Chapter 8

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Nates pov K. That was all she wrote back. Shit, I really didn’t want to ask her, but then again, I wanted to see her without Nana hovering over me. I noticed that Madison smirked every time Nana was cooing over me, but she was just worried, and that wasn’t a bad thing? I liked that she did that. She was the only woman in the world who cared for and loved me; not even my mother did that. I was standing in the shade, sunglasses on, and staring at Madison's IG. Holy s**t, I was glad that I was in the back today, seeing that my pants were feeling a bit tight when the pictures of Madison in a bikini I had been staring at the last twenty minutes made me just as horny as I was angry. She had a ton of guys telling her that she was hot and sexy, beautiful. I know she was! I didn’t like to hear or read that from another guy! Second, she was way too young to get those comments; I wanted to find all of them and beat their asses for talking like that to an underage girl! She was born in 05, so that meant she was 4 years younger than me. She just had her birthday. Great, Nate, you goddam perv…. I hated that I felt my pants getting more uncomfortable; my d**k didn’t care that her next birthday was next May. I still wanted her. Luckily, some customers returned and distracted me to the point of having my mind off the beautiful spitfire that looked hot in a bikini when I was helping the next customer fill in their order on our system. I heard my boss's son, Timothy, talking loudly like he only did when a girl he thought was hot walked inside; we called him lovesick. He just smirked. he was sixteen and had the confidence of a forty-year-old man, courtesy of being a groomed salesperson. I ignored him and got done helping my customers before turning around and feeling my jaw clench when I saw the blonde giggling over by the main desk, talking to the teen, giving her a broad smile, and making her laugh. Why was that killing me? Madison hadn’t laughed one time these days with me? Didn’t even speak to me anymore… I just stared at them, jealous. The intense feeling of wanting to kill Timothy spread over my body even if I knew he was just a talker; he did this to everyone, but still… Madison was giggling at everything he said, f**k that hurt, and I didn’t even know why?! I took a deep breath and started to walk over, this was going to suck when I made a fake smile, and Madison lost hers as soon as she saw me making the hurt in my chest feel even worse; I could be funny, I was! “Hey man, you never told me you had such a beautiful girl hiding at home; I would have come over if I knew that….” Tim winked at her making me clench my fist in my pocket; he was in deep s**t if he kept this up, Henry’s son or not! I would kick his ass if he didn’t stop flirting with Madison; that was beaming back at him. “Oh, you are more than welcome to come over, Tim; it gets so boring for me being alone all day seeing that big guy here is working, same as his Nana…” she said her name with a tone I didn’t like. What did Nana ever do to her? She took her in when nobody else wanted to; she did not deserve that sneering tone in Madison's voice! “You sure? Or can we go out? I can show you the other parts of town, the ones you creamy people don’t see often?” Tim smirked. I expected Madison to get mad and frown at him for saying that. Still, to my surprise, she just giggled like that was the best thing she had ever heard in her whole life, almost making me want to grab hold of that youngster and threaten to kick his teeth out if he didn’t back off right now! “Yeah, I’m down for that; I might as well get used to it since my dad will have a long trial and all that….” She stopped and looked sad; she still didn’t look at me, not one second more than she needed when I wanted to ask her about her dad, but I didn’t want to do it here, not in front of Tim. “That’s a bummer, girl, your dad going away. You are lucky that Mrs. Jameson and Nate are taking you in; they are good people.” Tim grinned when he looked up at me, making Madison follow his eyes. She just did a slight smile that seemed fake before looking away from me again when my good mood from hearing about Nana died out; Madison was definitely not thinking that. “Yeah… well, just hit me up on IG, okay, and we’ll go out?” she smiled at Tim. Nope, she beamed at him when he grinned back, none of them seeing that I was about to break apart the tablet I was still holding. Madison got up and turned around, not even saying goodbye to Tim or me when she turned and handed me over the bag, careful not to make our fingers touch by accident, and gave me a death stare. “Here, your lunch, Bubba.” She shifted when I felt sick again as if I could eat even if I was starving. When she turned and smiled at Tim, making me feel even worse, she was doing this to piss me off! “Bye, Tim; nice talking to you!” Madison waved back to him when she was walking away, not even saying a word more to me when he waved back, happy that smirking bastard. Couldn’t he see that I was dying over here, and he was waving at the girl who was doing this to me?! “Bye, Maddie!” I made a frown, Maddie? Her name was Madison; why did he call her Maddie and not me?! I didn’t want to talk to the kid anymore when he just chuckled and looked up at me, grinning when I was this close to just dropping the bag and punching in his pretty white teeth; he was mocking me, that brat! “Bro, whatever you did, beg for forgiveness. Like right now, that girl was mad…, and she is Madison Scott; you know how lucky you are to have her at your place!? She is a legend, a freaking queen among us mortals…” he was chuckling again when my thirst for blood was caved by his stupid words. So, she was mad at me then?! I sighed and nodded when he gave me a mock salute; at least he got it. She still lived under my roof, and no guy was getting his hands on her, nobody.
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