Chapter 11

2232 Words
Nates pov I returned from my run when I saw Nana sitting outside in her chair, and Madison was on her knees, cleaning the flowerbed from weeds. I smiled at the sight of her. She seemed to have improved since I told her off this week, helping way more and smiling at Nana when she spoke. Honestly, having her here felt like she was a missing piece that I never knew we needed. Madison looked up, all sweaty and muddy, scowling before she saw me. Her face got blank, making the feeling in my chest that had been poking me sometimes when I saw her, no… it was probably nothing, she was happy here, wasn’t she? I mean, how could she not be with me and Nana? We were friendly people; everyone knew that. Nana said something to her, and she just nodded and got up. She walked inside when I was on my last stretch and came back outside when I was cutting through the hedge and walking over the small lawn, smiling at Nana and leaning down so she could kiss me. I was panting hard in the heat; it was so hot, so I ran shirtless, making Madison's eyes pop when she came back outside with a glass of water, cheeks burning. I slightly chuckled when she gave it to me, not saying a word when I gulped it down. I felt some of the water run down over my upper body, making her eyes dilate even more and licking her lips. Nana made a slight frown, and she looked away instantly. I just gave her the glass back when she disappeared into the inside of the house again, trying not to feel like a bad guy for not even saying thank you. However, she didn’t give me a chance when I still was catching my breath. “Nana… you think Madison is okay? She seems... unhappy?” I was looking into the house where she had disappeared, concerned, when Nana frowned at me and got up. I helped her when she patted my arm, and I smiled at her. She was the best thing in the world; nobody was like her. “Yes, I mean, of course, she is sad over her father's imprisonment, but remember that she is used to a completely different life, and now she has to be like us. That just takes some adjustment….” Nana followed my eyes again, where Madison had disappeared, but I didn’t feel better. Madison was used to a different life. This was hard on her, and right now, I didn’t feel like I was doing much to help her, just adding to her burden when she clearly was into me, and we couldn’t even date; it sucked. “Yeah, I guess you are right…. I just wished I could do something… I don’t know….” I dropped my words when Nana gave me a slight frown again; I wasn’t going to tell her that I wanted nothing more than to take Madison on a date… Nope, that was never going to happen…. “You are such a good boy, Nate, always caring for others; that’s why you will make the best officer this town has ever seen. now... we just need to get you a nice girl to settle down with, and then I will be a happy old woman….” Nana was chuckling when we walked into the house together, me holding her so that she didn’t fall over, stepping over the threshold, and coming into the living room; it was spotless…. I just stared around the place; wow! Nana outdid herself today…. I smiled more before dropping it, worried she was outdoing herself; she wasn't getting any younger! “The place looks great, Nana; good job!” I made a proud smile when she just beamed back at me; I had my arm around her; she didn’t care that I was sweaty when my eyes caught Madison standing in the kitchen, scowling at us. Her blue eyes just wanted to kill us before Nana saw it; she switched it off and just walked inside the living room; she didn’t want to be here with us, I could tell, and that made me mad and hurt at the same time. I thought she had dropped the attitude, and that wasn’t the case. “Mrs. Jameson, is there something else you want me to do? Otherwise, I’m going to shower.” She didn’t even look at me when Nana made a surprised face as if she didn’t understand why Madison was talking to her like that. I didn’t either since most people around just called her Nana. “No, it's fine. You go and rest. Maybe let Nate use the shower first, that’s all….” She smiled at Madison, who smiled back like I couldn’t tell it was all fake. Oh, she was going to drive me crazy, that girl. “Yeah, sure…” She still didn’t look at me when I let Nana go; she was still smiling at Madison; I wished I knew what was wrong so I could help, but Madison wasn’t letting anyone inside, nobody, especially not me. “No, it's fine, Madison, you go first….” She looked up at me, finally! I smiled at her when she just didn’t do anything back, not a damn feeling, but her eyes looked hurt now when I was staring into them, and she had no place to hide from me. “Okay….” She pulled her baby blues away, and I just made a sigh when she turned and walked away, not saying a word more when Nana patted my arms. I turned my gaze away from Madison's back; she was sad, and I was going to find out why, no matter what Nana said about it. “Just leave her alone, Nate. She needs some breathing room right now, trust me….” Nana made an encouraging smile that I nodded to. Sure… She didn’t need me pushing her; she would get mad and snap at me. I learned that the hard way. “Yeah, I’m going to do the rest, and then I’m going out tonight, just so you know.” She made a frown but didn’t say anything for once; in fact, she looked happy I was going out even if she knew that I was drinking and hanging with Hayden, which was more trouble than what he was worth sometimes. “That sounds like a great idea. Then Madison and I can get some work done around here. You go and have fun, Nate; you deserve it.” She patted my cheek with her hand, and I