Chapter 4

1815 Words
Nate's pov I was cooking since the queen had just taken a seat and waited for breakfast, tapping on her phone, making faces that were angry and annoyed, sometimes sad, making me feel worried that she would start to cry again. I hated when girls cried, made me feel awful, and made me do anything to get them to stop, just like my ex-girlfriend had done all the time, Melissa; she knew just how to play me, and like the i***t, I had believed her that she wasn’t cheating over at college when I was still here and getting my gpd and taking care of Nana. “Stop staring.” I snapped my eyes back to the bacon, and she smirked like she knew that I was watching her, but not in the way she thought. Sure, she was cute, but she was too young for me. I had promised myself no more relationships after finally breaking up with Melissa; I was spent as a man after her. “I wasn’t.” I shuffled the bacon, got the carton of eggs out, and started cracking them; I was so damn hungry! Usually, Nana would cook for me, but right now, she wasn’t here, which was weird? I hoped she was okay, but she had sent me a text telling me that she would be late today, so I wasn’t that worried; she was a tough woman, and I respected her; she was my whole world for so long. “Listen, Bubba, I know that I’m gorgeous and all that, the whole package, but just get it out of your head; I’m not into you, and I never will be.” She didn’t even look up when I raised my eyebrows; why did she keep calling me things when she knew my name!? It was annoying as hell! She acted irresistible; she wasn’t with that crappy attitude! “Nate.” I just said that when she finally looked up, almost making me smirk at her shocked face. She didn’t expect me to fight back like I would take her passive aggressiveness lying down. “What?” I turned when she looked at me, annoyed like she didn’t hear me when I knew she did, spoiled brat that she was. Still sitting with her phone in her hands and not even asking if I needed help, I regretted getting her back into the house again. “My name is Nate. Not Bubba, big guy, or any other name you can come up with; you want to talk to me, you say my name.” I made my voice deep and serious, letting her know I was not kidding this time; I would ignore her if she kept that up. “Fine.” She said it like she knew she was being told off, like a kid who had to listen when I just nodded back; that wasn’t so hard, was it? She made a sneer when I smirked at the end and stared at the phone again when I put the plate in front of her and mine on the other side and sat down, ignoring the hard, shocked stare that was my grumpy tablemate’s eyes stuck on the dish I just gave her. “What the hell is this?!” she sounded like I had done something wrong again and just looked up, chewing on the first bite that I had shuffled in; s**t, I really wish I wasn’t hungover right now; worst day ever for that. “What? It's bacon, egg, and sausage; it’s not poisoned….” I mumbled, getting more food into my mouth when she made a sound that almost made me chuckle. She sounded like a kitten, a tiny mew when she looked at the plate like she had never seen food before or breakfast. “I can’t eat this; I’m vegan!” she pushed the plate back when I scoffed; of course, she was… like she couldn’t get more annoying... “Sure, more food for me… starve for all I care.” I took the plate and started to push it over to my full one when something flashed over her eyes, desperation. So, she was starving then? I smirk when she licked her lips, making me lose focus for one second. Ignoring the slight rush of blood that was going the wrong way, I just took a big piece of bacon and pushed it down my mouth, licking my fingers, one at a time, to her open mouth, seeing me eat and enjoying it. “You are a pig!” she sneered when I made a deep chuckle, and she was a prude, so damn proud; I was so getting back and sleeping at Hayden’s place, didn’t even care if he had a girl over, anything would be better than staying here with your highness! “You are a pig, Nate.” I laughed more, answering when she blushed; oh god, she was so easy to tease when her whole pretty face was flushed, her round cheeks burning so hard and made her even cuter when she didn’t look so goddam arrogant. “Just give me the damn bacon!” she was up reaching over when I pushed the plate back, and she gritted her teeth, her hand trying to get to my plate when I laughed and just held it back, nope she had her chance, it was mine now, all of it. “Forget that! I’m not sharing anymore; I didn’t even get a thank you for making