Chapter 9

1020 Words
Nates pov I spent the rest of the day just waiting, and I knew it. Wanting to get back home so that I could talk to her. I was finally done and got into my truck, driving home tense. Madison was inside the kitchen when I saw Nana. She was smiling at me, and I walked over. She kissed me on my cheek, just like she always did when Madison rolled her eyes when she thought I didn’t see her. What the hell was her problem with Nana anyway? She was kind and sweet to anyone, let her live here for free, and gave her food so she didn’t starve! “You go wash up, Nate, and we will eat.” Nana smiled at me, making me feel slightly better when I gave Madison a hard stare that she didn’t even look at; we would talk about this when Nana went to bed; she was not going to act so damn rude around people in this town when all we did was help her. I was washing my face when I looked up; I needed to shave, like yesterday, and get a haircut; just because I worked at a lumberyard didn’t mean I needed to look like a lumberjack…. I sighed and stared at myself; why didn’t Madison laugh when she was home? She seemed perfectly fine when she was over by the yard, but now, she just was having one mode, and that was being a b***h and ungrateful towards Nana and me. I made a mental note to get a haircut when I was free next time and walked out of the bathroom. The voices from the kitchen were hushed, and I walked into Madison standing by the counter, looking even more like she hated every second of being here. I just frowned. What was she playing at when Nana looked like she wanted to cry? Didn’t Madison get that Nana was old and needed some understanding?! You couldn’t just be rude like she was to everyone, especially to Nana! “Are you okay, Nana? What happened here?!” It was clear as day that they exchanged words that weren’t friendly, and I was getting more annoyed at Madison; why was she acting like this?! She was supposed to be grateful and not snap at defenseless women! “Yes…. I’m fine, Nate; I just chopped some onions when I made salad. That’s all….” Madison scoffed when I snapped my head and stared her down; she better not start something I would finish! “Old bat…” she hissed to herself like I wasn’t supposed to hear it when I just snapped and let go of Nana, who was staring at me when I grabbed hold of Madison's arm and yanked her out of the kitchen, leaving Nana shell-shocked over what happened. Madison struggled against me like she had a chance. I dragged her into my room and slammed the door behind me, standing in front of it when she just stared at me like I was crazy, still gasping from trying to get away from me. “Let’s get one thing clear here, Madison! You don’t act rude to Nana; she has only been nice to you since she took you in! Don’t you dare make her cry, or I will do that to you! Got that!” I knew my voice was in every corner of the tiny house when Madison's angel face fell even more like she was about to snap. I squinted, braced for the yelling and screaming I knew she was capable of already. “Fine, Nate. I won’t talk back to Nana again. Happy!?” She had been quiet for about two minutes, her face showing all sorts of emotions, taking a deep breath. She sounded dead. Whatever I was expecting from hearing her voice was nowhere close to what I felt right now. Regret was the first thing that slammed me hard; she looked like she wanted to cry, and I exhaled. Maybe I was too hard on her? I got angry when she acted rudely around my Nana; she didn’t deserve it! “Good…. Let’s just get back and eat. You can apologize, and we'll forget this ever happened, right?” I was making a trying smile when Madison looked up at me, and I felt even worse seeing tears that had escaped her eyes as if she was trying so hard not to cry, and it was my fault. I wanted to reach out and wipe it off her pretty face when she sneered, seeing my hand move and back down, almost hitting my drawers when my jaw clenched. She was being impossible! She was the one who was rude here, not me! “Don’t touch me!” Madison was sneering more; I wouldn’t force her, and that's what she thought! I felt the anger rush me when I just turned around, ignoring the complicated feelings of wanting her to understand why I got pissed when I walked back into the kitchen and sat down. Nana smiled, and I replied when she patted my hand: She got me. She did. I was not hard to understand, so why wasn’t Madison? She should, right? Nana started to serve when I just stared at the food, I wasn’t hungry anymore and wanted to wait until Madison came out here, but she was still hiding in my room like the kid she was…. I was just about to get up and get her… maybe I should apologize for what happened when Nana stopped me with a gentle smile and made me sit at the table again. “She will get here when she is hungry enough; we don’t know when that is. Eat while it's hot, Nate….” She put the plate in front of me when I stared at it… I guess she was right, and I was hungry. “you’re right, Nana… “I took up the fork and began to eat, ignoring that everything was tasting like mud in my mouth…. Oh god, please help me understand that girl….
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