Chapter 19

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Isa POV “Mom!” Cayden yelled running up to me in the kitchen. He grabbed my legs and hid behind them giggling. “Cayden what happened? Why are you hiding?” but before he could answer a very disheveled Belmont rushed in the kitchen his eyes darting from side to side and sniffing the air “I can smell you fearless one” he said stalking closer to where Cayden is hiding. “Who are you looking for angel?” I asked sweetly, knowing the answer “The fearless one, he decided to pull a prank on me. Have you seen him?” Belmont’s voice low and threatening. I was about to answer when Cayden burst out laughing and dashed for the door but Belmont was too quick and grabbed hold of him. He mock body slammed him into the floor and started to tickle him. Cayden screamed with laughter and then he said it. “No! No daddy please stop!” he squealed with laughter. My eyes widened and I stumbled back gripping the counter for support. Belmont immediately stopped and walked over to me. Both of them looked concerned “Are you alright amore?” he asked cupping my cheek “He…he c-called you d-daddy” I whispered looking at Cayden with wide eyes “Cause he is my daddy mom. I asked him and then he was my dad” Cayden said very nonchalantly “But honey that’s not..” Belmont cut me off “He is mine as he is yours amore. You’re part of my life and he is part of yours, thus he is part of mine.” He said kissing my forehead. I was dumbstruck. I think I looked like a fish out of water when I felt my son taking my hand. I picked him up and then he took Belmont’s hand and placed it over mine and his little one on top “We’re a family now” he said smiling at us. I just nodded and hugged them “Yes we’re a family son” Belmont said, I’ve never seen him look so proud and then my dear little boy delivered another oh crap moment “Oh oh! Can I have a brother?!” he asked happily “I uh…well we uhm…” was all I could get out I looked at Belmont for support but his dumbass decided to veto me “Well amore, can he?” a mischievous glint in his eye and a smirk on his face. Dammit why do I want to punch him and do all kinds of dirty things to him at the same time? I narrowed my eyes at them slowly lowering Cayden to the ground and crossed my arms over my chest. Both their eyes grew wide and Belmont turned to Cayden panic in his voice “Run son! Split up, she can’t be in two places at once!” he yelled at Cayden and they dashed away splitting up when they got outside. I dashed after them and decided this will better be settled when they don’t expect it. My revenge will be sweet boys, I’m nothing if not patient.   *2 months later* I was standing on the training grounds with Valerie watching the warriors train but our focus were on the two dads training their sons. Their hair still had the shine of purple and green in them. Yes I got my revenge, I put hair colouring in their shampoo (Thank you Crystal) Belmont couldn’t attend meetings for a week. Cayden didn’t speak to me for days but it was worth it. The faces of the warriors when Belmont came out with green hair, priceless. Mihai and Val didn’t even try and hide it, they laughed as hard as me. “Well that’s it for today boys, go wash up for dinner” Mihai said and they left leaving Belmont and myself alone. “I want to take you on a date amore” Belmont said cupping my cheek “I would love that” I said gazing into his eyes he smiled and kissed me, a deep sensual kiss before he pulled away “Shall we head inside then?” he asked holding out his arm and I nodded and took his arm as he lead us inside The next morning I woke up but the bed was empty. I looked around the room but I was alone “Belmont?” I called out but I was met with silence. I shrugged and got up going to the bathroom. I finished my morning routine and got dressed and headed out the door. But everything was quiet, too quiet. No servants hustling and bustling around. I head to Cayden’s room but he was nowhere to be found. I decided to head to the kitchen and again nobody. This is not right. As I turned to head out the door someone slammed me from behind into the wall I immediately tasted blood in my mouth and then I heard it, the voice of my nightmares “Did you miss me princess?” he hissed in my ear. My eyes widened in fear and my heart constricts. No, no, no. it can’t be. I try and push him off but he’s too strong. I summon all my courage and scream at him. “Let me go Peter!” but he just grips my hair tighter and jerks my head backwards slamming my face into the wall again. s**t! I have to get away. I reach back trying to grab his crotch, but he grabs my wrist and twists my arm behind my back so high I hear a pop and the pain shoot through my arm. “Aaaargh! You d**k!” I yell out in pain. But as always my screams seem to fuel his rage. “Shut up slut! Did you think I won’t find you and kill that little bastard of yours?” he picks me up and throws me across the kitchen, slamming my back into the kitchen door splitting it in half. I try to get up but everything is in pain. Where’s my strength? I trained for this, why can’t I beat him? But before I can think of anything else he kicks me in the stomach and a sharp pain in my side makes me contort in pain. I blink trying to find anything I can use as a weapon but his fist connects with my jaw over and over again. I do everything I can to block his punches but my body is not responding, it’s like I’m drugged or something. He then stands up and lifts his leg high and brings it down on my hip. I hear the sickening crack and the pain is paralyzing. I’m dead, this time he won’t stop. Oh god please let Cayden be safe. Tell Belmont and Cayden I love them and I’m sorry. Then the pain consumed me and darkness overtook me.   Belmont POV “Did you have fun today fearless one?” I ask my son as we’re driving home from the mall. “Yes very much dad. Mom is going to love her surprise!” he said clapping his little hands in excitement “She sure is little one, so you ready for tonight? You remember what to do right?” I ask him as we turn into the long driveway. It’s just passed lunchtime so Isa should be finished with training by now. Tonight she’ll be mine finally. But as we drove up something was wrong. Where is everyone? No warriors, no gardeners, no servants. Something is not right. I dial Mihai “Your highness” he answers but he sounds sleepy “Mihai where is everyone?” I ask concerned “I-I don’t know sir. I just woke up.” His voice groggy and confused “I’m at the castle, just get here as soon as possible.” I say and he groans in response “Daddy what’s wrong?” his little voice sounding scared “Nothing fearless one, just wait here daddy will be right back okay?” I say turning to him with a reassuring smile. He just nods and hugs the teddy tighter to his chest. I exit the car and walk up to the doors cautiously, listening for any sound of movement but it’s quiet. Too quiet. I glance back to the car seeing my son watching me I just smile at him before disappearing inside. Then it hit me, blood. It’s Isa’s blood! I run toward the smell and when I run through the kitchen doors my heart shatters. On the wall in written in her blood are two words “She’s mine”, I fall to my knees and let out a deafening roar. The whole palace shook. And then I realized “Koa? Duke? Are you there?” but nothing. I get up and as I storm out the front door I run into Mihai. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks terrible, he stumbles back and falls not even trying to break the fall. “B-Belmont… w-what happened?” his voice still soft and groggy. I help him up and glance at the car. Oh goddess Cayden! I run to him he’s crying now. I lift him out of his car seat and cradle him to my chest “Ssshhh it’s okay my boy don’t cry. Daddy’s here.” I cooed and he pulled back and looked at me tears streaming down his face “He took mommy. The bad man took her daddy.” My heart stopped. “H-how do you know son?” I asked panicking “I-I can f-feel him. H-he was here.” He sobs into my chest. How does he know this? He’s never seen him, I think. A woman’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts “He’s right. The person that did this is powerful and very bad” Crystal says from behind me. I whip around looking at her in fear and panic “Who is he?” I ask her frantic “Peter. The one that has abused her. Cayden’s father.” She says looking at the castle. My world fell apart. He has her. He has my amore. Then a rage I’ve never felt before washes over me and I step closer to her my voice low and menacing “He’s dead”
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