Chapter 10

1475 Words
Madison's pov I watched Nate come inside, and low and behold, he first leaned down so that old bag of bones could kiss him. I didn’t say a word. He acted so damn strange when I talked to Tim that I just couldn’t resist giving him even a harder time, and honestly, it felt good giving him the cold shoulder like he had been doing to me; I was just about to go sit the table when I stopped hearing Mrs. Jameson retched voice behind me. “I heard you were at the lumberyard, not getting any ideas. Are we now, Madison?” She sounded so different when she talked to me as if she had a particular personality for me. I was so sick of hearing people tell me that she was this sweet old woman everyone loved. Well, guess what? I didn’t love her! “No, Mrs. Jameson, I just brought Nate his lunch. He had forgotten, and I brought it.” I didn’t look at her when she made a sneer like I was lying, like the primary mission in my life was stealing her grandson from her; I didn’t want him! “Sure he did… I know girls like you. They all act innocent, and then they use a poor, defenseless man who has no idea about how he is being used...” Her voice was sharp when I felt my anger boil; she was pushing it. Why the hell was she on my case all the time? “You're the only one using him right now, Mrs. Jameson!” I sneered when she made a shocked face like she couldn’t believe what I told her when I heard the heavy steps coming up the hallway. I swear to God, the old woman started to sniffle when she heard them, making me the bad guy when I saw Nate's face coming inside the kitchen. He was furious at me. I struggled when he dragged me along, not missing the smirk on Mrs. Jameson face when I was yanked outside the hall. He shoved me inside his room like a madman and told me to never speak to her like that again! This place was hell on earth, and I knew it the second he had shoved me inside of here, that i***t! I didn’t say a word when he was chewing me out, rude and ungrateful; what mattered what I said? He wouldn’t believe me anyway, so I swallowed my anger down a thousand times and told him what he wanted to hear so I could leave. The worst part was when he tried to comfort me like he had any right to do that! You couldn’t just yell at someone and then expect them to forgive you, touching their face. Not in my world! So, when he walked back to the kitchen and started to eat since I could hear the sounds of chairs scraping and plates, I just went for the window. That was it; I had it being treated like some goddam slave and hearing the old bat being mean to me! I sneaked out the window and closed it behind me, glad that it was just a one-plane house that they lived in, and started to walk fast; I wanted to get away from here, this house, and the stupid hag and her even more stupid grandson that was giving me the worst headache I ever had in my life when I slowed down coming out on the road, standing by the bus stop and just sat down, picking up my phone, I didn’t give a s**t about the ugly ass clothes that was back there on the side of the couch I was sleeping on, my back was killing me. I took up Maisie’s IG and was just about to message her when I saw that she was in France, that b***h! Did she even care about me at all?! She was standing next to Ariana, and they seemed really close; we hated her! Her dad was just a fake, and suddenly, she was in, and I was out?! So, I was screwed then, left at the mercy of the old witch and her trained puppy…. Oh god…. I was already hunched over, feeling my tears spilling over my cheeks and down onto the hot asphalt underneath the ugly sneakers that were a size too big for me; everything sucked! Nate sucked most of everyone and everything! I missed my dad, and we didn’t speak much since he was always working since mom died, and I had my own life. Still, he was all I had left of my family except for some distant cousin on my mother's side who lived across the country and whom I never used to talk to before this happened. I cried harder, and my heart felt like it was breaking…. Why was Nate so damn blind to see that his Nana was the worst human on earth?! Wasn’t it enough that he said to my face that he wasn’t into me, even if he clearly was? He was being so damn stupid! As I said, he had all muscle and no brain! he was a freaking cliché, and I was stupid enough to like him…. I need to go back. Didn’t I? Fudge! The worst place in the world, and I was stuck. I walked back and climbed the window when I saw the figure sitting on the bed in the shadows and staring at me like he was infuriated; well, so was I! He could go and drown himself for all that I cared! “Where have you been?” Nate sounded like he tried not to blow up on me when I didn’t answer; he didn’t need to know! This wasn’t a prison, and I wasn't a kid; he didn’t decide over me! “Out.” I wasn’t planning on staying when he made a huff like that wasn’t the answer he wanted when I huffed back, not stopping; who did he think he was? He was just the stupid grandson of the woman keeping me here; I was a freaking hostage! “You missed dinner.” I stopped this time, making a sarcastic chuckle; so he cared, did he? Did he care that his precious Nana didn’t let me eat whatever I wanted since it all was for him?! “Yeah, don’t worry about that; that food was not made for me anyway….” I sounded like I had given up when he raised his eyes, just looking surprised over that answer; he couldn’t believe that his precious Nana was a b***h; she was. “ We waited for you before Nana made me start eating. You shouldn’t say stuff like that, Madison... it gives people the wrong idea!” he sounded angrier suddenly when I moaned deeply, had one hand on the door handle, and was just waiting for him to lecture me so I could leave. “Oh, I bet she did…. well, if that’s all, Nate, I want to sleep….” I just mumbled the last part when he got up from the bed, more annoyed now, and I cursed myself for snapping back at him. Now, he would give me a whole speech about how great his Nana was; please, God, spare me! “Just stop it! Whatever you are doing right now, going around and being a b***h to Nana and me, you are so lucky that we took you in, Madison! You could have been somewhere far worse! at least here you are fed and have a roof over your head!” Nate was closer, and I didn’t like that; the old hag had told me to stay away, and I would obey her. Nate stared me down, jaw set and eyes angry. He was not kidding around with me, bastard. “Fine. Stopping it.” I said it sarcastically when he made a deeper frown, making his eyes darker in the shadows; I didn’t even know why he was up and waiting for me. I had been gone a while; if I had a choice, I would have been gone forever! “Good….” He sighed deeply, like this wasn’t how he wanted this conversation. No, he wanted me to go over and adore the old hag, worship her like he did, and maybe stare at me when he thought I wasn’t looking! “Good.” I just mocked him when my hand finally got the door open. He didn’t stop me when I finally was out of his room, going to the sofa, hating that Mrs Jameson had left all the cleaning for me, not washing up! I scoffed, closing my eyes hard before sighing, going towards the kitchen, and staring at the mess she made. I hated my life.
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