don’t want to injure you again okay Isa?” she said with concern. I just nodded and stepped up. This test was intense, I had some pain in my back and stomach but it was only because the muscles were stiff. So I pushed through, the quicker I got them moving and worked the quicker I would heal. When I was done I was out of breath, my muscles ached but I liked it. I looked over to the rest and saw that Belmont is not there. I frowned and walked over “Where’s Belmont?” I asked them “He’ll be right back, he’s taking a call.” Mihai said and I nodded “Okay, so what’s next?” I asked them. Mihai spoke up “Now we have the agility test. This one is different than the rest. For this test the first thing you have to do is keep an open mind. Do not be afraid, trust your instincts, clear your mind of all negative thoughts. Do not let fear overpower you, rely on your basic instincts to survive.” He said. I nodded but didn’t understand the whole speech. “So sit down and close your eyes” Valerie said and I obeyed. Sitting down crossed legs and closing my eyes. “Take deep breaths, in through your nose and out your mouth. Relax and let all the negative feelings go.” She chanted over and over. I felt my body relax and my mind clear. “Now think of something you would fight for, something or someone you would lay your life down for.” She said. I immediately got a mental picture of Cayden, and surprisingly Belmont was standing behind him. I nodded when I had that picture “Now open your mind to protecting them at all cost. And know this Isa the world you know is but a fraction of reality. When you open your eyes you will start running, follow the yellow ribbons. Do not be afraid. We will be waiting at the end point. Count to 10 and start.” She said and I nodded and started counting. When I finished counting I jumped up and started running. I saw the yellow ribbons and ran as fast as I could, jumping over rocks and tree stumps, weaving through the trees the wind whipping through my hair. I have never felt this alive and free in my life. And I could think of was Belmont. He didn’t just give me love and care, he gave me freedom and peace. God I really think I’m in love with him. That thought made me smile and push even harder. But as I ran between two trees and dodged the branches I heard heavy footsteps. I glanced back and there he was. My beautiful midnight black guardian angel. He ran up to my side barked, or whatever wolves do, and sprinted ahead. I knew he want me to chase him so I did. Yes I realize this is weird, I’m chasing a wolf almost 4 times my size but I trusted him. I felt safe with him. So I ran even faster, he weaved through the trees, jumped over a stump then rolled under bush, I dropped to my side, slid through and got to my feet as quickly as I could. He then ran towards a water pool and jumped in swimming to the other side. I glanced up and saw the yellow ribbon on a tree on the other side so I followed through the water. I wasn’t the best swimmer in the world but I got through. He then started climbing up a rock face. I followed, it wasn’t high but my small body posed as a bit of a challenge. At some places I had to leap to get to the next rock, I had limited reach but I made it to the top. He then ran again, I kept up to him but by now my whole body was on fire. Every muscle screaming in pain my lungs were burning but I refused to give up. If he can do it so can I. The next thing I saw was Valerie and Mihai waiting at the end of the treeline. The wolf dashed past them and I followed a few seconds later. When I came to as stop I was struggling to catch my breath. My body shook as if all my muscles were vibrating. I felt a hand on my back and saw Valerie with a water bottle. I just nodded thanks and took a few sips. Why won’t my breathing calm down? Two black paws came into my line of sight and I looked up. There he was, my wolf, I raised a shaking hand and placed it between his eyes and then finally my legs give out from under me. I fell to the ground, trying to sit up but everything just gave out. My breathing was very erratic and I turned on my back. What I saw next shocked me to my core. The wolfs’ eyes went wide, then I heard bones cracking and breaking and in his place stood Belmont. He dropped to his knees and cradled my head in his lap. His voice and face filled with worry “Amore, stay with me okay. Mihai get the doctor. Valerie get more water, she’s burning up.” I blinked a few times the sweat burning my eyes. But I couldn’t speak my chest felt heavy and my throat burned. I just kept my eyes on Belmont and focussed on his voice. “Amore please just breathe, deep breaths my queen. The doctor is coming.” He pleaded in my ear. “I-I can’t…” I rasped out and his face went from worry to panic. Valerie was next to me wiping my face with a wet towel but my skin started to burn. Everywhere, it felt as if I was on fire. Their voices were drowned out but the rushing of the blood in my ears. My vision started to blur and black dots appeared. And then the most excruciating pain shot from my head down my spine, into my arms and legs. I screamed out in pain and I felt my head drop to the ground, the last thing I saw was Belmont writhing in pain next me before darkness overtook me.
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