3: The Prince and the Lords

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Raavi immediately dreads the day of the Selection. She shouldn’t feel that way since serving is their duty. Though despite having conviction and the years of arranging the event for the Dragons, there’s just no way that she could stomach the fact that Prince Ianth would be present. The last time the Prince claimed an Untouched, the woman died. It was terrible but they needed to accept it, blaming the mages for their curse and their wickedness. It has been hundreds of years since the Great War but the consequences of it remain and they are suffering immensely. That is the reason why the Dragons are determined to wipe out mages that are still living. No one shall be spared. “The Selection is set. You would all serve next week, full moon,” she informed the three Untouched the next day and even with their veils, she could feel their unease. “Speak your thoughts.” “Isn’t it too early, Lady?” Sylvia asked. “You have been in the House for two weeks. I have given you the basic knowledge, as well as the rite to be performed when you are in the bedchamber with a Dragon. If there is still more you want to learn, survive and you shall do it afterwards.” No matter how cruel her words are, it was the painful truth that they needed to accept. “Who are the Dragons that would be present, Lady?” Orrellia asked and this time, it was Raavi’s turn to be uneasy. She cleared her throat before answering, “Lord Franceen from House Ozdemir and Lord Abrielle from House Kostas.” “Annikka, you’re from Kazakhi, you know Lord Franceen, then?” Sylvia asked. “Yes, the ruling House is always on patrol in our country, taking down mages.” “What does he look like?” the other woman further asked. “Well, he’s at his prime, very graceful if I do say so myself. Many girls in my town admire him and boys who look up to him. But we rarely see him since he is always here at the Capital.” Raavi lets them have their conversation, occupying herself with books rather than be involved. “I am told that Lord Abrielle is now a King’s Knight but other than that, I have nothing.” Sylvia continued talking. “It would have been better if we had some background of the Dragons than just serve them without any information.” She could not help but to butt in. “Just like what you said, you will come to them to serve, not to make conversation. If they speak to you, that is when you’re only allowed to speak, remember that.” She passed a glance at each of the three. “You’re all still Untouched, therefore, your value is at your purity. When that is taken, you would officially become servers and that is when the Dragons could stake their claim to you if they want. That is only when you have the freedom to be familiar with them since they are already your Master. Be mindful of your actions at the Selection because it would not only ruin your reputation but the House Taaffeite as a whole.” The three nodded, keeping her words close to their heart. “Lady,” Orrellia called. “You only mentioned two. Who is the third one?” Her throat dried in an instant, making it difficult for her to speak but she could not keep such valuable information from them. She would not betray their trust. Therefore, she pushed herself to tell the truth. “It was Prince Ianth.” There’s so many reasons to fear the Crown Prince. For one, he’s brutal in bed, next is that he has always been outgoing and he’s used to getting everything he wants, and many other traits that are enough for them to be bothered with his presence. She met him numerous times already but the way he treats her is different from the servers. She is respected because of her status as Second. In general, she never experienced anything cruel from the Dragons. The House never really had problems with any of them—the servers go willingly and the Dragons take what is offered. Though it’s just different with the Prince. Many expect more from him since he is to inherit the throne but it is as if he’s purposely getting in trouble to prove something they could not pinpoint. When the day of the Selection arrived, she headed straight to the girls and personally prepared them. She made certain that they are clean, their hair brushed numerous times, and the rite she has been teaching them memorized. “I’m nervous, Lady,” Sylvia said, hands clasped tightly while her veil covers her face entirely. Raavi saw the Prince and the Lords come out of their carriages a while ago, along with their other friends. There was a tug on her chest whenever she saw a Dragon, mayhap it was the feeling of emptiness or neglect since she had never gotten to be with any of them despite her years of being involved with their affairs. Prince Ianth has grown into a fine man and it is said that he is already arranged to the Lady Yadirah of House Yilmaz from the Land of Lenyx. Though it was not officially announced, many knew about it already and it’s not a shocking thing since he is expected to marry someone high-ranking to strengthen her claim to the throne. The only problem is that they never really thought of him as a family man. There’s so many issues tailing him, therefore, there are some who contradict the succession since they do not deem him befitting to rule. However, no one raised that issue in Court or expressed it openly. Lord Abrielle was still in his armor, not bothering to change with more casual clothes and just headed straight to the House Taaffeite after his duty. His blonde hair was chopped short, mayhap in order for it not to get in his way while training. Even from afar, Raavi could see how muscular he had become. He was taller than his friends and bulkier—which she assumes was not just because of the armor he’s wearing. Meanwhile, Lord Franceen looked ethereal from his white tunic partnered with a robe that freely moves along with his every action. He is a very beautiful man and graceful. Raavi once heard the Lord play the harp when he visited House Taaffeite and it was the loveliest music she has ever heard in her entire life. Now that the three have returned to them, Raavi doesn’t really know what to feel. There was a range of emotions stirring within her—fear, anticipation and deep, deep wanting. “There’s nothing to fear,” she assured Sylvia. “Just remember my teachings and you’ll be fine.” It actually felt like she’s convincing herself more than the woman.
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