smiled back at her happy face. She was the best person in the world. I nodded and walked over to my room where my equipment was, I lost focus more than once when thinking about the fact that the shower was running, and Madison was inside it… naked… oh f**k! I almost slipped on the bar while doing deadlifts and made curses; I was glad Nana didn’t hear; hard to explain that my d**k was hard for the girl in the shower that I wasn’t supposed to be attracted to! I was lifting the dumbbells when my door flew open. I swear that I was about to have a heart attack seeing Madison walking inside with a small towel wrapped around her body when she stopped seeing me using my home equipment. I smirked, not stopping; I knew girls loved this s**t. Watching me lift heavy stuff made them lose everything they had in their head, just like I was from seeing Madison in that towel, showing off her legs and ass, omg …. Jailbait Nate. f*****g jailbait. “Oh… I was just…. You know what…. Forget about it….” She looked lost when I stopped and started breathing. Was she walking out on me when I worked out? Wow, she was really giving me the cold shoulder then. “Nope, stay. I’m almost done. Promise… “I smirked when she blushed and just stayed there, making me enjoy the view. I waited a couple of minutes, had water, and sat down on the bench behind me when she had her eyes on the wall behind me, blushing like crazy; I liked that she was getting flustered by me. Made me happy for some stupid reason, so she was too young, but that didn’t mean I could look; that wasn’t forbidden, just maybe not the best moral decision… well, screw that. She looked hot standing there with her long blonde hair that went down to her round ass and perky breast hiding under the towel; I was not complaining. Nope. “So, what did you want, Maddie?” I made a slight chuckle when she looked at me, suddenly pissed off like she had forgotten about that part about her and me not being on speaking terms, so me lifting weights did help? had to remember that for the future. “Don’t call me that; you don’t know me well enough for that name!” she hissed when I lost my playfulness right away; what the hell was her problem? I know she didn’t bat an eye when Tim called her that, and I sure knew her better than him! “What about Tim? Why did he get to call you that and not me?!” I stood up, making her small again when she seemed caught off by my accusations, and crossed her arms, making me stare at her boobs even more. Dammit, focus, Nate, focus! “I like Tim.” She made a face when my chest hurt by her words, so she liked him, did she? Well, fantastic…. I made an annoyed sound and just sat down again. f**k. I guess it was for the best, they were the same age, and she should be with someone that was not getting arrested when they were seen in public, like me… f**k again…. She looked uncertain when I couldn’t hide that I was hurt; what the hell was happening to me?! It was getting ridiculous! “You don’t like me then?” I don’t even know why I asked her; beaten down and just felt like s**t when she was biting her bottom lips and just looking like she didn’t know how to answer that; if I wasn’t so f*****g sad right now, I would have felt my d**k getting hard, making me feel even sicker of myself, she was off limits, why couldn’t I understand that!? “No… I do like you, Nate…. It’s just… complicated….” She closed her eyes when she seemed to be suffering just as much as me… wait, she did like me? I could wait for her; I could! She was what, like seventeen? I could wait one more year for her if she was willing to give me a chance; that is all I asked for! “Yeah, tell me about it….” I made a smile when she answered, a real one making my heart pound faster; she was so cute and adorable and hot standing there in just her towel; Madison didn’t know how hard it was for me not to just go up to her and kiss the hell out her tempting lips she kept biting on. “So… anyway… I want your help… if that’s okay and you have time, I mean?” she suddenly looked shy when she saw me roam her body with my eyes; I would always have time for her. “Sure, whatever you need, Maddie…” She blushed more when I got up again and chuckled when she backed up like she was afraid that I would do something to her I wouldn’t. I was raised better than that. “Yes, well… It's just that I got this package from my friend in France, and I really want to get it right now, but since I don’t have a car and your Nana walked over to one of the neighbors to play gin….” I was closer when she stopped and looked up at me, eyes dilated in horror and pleasure from being so close, same as me when I leaned over her the slightest and smiled; I grabbed the towel that was on the bed behind her and hating every second when she looked like she wanted me to kiss her, f**k my life! “Sure… let me just shower, and I will drive you; I’m free until tonight anyway; maybe we could grab some food?” I said it before I realized what I had done, and she smiled at me, surprised but happy, getting food with Madison, alone, no Nana… like a date… oh s**t…. “Yeah, that sounds great! I’m starving!” she beamed more at me, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that maybe it was a bad idea. It’s just food, Nate, just food! She was already out the door when I sighed deeply and looked at where she walked out; why was she even hungry? She should have had breakfast only a while ago since it wasn’t even nine, or didn’t she eat whatever Nana had made her? I made another sigh, damn Vegans… I walked into the bathroom and decided I was getting a haircut today.
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