Chapter 3

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Madisons pov When I first saw Nate, I thought he was a robber trying to loot the place until I realized where I was and remembered there was nothing worth taking. He was clearly drunk, and second, he was huge! I’m not kidding. I was gawking for the first second after I realized that this must be the grandchild Mrs. Jameson was talking about. I had expected a kid, not this massive mountain of a man gulping down OJ like a wild beast. His face was handsome, he looked nice, and I slightly frowned at the orange juice still running down his chin, the strong neck, and continuing to the hard chest… omg! I flipped my eyes away fast; he was yummy! He was only wearing a pair of ugly pajama bottoms and looking at me like he didn’t know what to think. Mrs. Jameson had just brought me here. He didn’t know who I was, but I didn’t care; this was temporary! As soon as Maisie was done convincing her parents I could stay with them, I was so out of here anyway! Then he called me cutie; what the hell was that? I hated that I blushed like I never had heard a guy call me cute, beautiful, and gorgeous. I was! He chuckled like he was all that when I made a sneer when he barked at me and left the giant gorilla. He was an i***t! He was just pushing at the gym and busy playing girls. I knew the type of guy all too well! Trust me, he was not my type. I wanted my man to have something in his brain, not just look hot. I laid back again on the ugly couch; it was awful, lumpy, and worn, nothing like I was used to; everything here was …. Icky. Yeah, so Nate was nothing I wanted. He treated me like I was the lost kid and acted like he was all so high and mighty that tool! I wasn’t afraid of him, of anyone! I would do a story telling the world about Nate Jameson and the d**k he was! Let’s see how many girls would give in to him, no matter how he looked; I had 1.3 million followers on IG, and he probably had 100 or fewer! I snapped at Maisie again; she told me she was working on it. I didn’t understand how hard it would be for her to tell her parents to let me stay?! They liked me! They always had me along the winter château in France, so what was the big problem with my dad being arrested? He was innocent! Maisie just told me about them being out of the country, so what?! They always were out of the country, just like my dad used to be! It was not that hard just asking them over the phone! I was turning frustrated until I decided to get up; there was no use sleeping in here when I walked over to the bathroom and opened the door, almost vomiting; urine everywhere! I made a slight growl through my gritted teeth; that filthy animal of a stupid guy! I couldn’t even go to the bathroom! That was awful enough as it was! No, he had to pee on the floor like an untrained puppy! I got out, but I'm still having difficulty not throwing up. What was it with poor people? Couldn't they even mop up after themselves? They always cleaned the mansion but just threw filth around their homes! The couch was just as lumpy as my frown; turning around, knowing that I was going to sleep anything, just waiting for the stupid hot guy to come back, and then, I would show him why he called me a b***h! When Nate came back out, I was furious; he just stood there like he didn’t mess up the entire bathroom and was making me feel like I was an i***t! Oh, he had no idea who he was dealing with, I was here, but I was still Madison freaking Scott, and nobody made me feel like trash! “Good morning.” He just turned like he had forgotten I was here, making me smirk; oh, he was such a tool; look at him. Nate was a house, all muscle but no brain. Nate made a small gulp, roaming his eyes over my body; it was about time! He didn’t even get that look on his face the last time, like he was too drunk to grasp just how beautiful I was! I just walked past him and sat down; the least he could do was make me breakfast after being rude when I checked him out, so I didn’t plan to date him, but he was still dreamy. He had a nice tight butt and big arms, tall and wide; he was handsome... too bad he was so stupid when he opened his mouth. I flinched when he lashed out at me; I hated that! I hated that I got scared by his voice as if he was commanding me; nobody commanded me! That was not how this was going to play out! I made a small sigh when I pushed past him, my boobs getting on his stiff back when he tensed from feeling it when I walked out and slammed the door hard as I could this time! Bastard! Who the hell did he think he was?! I was so getting out of here! Picking up my phone. Maisie finally replied, and when I stared at the message, my heart dropped from the words she had written back. What was happening to my life?! Her parents said no. No. I just stared at it. What did they mean by that?! My father really did something criminal?! I felt my lips quiver, still holding my phone, the only possession I had saved from the vultures that had stolen everything from me! My body started to tremble, and I was blinking fast, feeling the tears that began to burn behind my eyes. I was already tired from not sleeping one second on the awful couch; this place was hell on earth; it was! “Hey…. I didn't mean to yell at you... really..." I turned, feeling the heavy hand on my shoulder, and just raised my eyebrows, staring into Nate's blue worried eyes. He seemed like he really regretted being mean to me. What did it matter?! I was stuck here, and I was never coming home! I couldn’t even stay at Maisie's place because her parents said they didn’t want her and me to hang out anymore; she was my best friend, like forever! “Just leave me alone! I don’t want your pity or help. You got that, Bubba?!” I spat the words, my chin tilted upwards and looking back fiercely. I bet he loved this, just like everyone who started writing about what happened. The feed was full of it. My dad was a criminal, and everyone was laughing at me, us, the Scott's! Nate looked sad at first, annoyed at me for being snappy back, but I didn’t care; he wasn’t the one who had lost everything! He had nothing to lose, come to think of it, living in this rat hole of home! “Look, I just wanted to say that I was sorry; that was it. Have fun getting picked up at your friend’s place...” He sounded so genuine that I stopped scowling when he started to turn away from me. He was returning to the house, and then I would be alone. All alone. My body felt heavy, and my heart was beating harder; the panic holding me made me cry again; why was this happening to me?! It was so unfair! “Maisie, she isn’t coming!” I didn’t mean to almost shout it when he stopped and turned around again, looking at me sadly, just like his grandmother did. Oh god, just kill me right here! I was begging the dumb big guy to let me return to the most miniature house I had ever been in; it was ridiculous! “Alright…. We will figure it out… somehow…. let’s just get inside; I don’t think you want to be seen walking around in your nightgown… lots of guys would get the wrong idea.” I made a frightened sweep with my eyes when I believed him. I bet there were men just waiting to come and get me since I was beautiful, those animals! I ran past him, not caring about the smile he clearly did, thinking I was being ridiculous. I wasn't! I was hungry! “What are you waiting for? I’m famished!” he smiled when I frowned back at him, my tears still fresh. He started to walk up, and I opened the door, getting inside the small house again. How the mighty had fallen.
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