Chapter 21

1695 Words
Belmont POV “Are you sure this will work?” I asked sitting at the head of the boardroom table Mihai to my left and Jonah to my right eyeing the Council of Magic suspiciously. “Yes highness, but a word of caution” Melnar said I gestured for him to continue “Once we break the spell your connection with her will be restored. You will feel her pain again, we have discussed this and feel that it will be best if you are confined. You won’t be able to fight, she is your weakness sir” he said looking at me with a tinge of regret in his eyes. I stood abruptly and slammed my fist on the table “Like hell I will be contained! I’m a king! She’s my queen, you certainly can’t expect me to just stand by and-“ I was cut off by Crystal “Highness, we don’t expect you to stand by and do nothing. This is for your own good as well as the queen’s. She will be weak and in pain and so will you. He will take advantage of this situation. Why do you think he took her and not you?” she asked looking me in the eyes “Because he’s a coward! A lowly piece of filth under my shoe that needs to be taken care of. I want to make sure he suffers like he made her suffer.” My eyes started glowing bright gold and I saw a few faces turn to fear as Duke and Koa’s voices started to speak through me “Hell will be a walk in the park compared to what we will do to him. He will be found and brought back here, we will make him beg for death every day. He is ours!” I was breathing heavily and once my anger subsided a bit I saw everyone looking at me with fear and shock. Even Mihai and Jonah were standing against the wall. The council members trembled in fear except for Melnar he just spoke softly “As you wish your highness. But you will not be able to fight. We need to keep you and your family safe. The boy will be protected as will you. The queen will be found as soon as the spell breaks” he said in a gentle tone and then Mihai stepped up placing his hand on my shoulder “I will bring her back personally brother.” He said confidently. I sat back down with defeat but I couldn’t show weakness “I apologise for my behaviour, it’s not acceptable. Please forgive me.” They all nodded and some smiled and I continued  “How will we be protected? Will my son be safe?” I asked Melnar and he smiled “Yes highness, but we will keep you separately, just a precaution you understand?” he asked I nodded yes. He’s scared I’ll hurt Cayden, and frankly so am I. They continued to explain the process of breaking the spell and after finalizing the plan they left. I stood and as I was about to exit behind them Crystal turned back to me “You should go to the prince highness. He knows what’s coming and he’s afraid for you. All will be revealed in time, but for now let him take comfort in knowing all shall be well” she said before leaving. Cayden knows, he’s afraid for me. But why? I’ll be here. With that I left looking for him. I found him playing in the courtyard with Dimitri, Mihai’s son, and when he saw me walking up he bolted toward me with arms open wide “Daddy!” he shrieked leaping into my arms for a hug. I wrapped his tiny body in my arms and held him close before I pulled back “How is my little one?” I asked smiling “I’m great! Me and Dimitri are playing knights!” he said excitedly pointing to his friend and the wooden swords. Dimitri bowed slightly to me and I bowed my head back “That sounds like fun, my brother and I used to love playing knights. Now tell me aren’t you boys hungry? Dinner is ready.” I said and they both nodded in response “Go wash up then and after dinner I’ll tell you a bedtime story” I said placing him back on his feet and they bolted toward the castle. I looked up at the sky now almost dark and closed my eyes. I miss you amore, but soon you’ll be back my love. I sighed and left for the dining hall. After dinner we were in Cayden’s room, I sat down next to him on the bed and he laid there waiting for the story. “Son, you know what will happen tomorrow?” I asked not looking at him “Yes dad, we’re bringing mommy home but…” he trailed off I looked at him seeing tears brimming in his eyes “What’s wrong? I thought you’ll be glad that mommy’s coming home?” I asked concerned “I am happy, but you’re going to get hurt.” He said sniffling I took his little hand in mine and wiped at his tears “I’ll be fine little one. I’m strong like superman remember?” I said softly but he just shook his head “I know, but the bad man will hurt you. He’s a bad man dad. Just don’t leave me and mommy” he said tears streaming down his face I picked him up and placed him in my lap hugging him to me “Son, I have fought many bad men in my life, I always came back. Don’t worry about me okay? You just be the fearless one you are and keep mommy and you safe. You’re a prince now and princes fear nothing. And you know what? Your dad is a king, can I tell you a secret?” I asked him and he looked up nodding at me. I placed him back on the bed and stepped away and shifted into my Lycan. His eyes went wide and he crawled closer I stepped closer placing my head against his before he reached out and stroked my fur with his little hands. Duke licked his cheek and stepped back and I shifted back smiling at his astonished face, tears forgotten. “Whoa! That’s so cool! My dad is werewolf” he said bouncing up and down in place “Not just a werewolf, I’m a Lycan. We’re much stronger and faster than werewolves. And I have a dragon side too, but I can’t shift into a dragon he’s up here and he helps me” I said tapping the side of my head. His eyes were bright with amusement “So cool… can I ride on your wolf’s back?” he asked still bouncing I just chuckled “My wolf’s name is Duke and my dragon’s name is Koa. They love you very much, so you see I am very strong so you have nothing to worry about” I said and he stopped bouncing looking at me inquisitively “I would like to meet them one day” he said yawning and laying back down, I nodded pulling the cover up to his chin and kissing him on the head “They would love that too son. Sleep now, all will be better soon” I said turning off the light and walking to the door but as I reached the door he spoke again “Goodnight daddy, I’ll miss you but I’ll see you soon. Love you dad” his little voice then went quiet as he drifted off to sleep “Love you too son” I said and exited the room leaving for our room. When I entered it felt as if my heart broke again. It was too quiet, too empty. I looked around the room and walked up to the bed. I sat down with my head in my hands. I miss you amore. I sat there in the dark empty room for a while then got up and went to my office to work. The next thing I knew the sun was rising then Mihai and Melnar entered my office. “Your highness” they said bowing and sat down in front of me. Melnar looked at my with concern “You did not sleep highness. Would you maybe like a potion for the insomnia?” he asked sincerely I just shook my head no and leaned back in my chair “Is everything ready?” I asked them and they nodded Mihai cleared his throat and I turned my attention to him “Highness your chamber is ready and as for the prince he will be staying with Crystal. We will begin the process as soon as you are both safe.” He said, but I saw the uncertainty in his eyes. He’s not sure about this plan and that makes him uneasy, I think it might be because it’s not his plan, but anyway. “Very well, show me to the chamber” I said standing and following them out the door. We walked up the grand staircase and turned to the west wing of the castle. My heart grew heavy with each step. This was the part where we lived when I was a child. I turned it into the guest wing after the war, I couldn’t stand walking past the empty bedrooms every day. We came to a stop and I immediately recognized it as my old bedroom door. Melnar opened the door and gestured for me to enter. I walked inside and saw that the room was remodelled, new curtains, sheets and even my clothes were in the closet. I turned to them and spoke in a dangerously low voice “Mihai, remember I need him alive. His punishment is mine… and please just bring her back safely. And as for you Melnar, if any harm comes to my son under your care, I will not rest until the proper punishment has been executed.” They both nodded and replied in unison “Yes your highness” Mihai gave me one last glance before closing the door and locking it. I undressed and stepped into the shower letting the hot water run down my back in an attempt to relax my tense muscles, I finished my shower and dressed in a red v-neck shirt and shorts. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. Immediately her beautiful smiling face greeted me and I drifted off to sleep. My eyes shot open as the most unbearable pain ran through my whole body I roared in pain screaming one word “ISA!”

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