breakfast; that’s not happening again.” She was on her way around the table. She wasn’t giving up when I stood up and held the plate over my head, making her squeal of frustration like she couldn’t believe I was doing this to her! “I hate you! You! Big tower, Mount Everest, King Kong!” she was spitting names at me when I raised my eyebrows. Did she think that was helping her? If I were honest, she wasn’t that original; I heard better from Melissa, and she usually wasn't even trying! I was chuckling when I looked down, her head reaching my chest and her face red from being furious. She was on the shorter side, wasn’t she? Melissa was taller than her…. I stopped myself right away. Why the hell was I comparing Madison to Melissa? I wasn’t even into her; she was just annoying, nothing more! “But you are vegan, so you don’t want this?!” I still held the plate away when she sneered, getting even more annoyed. Before I knew it, she was climbing the chair I had been sitting on. I made a slight grunting noise when she held onto my shoulders, one of her knees on my back, and reached for the same plate she didn’t even want to begin with! “Just stand still, you buffalo!” her fingertips almost grasped the plate when I felt her long nails digging into my skin; what was she doing to me?! I took one step away from the chair when she latched on, just pushed her body against mine like a monkey that was climbing a tree, making me curse and try to grab her! The silky nightgown made her even harder to catch, screaming her head off like this was all my fault!? “What the hell are you doing!? Nate!” she yelled in my ear when she seemed to have forgotten about the plate and clung to me, scared to death that she would fall. I took a deep breath, leaving the plate on the bookshelf next to me, and grabbed her leg with my other hand, trying to get some goddam control over what was happening! “What!?” I was sweating for some reason; she wasn’t even heavy, nowhere near it; in fact, I could have her on my back all day, and I wouldn’t feel it; her heartbeat was thumping fast against my back, and her boobs were pushing against me when I tried to not feel them. she was making it damn hard for me just pushing herself against me not even thinking about what she was doing to me! “I’m going to fall down!” she shrieked when I took a firmer grip around her thighs and huffed; she wasn’t going to fall, not as long as she didn’t squirm around like she had been doing the last thirty seconds. “You are not going to fall, Madison; you got that? I’m not letting you go! I got you!” She sniffled against my back when I sighed; my voice was dark and heavy, and I don’t know why I said that? I had no idea why she was crying either and why I wanted to comfort her from doing it; this all was very confusing! “Thanks…” She was still sniffling when I started to walk over to the bedroom. Don’t even ask me why I did it, but I could feel she was dead tired, not just from attacking me like a wild animal; she probably hadn’t slept anything that night. Madison didn’t even protest when I opened my bedroom door and let her gently down into my bed. She curled up instantly and dragged the blanket over her slender body; she didn’t even say a word when I stared at her again. Oh god, Nate, you are in so much trouble right now… that girl is trouble…. f**k…. Madison was already asleep; her eyes shut tight, and she seemed… relaxed in my bed…. Why did that make me happy? Ugh, I would go crazy if she stayed. She had no filter and no manners; she was an uptight rich girl occupying my bedroom, just great. I walked out and got the plate again, I was still hungry, and if Madison was a vegan, she shouldn’t be pissed that I ate it; maybe I could get some vegan stuff for her…. I don’t know what that meant, but it shouldn’t be hard to figure out. I sank onto the couch that smelled like her, the food reheated, stuffing my face, enjoying the scent some more; she smelled great. Hayden was asking me to go out to my frown; he just wanted to get drunk and f**k some random; he always did that asshole; he wasn't like me and didn't care about... anything. I scoffed, the smaller TV buzzing, turned down, and stared at my phone; yeah, sure... why not? I needed to date someone that wasn't off limits; my d**k was already hard for an underage girl; yeah, I wasn't proud of that, not at all. I needed to keep my distance from Madison, and going out was just a part of that, fuck... I ate some more before closing my eyes for a second. she was so hot.
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