Chapter 2

2214 Words
Nates pov The sound of my phone going off was making me pissed off right away; I made a frown and pushed the snooze button for the second time, and groaned, dragging the sheet over my face; I hated this, it was five in the morning, and I had been out with Hayden way longer than I had planned, I was just glad that Nana wasn’t home when I got back. My phone went off again when I just sat one foot down at the time, still swaying the slightest from this night; I was not supposed to get drunk; that was stupid! I told Hayden that I wasn’t going to drink, and he still found some way to talk me into it, the smooth bastard. Could sway me into anything, and he knew it; he was lucky. I have known him my whole life. Otherwise, I would have kicked his ass. I needed to pee. I got up and just took hold of my chair where my sneakers and gym clothes were, reminding me what an i***t I was for getting drunk, cursing, finding my way out of the bedroom, and staggering the slightest. I got out and walked inside the small bathroom, seeing myself in the mirror. Oh great… I was still drunk; anyone could see that. If Nana did, she would kill me in a heartbeat. “Good job Nate, just ruin what we work for, you asshole….” I was snickering, almost missing the bowl, and flushing, washing, and drying my hands fast. s**t, I was thirsty too! I prayed silently as I sneaked past Nana's room and walked determinedly over to the fridge, trying not to make any sounds when I grabbed the orange juice and just started to gulp it down in one go, not caring for a glass when I knew that there wouldn’t be anything left when I was done. Nana would be mad at me, but right now, I didn’t care; I could take that later, hopefully more sober. I was breathing fast when the empty juice container was slammed down harder than I had imagined, and suddenly, I was staring into the eyes of a girl on the couch; she looked afraid; I just blinked. Was I hallucinating? Just how drunk did Hayden get me last night?! “Hello?” I wanted to kick myself; hello? That was the best I could say? She looked even more scared, dragging the blanket over her body that I hadn’t even been staring at; I wasn’t some perv! Nana raised me and taught me to respect girls, no matter how stupid it sounded to other people my age. “Do you need help?” I cursed at myself for being drunk; I didn’t even sound like I wanted help from myself; why would a scared girl want help from a drunken, shirtless guy? s**t, I didn’t look like the beacon of trust anywhere right now! “Yes….” She looked like she was about to cry; it made me feel sorry for her. Was she in trouble? My Nana was kind-hearted. I felt myself relaxing when the girl wasn’t a threat; the opposite, she looked like she was lost and helpless. “Alright…. So, what do you need help with? Have you a parent or a boyfriend, someone I can call for you?” I made the last words hesitant; did she have a boyfriend? She was cute, but she looked young when she sniffled, batting her big blue eyes and looking at me like I was stupid all of a sudden, her tiny nose twitching and her full lips curling into a glare that I didn’t get. Was she angry? “I want my life back; can you help me with that?!” She sneered at me, making me frown. What was this girl’s problem? I was only trying to help; she was the one crashing my Nana's couch, not the other way around. “You know what? I’m not dealing with this right now. Whatever you say, cutie. I’m going to sleep some more, and if you are still here by then, good morning.” She gasped when I said the last part, which made me grin. Was she blushing? She looked down and made me grin even more; she was blushing, wasn’t she? I walked out of the kitchen, where I was standing, and just past her. When I chuckled, she didn’t even dare look at me and walked back into my bedroom. She was cute and seemed innocent, and Nana was the sweetest woman for helping her. I just fell back into the bed, ignoring that I was uncomfortable in my position; I just wanted to sleep some more and hope that I was sober enough to fake it through the morning before Nana left for work. I didn’t want to get scolded over my drinking, even if I was 21. She still treated me like a kid, but I didn't mind; Nana loved me and wanted to keep me safe. She didn’t mean any harm, and I had been staying here since I was a kid; she was more my mom than my Nana since my mother left me here…. I grunted. Nope. I was not going down that road when the room spun around. I squinted my eyes hard, not thinking about the woman who was my mother, leaving me here on Nana's doorstep when I was seven. My phone rang again, and it was seven this time; that meant that Nana was already gone, getting ready for work. She hadn’t been knocking on my door for some benevolent reason like she usually did when I overslept. Shit. I got up again, my head still spinning, I was hungry, and the pretty girl was still in the living room, just staring at me with her big blue eyes…. Okay, Nate…. I got up already, regretting I had taken the first step, not staggering so much this time, and was about to get out the door when I stopped myself. Shirt Nate, a shirt so the girl doesn’t hide like she did last time…. The thought made me snicker when I just pulled on the shirt I had been on my chair. I walked out barefoot, feeling the old rug under my toes, and walked over to the kitchen again, not looking at the couch, afraid that the girl would get scared again if I glanced her way. “Good morning….” I flinched, looking away from the fridge, and made a small air intake; she was there. The unknown cute girl stood in