
the Officer and his Beauty

blue collar
small town
enimies to lovers

Madison Scott was supposed to inherit her father's fortune, but her plans were abruptly disrupted when she was thrown out of her mansion in the middle of the night and left with nothing after her father was arrested. She is now forced to leave her luxurious lifestyle behind and follow her former servant, Mrs. Jameson, to face the challenges of survival in a new world.

Nate is a good-hearted man who strives to do the right thing. Despite being poor and living with his Nana in a small home on the less privileged side of town, he is well-loved by the people in his community and is determined to become a police officer.

Madison's arrival in town stirs up emotions that Nate thought he had lost, and it makes him question whether he is truly the good guy that everyone believes him to be, including his Nana and the rest of the town.

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Chapter 1
Madison's pov "Maisie, SOS!" I was typing fast when my best friend, who had been with me this afternoon and abandoned me for her boyfriend, didn't answer. This was the worst day of my life! My manicured nails slid on my phone, and I made a small curse. I then brush my long blonde hair away and see the blue light of sirens make my bedroom light up like a horrible nightclub. I was staring at the men walking around my room and grabbing everything they could to get their dirty hands on, as if they had never seen such expensive things being on government pay! "You get your hands away from my dresses! They are worth more than you make in a year!" the middle-aged men turned their heads at me and just made a face that I was a stupid b***h that was yelling their ears off. They just continued rifling through my things, and I sighed and walked up, rushing past the bastards messing up my perfect life like they were having fun doing it! Stomping down the stairs with my heels was unacceptable! People everywhere flashed their badges in my face when I tried to get someone to tell me what was happening!? "Emma!" I called out to my dad's girlfriend. She was just six years older than me and frowned as much, seeing the bastards in suits sweeping the mansion that was my home! "Where is Dad!?" I was closer, and she just shrugged like she didn't know, and I started to panic. Please don't tell me something happened to my father. He was all I had left! When I closed my eyes, she looked as terrified as I did; this wasn't happening! It was all just a bad dream. Soon, I would wake up, the staff would serve me breakfast in bed, and I would call Maisie, comparing outfits and messaging about last night's gossip. "Miss Madison!" I opened my eyes, hearing Mrs. Jameson's voice coming from behind. She gave me a sad look, making me realize that this was bad. "Mrs. Jameson! What's going on? Where is my father?!" I demanded answers when she gave an even sadder look on her old face and sighed. Why didn't anyone want to tell me what was happening!? "I don't know yet, miss. I'm sure that Mr. Scott is trying his best to solve this… "Mrs. Jameson sounded like she didn't even believe that herself when I huffed at the elderly woman working in the kitchen; she was just worried that her job would be gone, and nobody except my father had the heart to hire a woman past retirement! "You are the daughter of Richard Scott?" a short man was talking to me from nowhere when I smirked, turning heads on the boring cheap suits. Yes, I was gorgeous, and they were not even allowed to breathe in the same air as me when the serious man looked me over before staring me straight into my eyes with his dark ones. "Yes, present." I made a sarcastic smile that he disapproved of. He was older and didn't like my attitude. They never did. "You have to leave the premises; all of your father's assets have been frozen, including this estate." He looked around the big entrance hall we were standing in, making my heart drop. I was what?! "No way! You hear me! This is my home; no suit will tell me I can't stay here! isn't it enough that you all come around here acting like dogs and trashing the place in the middle of the night!?" I was standing in my nightgown, pulling the robe tighter around me, looking at the men staring at me, smug bastards! "You have no choice but to obey, miss, court order." He waved some papers in my face when I snatched them furious and threw them all over the floor. Screw the court order! This was my home, where my mother had been living. I was not going anywhere! "Mrs. Jameson, call my father's lawyers!" I shrieked without looking at the older woman; the only thing I saw was the small, amused face of the man stealing my life from me! Me, Madison Scott!? That was just ridiculous! "Go ahead. They can only do so much. I have been on your father's trail for some time now, sweetheart; this isn't just all smoke and mirrors; your father is a criminal." I made a sharp air intake when he said that about my father. A criminal? Never! "My father is not a criminal! You hear me, miserable old man!? You are just jealous, like every other poor person out there, that my father is smart and rich!" I was sneering when he didn't care, and I was just about to start screaming in his face when two men. I don't know if the same one in my room grabbed me, making me screech and twist when Mrs. Jameson looked sorry for me; I hated her and everyone! "Let me go, you animals! I'm going to sue you, all of you! You hear me!? You won't get away with this; you won't!" I struggled even more when they pushed me out; they didn't even apologize when they pushed me outside the gates and closed them before my shocked face! "You can't do this to me! my father will have all your heads when he