Chapter 20

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Isa POV Oh s**t it hurts, why does everything hurt? Did I train that hard yesterday? I slowly open my eyes but all I see is darkness. Where am I? I move and the surface beneath me is cold and hard. I try to press off the ground but then a pain shoots through my arm. Oh s**t, that’s broken. I move my body to turn on my back but another pain shoots through my hip and down my leg. Crap it hurts. Why can’t I remember? How did I get here, wherever here is. I take a deep breath and then it hits me. Oh no, the basement! I move my good leg and hear a chain scraping on the cement floor. Oh no, oh lord no not this, not him. The events come rushing back, the attack. He must’ve brought me here. Oh no Cayden. I call out into the dark “Cayden?” but it’s silent. Then I hear the lock open and the light floods the room. Peter slowly descend from the steps and evil smirk on his face. “Ah finally you’re awake. I was getting bored.” He says squatting down in front of me. I sit up only half way and glare at him, not easy if your eyes are half swollen shut. He has an expression of mock shock on his face “What’s the matter honey, aren’t you happy to see me?” he spat “f**k you” I hiss back at him. That earning me a slap across the face “Ooh potty mouth” he says stalking closer “I learned from the best dickhead” I said not lowering my eyes. I will not submit to him again. Ever “So feisty, I like it. Tell me what else did you learn on your vacation my dear?” he says putting vacation in air quotes “That you’re a bigger dumbass than I thought.” I said “Really and how’s that?” he asks excitedly “Because you kidnapped me” I said anger laced in my voice “You’re stating facts, still doesn’t answer my question” he says sounding bored “Because unlike the first time, you have now kidnapped someone very important.” I said sitting up more. It hurts like hell, but I won’t back down, not again. “Oh is that a fact, so this new f**k buddy of yours, he’s important ergo making you important?” he says standing up but I keep my eyes locked on him “He’s not my f**k buddy, I never had a f**k buddy unlike you. f*****g man-w***e” I state making sure to keep him busy. Come on Belmont, find me my love, I know you will. “I’m a man-w***e? Well yes that is true actually. And all those other whores were better than you!” he yells. Good I’m getting on his nerves “Ha! You couldn’t even last long enough to satisfy me. If you ask me I think you should go to the doctor, erectile dysfunction is serious you know.” I saw his eyes cloud with rage. Here we go. 3…2…1…KICK! So predictable Pete. He kicked me square in the jaw. Now that hurt. I chuckled and spit the blood out looking back at him “Yeah you see this is getting old Pete, all the kicking, slapping and punching. You’re like a 5 year old who didn’t get his cookies.” I say mockingly. This is probably going to get me killed but I don’t care. “Really, you should maybe see yourself princess. You don’t look so good” he hissed “Yes, yes you’re a big man. You can beat up scared little woman who can’t fight back” now that pissed him off. After an onslaught of kicks and punches he grabbed my hair lifting my head and whispering in my ear “What do you say now b***h?” I spat in his face and he hit my head so hard against the floor I passed out.   Belmont POV “It’s been 8 days!! Why can’t you find her?!” I screamed while slamming my fists into a wall making it crack. I roared loudly again and again, trying to get rid of the pain and frustration I’m feeling. She went missing 8 days ago, 8 f*****g days and nothing. I can’t feel her, Cayden says she’s still alive but with each passing day I get more agitated. I tried running, screaming, throwing things. My mother would kill me if she saw the damage I’ve done to the castle. I destroyed everything, Cayden is the only one brave enough to touch me, my little fearless one, Mihai and Val took the assassins and the best trackers to go look for her. Even the other packs are looking. I nearly died handing her clothing out for them to have her scent. Duke and Koa are so angry they are constantly growling and hissing. Goddammit! I hit the wall again this time I felt my knuckles break “Aaargggh!” great now I’m even angrier. I was about to rip my desk apart when I heard his voice “D-daddy…” he said softly. I looked at him my eyes shining bright gold but the sight of him made me calm down. He is so small, yet so brave. I walked around my desk and crouched down opening my arms. He ran to me and threw his arms around my neck. “I’m sorry son, daddy didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.” I whispered in his ear “I know daddy. I’m not scared, not of you. You won’t hurt me.” Oh goddess this boy, he holds my fatherly heart in his little hands. “Your highness.” Crystal spoke up in the doorway. I sighed and looked up “Yes Crystal?” I asked tired and very frustrated “Highness I know how he did it. I know how he came in.” she said stepping forward an old man was behind her I’ve never seen before “Well what have you?” I instinctively moved Cayden behind me when the old man stepped forward “Your highness my name is Melnar, I’m a wizard. And the person who did this used very powerful dark magic.” He said in a croaky voice. I glanced between him and Crystal “So Melnar, how do you know of this dark magic?” I asked not trusting him “Well sir, I’m one of the council members that banned this type of magic thousands of years ago. We banned it because the price of this magic is your soul. Nothing good ever came from this magic. Even dark witches and warlocks fear this magic. The punishment for our kind using this magic is being trapped in the looking glass of Merlin. It’s a fate worse than death sir.” He said stepping forward again. “I see, so how do we break this magic? I have a strong connection to Isa even though we haven’t mated yet. I can feel her pain and emotions, but now it’s as if she…she’s gone” my voice broke at the last words “Highness may I speak with the boy?” he asked pointing to Cayden. I took a threatening step forward growling “What do you want with my son?” I say with a warning tone but the old man wasn’t fazed he just sat down on the floor and smiled up at me “I want to see how strong he is of course. He has a powerful gift highness.” Before I could answer Cayden ran over to the old man and sat down in front of him. He glanced up at me and smiled “It’s okay daddy, he’s a good man like you” he said turning his attention back to the old man. The old man placed two fingers on each side of Cayden’s head and closed his eyes. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and ruffled Cayden’s hair and stood up looking at me “I will need a little bit of his blood and then the council must be granted access here. We can break the spell and once it’s broken your people can get her.” He said “Why can’t they get her now?” I asked anger lacing my voice “Highness when you came home that day did you hear or feel your Lycan or your dragon?” he asked and I was taken aback. No one knows about my dragon. “N-no I couldn’t” I said “That’s the thing with this spell, it suppresses any supernatural abilities, basically makes you human. So you see, we need to break the spell first then you can get her. Can I have your permission for the council to enter sir?” he asked I held up one finger gesturing for him to wait and turned to Cayden crouching down “Fearless one are you sure you want to do this?” I asked him softly “Yes daddy, it will get mommy back.” He said determinedly. I nodded and stood back up facing the old man “You have permission to pass. What should we do in the meantime?” I asked him and Crystal “Your highness we will let you know if we need anything. But I think call back the trackers and the assassins. They won’t find her. When the time is right you can send them” she said before they bowed and left. I turned around and sat down behind my desk to start and make phone calls to get everyone back home. Why not use the mind link since I’m the king? Well I think it’s rude and intrusive since you assume everyone is just sitting around doing nothing, they’re busy, they have lives. I only use mind link on the Alphas in extreme emergencies. I hated doing this, it feels as if I’m failing her but what else can I do? It’s been 8 days. After making all the calls I took Cayden upstairs gave him a bath and tucked him in. I fell asleep next to him. I don’t know when I slept last but I was so tired. As my eyes closed I saw her beautiful face smiling. We will find you amore.
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