a nightgown and robe, with long blond hair down to her waist. I mean it; I had never seen a girl with that long hair not like that. She frowned like she could see me staring at her like a madman. “So, you are Nate, I guess?” she sounded accusing for some reason when I was just still staring; she was.... hot... I had seen pretty girls before, but she was more…. elegant… was that even the correct term? She had a flawless face and was holding her arms crossed in the silky robe, showing off her body, making me forget all about being raised right, gawking more following her body; damn, she was beautiful. “Yeah…...” my jaw was still open when she made a huff like that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard, making me feel stupid and annoyed; who was this girl anyway? Standing in my home and looking so goddamn self-righteous that it was hilarious! “Just great… well, at least you’re not a kid…. Thank God….” She sighed and walked past me, all fear gone. She seemed to own the world; everything she touched was here for the taking. Like I said, I had never seen a girl like her. “A kid?” I was still drunk when I followed her swaying hips that were walking over to the table and just sat down like a queen when she smirked and examined my face, still stunned over the fact that she called me a kid. She was clearly the younger one; was she even eighteen? “Yeah, Mrs. Jameson told me that her grandson was sleeping, and by the sound of her talking about you, I thought you were like eight or something….” Her eyes were sweeping over me, and she smirked. What was so funny? I made a curse in my head. Of course, Nana would make sure that the hot girl thought I was a kid needing help! “Nope, not eight.” I slammed the fridge, suddenly not wanting to eat with the unknown girl eyeing me like she wanted to eat me, making me frown. That was not cool; she was too young, and I was not into that. In fact, after Melissa, I was staying clear of girls, underage or not! “I can see that, big boy; what do you bench? 200?” I frowned; what the hell was she asking me stuff like that?! She was still staring at me with big blue eyes, slightly opening her mouth before snapping her jaw shut, realizing she was cheeking me out to my frown. I didn't want her, and even if she was gorgeous, she was off limits; any girl was these days after breaking up with my ex-girl last year. “That’s none of your business, and who are you?” I tried to sound polite, but she was annoying me. She just stared like she had no shame in her tiny body—no shame at all! “Oh, I’m Madison, Madison Scott?” she beamed and looked like I was supposed to know her, who she was, and I just made a confused face; Madison, who? “Hello, how can you not know who I am?! Do you even have IG?! I’m a freaking icon, verified and all!” She seemed upset that I didn’t know who she was and what she was famous for, as she claimed. I bet she was all about makeup and stuff girls liked; that wasn't my thing. “Nope.” I smirked when she seemed to get more frustrated. Man, did she seem full of herself; that was too bad, waste on such a pretty face being so self-centered that it was making me laugh at her, still sitting down at the table with her hands under her chin, looking up at me, annoyed, fire burning in the baby blue eyes. “I should have guessed, all muscles, no brain….” She muttered to herself, making me even more annoyed. Was she calling me stupid?! That was it! I don’t know who she thought she was. I started to feel my hangover come over me more and more as I was insulted by some girl who didn’t even have common manners! “Alright, that is it! I don’t know who the hell you are and why you are acting so goddam bitchy in my home, but I had it!” She looked scared from my sudden outburst when she cowered, making me feel bad the second I stopped yelling. Oh God, why was this happening to me? Today, of all days!? I had been out drinking last night. I never did?! “Do you think I want to be here! That it’s my choice?! Believe me, it’s not!” She stood up, suddenly not afraid anymore, making me even more confused. This girl was a heap of trouble, maybe even more than Melissa, which said a lot about her! Our eyes locked across the room. She didn’t seem to be backing down, but neither was I; she was the rudest girl I had ever met! I don’t know what Nana saw in her, but I didn’t understand how she could have even let this narcissist inside our home! “You know what? Whatever, big guy! This was clearly a mistake! My friend is picking me up anytime now; you and I will never see each other again, thank God!” She pushed past me into the small kitchen, making me freeze, feeling her soft body that brushed against mine. I didn’t even want to know which part of her it was. Still, guessing it was her boobs, no doubt about that, damn. I heard the front door slam and made a deep sigh; well, that was it then. She was gone, good riddance! I stood there for a minute or two, feeling like s**t, and I didn’t even know why? She was the one who was acting rude and crazy, so why was I the one to feel bad about what happened?! I bet she was already gone, driving away to whatever palace she came from, probably some freaking mansion, the way she acted like a damn queen! I cursed more, walking over to the hallway, hating that I had to see if she was gone... I was glad Nana wasn’t home, or she would have scolded me for using every known swear word. Oh, great, Nate. You made a girl cry... I sighed, seeing the blonde crying, still standing on our curb; her friend wasn't showing up, was she?
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