comes back, and you will be sorry, you will be!" I was panting hard at the snickering men when they just made a face and walked away from me, leaving me here on the street for all the neighbors to see the cold shame of what was happening to me. I started to panic. I didn't even get my stuff, and I was standing in my nightgown when I saw Patterson's staring like trash. I just turned around; this was the worst day of my life. I had just turned 20 last month, having this big blow-up, and I got two new cars, standing in the underground garage, and here I was, a freaking beggar on the curb, thrown out of my own home! "Miss, you can't stay here. It's in the middle of the night, and you are not dressed…" I snapped my head, my eyes narrowing at the older woman who was supposed to be at my side. But no, she was a traitor, just like everyone else around me! Emma had disappeared, and none of my friends were even replying when I saw they had read what I wrote to them, even Maisie! "What do you even care?! I bet you are glad to see me like this on the street! Leave me, Mrs. Jameson; I don't need you or anyone else!" Her face was blank when I talked fast towards her, still upset that she was here and looking like I was the most heartbreaking thing she had ever seen; I wasn't! I was Madison Scott, and I didn't need any sympathy, especially not from traitors! "Miss Madison, don't be like that. just come back with me, and you will see that your father will make it right… somehow…” She was looking concerned when my heart dropped and just made a big sigh. What choice did I have?! She was the only one who even made an offer. None of the neighbors had come up to talk to me, and none of my friends said a word other than asking me what had happened; I didn't have the strength to start explaining. "Fine. I will come with you, Mrs. Jameson." I dropped my hands from the bars of the fence around my home, the most giant mansion around this part of town, and now everyone else was there to see my downfall! Mrs Jameson didn't even say anything. When I walked toward her, she made a weak smile and ushered me into the old car. Great. So, this is how I would die: in an old rust bucket with a safety guarantee from the last century, not a back cam in sight. We drove in silence. When we made a turn, I watched the big villas and mansions change from medium-sized to tiny homes, and I frowned when I saw the small two-bedroom house she was staying in. Did people actually live like this?! She must have seen my frown when she slightly coughed and turned off the car. Mrs. Jameson was a modest woman. She had been the cook for as long as I remember. She didn't say much, but she was nice. "I know it's not much, but it's better than the streets; I can guarantee that!" She turned her head proudly, with hooded eyes and a gentle smile that I didn't return. I didn't believe that for a second. How could this place be any better than sleeping on the streets? It was smaller than the playhouse I had as an eight-year-old! "Yes…." I didn't want to say more when I followed her on the five steps to the front door. She suddenly shifted and looked me in the eyes seriously. What was her problem? "Oh, I forgot! My grandson is asleep inside; please don't wake him up. He gets cranky…." I rolled my eyes when she turned again. Great, a child! This was the start of my nightmare! "Yeah, I will be careful…." I was mumbling when she smiled at me. I just did a small one back so she didn't kick me out while standing in the small hallway. She pointed to the door to the left, and I just sighed on the inside. So the kid was sleeping inside that room, got it. Stay clear of him. "That's Nate's room; you can sleep on the couch…." I just nodded, whatever. It didn't matter where I slept since this whole place was a mess, and I would get sick from standing there on the speckled carpet that looked like it needed to be cleaned as soon as possible! "Alright, Mrs. Jameson…... I will sleep on the couch..." I looked around, I only saw the small living room ahead of us in the hallway, and I guess the kitchen was to the left when she suddenly gave me a big smile that I didn't understand. "Don't use the TV at night; I can't stand the sound, and for god's sake, don't wake up Nate!" Mrs. Jameson frowned when I made another awkward smile; this would be awful. Mrs. Jameson didn't seem to think so when she was showing me into the small living room, and I stared at the sofa; in my head, I had seen a big one, or at least one that wasn't made in the '70s and looked like it needed to be burned! "Just wait here, and I will get you bedlinen. You can use the bathroom if needed; it's just over by Nate's room, next to the front door." She pointed when I shook my head. I didn't want to risk waking up the kid, and I didn't want to deal with more than I already had. Mrs. Jameson nodded and walked away into her bedroom. I stared around, exhaling. This was a nightmare. I wanted to start snapping Maisie, showing her what kind of place I had ended up in, and making fun of … everything. My slippers were on the fuzzy carpet, which had a modern design, maybe 40 years ago, and was nothing like the floors I was used to at home. I didn't have time when Mrs. Jameson was back, and to my surprise, she just dumped the bedlinen in my arms, thinking I would know what to do with them. I didn't! "Well… goodnight, try to sleep, and we will see what happens tomorrow..." I just stood there, stunned, when she gave me a weird smile, walked back to her bedroom, and closed the door, leaving me with the pile of sheets and blankets still in my arms, a horrified face, and a cold realization that my life was never going to be the same again. Oh.

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